Su Chen's sudden disappearance in the duel field made Thor, the God of Thunder, very confused.

The barrier around the duel field was still there, so how did Su Chen disappear?

What happened to the sudden burst of white light just now?

Thor, the Lord God of Thunder, couldn't understand.

God King Odin and God King Zeus were both very surprised.

The white light that burst out just now was the activation of the teleportation talisman.

Neither God King Zeus nor God King Odin thought that Su Chen would have teleportation from ancient times. symbol.

Odin looked at God King Zeus and asked,

"Zeus, that little priest is really lucky, he actually has a teleportation talisman from ancient times."

Zeus nodded quickly and replied,

"It was a bit lucky, but the teleportation talisman should be a random teleportation talisman. The young priest may have obtained the teleportation talisman accidentally."

Zeus is worried that Odin will misunderstand that the little priest's teleportation talisman was given to him.

He has already received compensation from Odin.

Zeus does not want Odin to misunderstand anything.


Odin didn't say more.

Today's duel is probably a day of shame for the Thunder God.

God King Odin also knows that protecting Thor, the Thunder God, will make the entire Nordic god system dissatisfied with him.

But so what?

Thunder God Thor is his son, and it is only natural for a father to protect his son. Besides, with his power as the God King, what if the gods of the Nordic pantheon are dissatisfied?

God Queen Frigga saw Su Chen running away, holding a smooth hand in her hands A smile appeared on her chin. It was beyond her expectation that the little priest could escape.

Teleportation talisman?

Queen Frigga did not expect that the little priest would have the teleportation talisman from ancient times.

Queen Hera, Demeter, and Avro After Dite and Sif saw Su Chen disappear, the four goddesses breathed a sigh of relief.

Demeter said:

"I didn't expect that the little priest actually had a teleportation talisman from ancient times. It seemed that the little priest was lucky this time."


"That little bastard is very mysterious, and he was very lucky to escape this time. If the Lord God of Thunder had tried his best to kill the little priest from the beginning, the little priest would have died here even if he had the teleportation talisman."

Hera, Queen of Gods:

"The little priest is a little lucky this time!

Xif frowned and asked in confusion,"Where will Su Chen be teleported?""

After God Queen Hera heard Sif's words, she was worried that Su Chen would take this opportunity to return to the ancient fairyland, and even worried that Su Chen's identity would be discovered by the gods of the Western God Realm.

God Queen Hera thought about it and said hurriedly ,

"That teleportation talisman is a random teleportation talisman. I don’t know where I will be teleported. Demeter, Aphrodite, we will return to Olympus immediately and mobilize our gods and troops to find Su Chen."


"Then leave immediately. I'm worried that Thor, the Lord of Thunder, will also look for the little priest."

Demeter and Aphrodite nodded immediately.

The little priest had been seriously injured.

They were also worried that if Su Chen was teleported to a dangerous area, the little priest might be in danger.

Sif looked at the Queen Hera The women said,"I'll leave with you."

God Queen Hera nodded and agreed,

"Well, Su Chen has already won the duel with Thunder God Thor. Sif, you are already Su Chen's fiancée. If you leave us, the gods of the Nordic pantheon won't say anything."

At this moment, in the stands around the duel field, the gods of the Nordic gods saw Su Chen suddenly disappearing. The gods here all disappeared into the duel field one by one. They were too lazy to look at the crazy thunder in the duel field. Lord God Thor.

In the Western God Realm, in the mortal world,

Su Chen appeared in a human city, and he fainted in a garden.

Su Chen's injuries were already serious, and he struggled to support himself in the duel field. After there was no more danger, Suchen could not hold on and fainted.

One day later,

Elena, the Queen of the Kingdom of Greece, came to the garden of the palace. She took a rest in the garden and prepared to deal with state affairs.

Elena When she stood up and was about to leave, she suddenly noticed a golden light flashing in the garden. Elena walked over curiously to see what was in the garden.

"Huh? How could someone faint here in the garden?"

Elena saw a man fainting in the garden covered in blood, and the armor he was wearing clearly showed that it was not a mortal thing. She guessed that the fainted man should be a god.

Elena was momentarily She didn't know what to do.

At this time,

Sethis came to the garden.

She saw Elena lowering her head in the garden and didn't know what she was looking at.

Sethis asked doubtfully,

"Elena, what are you looking at?"

When Elena heard what Sethis said, she hurriedly shouted,"Mother, there is a person fainted here, and he looks like a god."

Satis hurriedly walked over after hearing Elena's words.

She was very worried about Elena's safety. Elena was everything to her and her and Suchen's only daughter. Sethis wouldn't Putting Elena in danger

"Suchen? Su Chen, what's wrong with you?"

After Sethis arrived, she found that the person who fainted was Su Chen. She hurriedly hugged Su Chen regardless of the fact that Su Chen was covered in blood.

"Mother, this......Is this my father?" Elena was very surprised when she heard Sethis calling this person Su Chen, Su Chen? Isn't this her father's name? Could this unconscious man be her father Suchen? Sethis was a little flustered. He hurriedly ordered to Elena,

"Elena, this is your father. Call the medical officer quickly. Your father's injury is too serious."

"I'll go right away!"

At this moment, in the sea of ​​death, the goddess of death Hela smiled while holding the blood in the bottle.

The blood in this bottle was collected by her from the duel field, and it was also Su Chen's blood. Hela was very fond of Su Chen. She was so interested that she wanted to use Su Chen's blood to find the little priest.

After a while,

Hela opened her eyes with her eyes closed.

She looked at the blood in the bottle and smiled and said,"I found you, little priest. I want to see what's different about you and why all the heroines and gods can't forget you."

In the Greek palace,

Su Chen was lying on a soft big bed and fell asleep. Next to Su Chen, Sethis had been guarding Su Chen.

For more than ten years,

Sethis did not expect to meet Su Chen again, but Su Chen's condition made her very worried. Even the medical officer was helpless about Su Chen's injuries. She didn't know how Su Chen could be so seriously injured.

Elena looked at Sethis' worried look, and she was right Sethis comforted,

"Mother, don't worry, didn't you say that father is a god? Nothing will happen to him."

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