In the palace of Queen Hera, many gods and goddesses rushed over after being informed by Su Chen.

The sea god Poseidon was killed.

This was all expected by them, but this time In just over half a month, Poseidon was killed by Hades and Kraken, which was beyond their expectations.

Demeter looked around and asked suspiciously when she didn't find Su Chen,

"Queen God, where is Su Chen?"

"That bastard is taking a shower."

Goddess Hera was speechless to Su Chen.

That little bastard wanted to take a shower at the critical moment. She wanted to beat that little bastard.

But she had no choice.

As long as Goddess Hera got close to Su Chen, that little bastard would Bastards would touch her, but she had been staying away from Suchen for more than ten days.

Athena was very angry when she heard the words of Queen Hera,"What?" That little bastard had us all rushing over here and he was taking a shower?"

Demeter sat down and smiled and said,

"Haha, does the little bastard think of him as the God King? How dare you leave us here?"

A goddess with a very attractive figure was sitting next to the main god of hunting.

She looked at Artenis and said with a smile,"Artenis, why don't you go catch that little bastard out? Arthenis said angrily when he heard what the goddess said,"Why don't you go, Metes? That little bastard Suchen likes plump goddesses very much. Maybe Su Chen will like you.""

"laugh! I will not fall in love with a little priest, Arthenis. When I fought with God King Zeus, I saw the little priest hugging you and even touching you in the wrong place."

Arthenis was very confused when she heard Metes' words. She did not think that the goddess Metes would see what happened last time.

Arthenis felt that the goddesses looked at her with strange eyes.

She had a look on her face. She was so embarrassed that she wanted to refute, but this was the fact after all. Even if she said that it had not happened, the goddesses here would probably not believe it.


Goddess Hera looked at the goddesses saying nonsense, and she knocked He knocked on the table and said,

"Okay, let’s stop talking about these boring words. Let’s first discuss how to deal with the upcoming god king Zeus and the army of gods from the Nordic god system."

Athena stood up and said calmly,"Queen God, we can first destroy the God King Odin, and then wipe out the invading Nordic god army in one fell swoop. Hestia nodded and agreed,"This method is fine. We can destroy Odin just like we destroyed Zeus last time. This won't waste much time.""

Aphrodite shook her head and reminded,

"What if the army of gods from the Nordic pantheon suddenly attacked Mount Olympus? Our powerful main gods and goddesses are not here, and our army of gods will probably be defeated by the army of Nordic gods."

A goddess stood up and asked doubtfully,"That's right, should we divide our troops?"

"We cannot divide our troops, so it will be very difficult for us to kill God King Odin."

"What to do?"

"Yes, if we don’t divide our troops, we will have to face the God King Odin on the one hand, and the Nordic god army on the other."

"This is a bit difficult"

"It's a difficult choice. Where is the little priest? Why is it so slow to take a shower?"

"I'm almost depressed. I didn't expect that so many of our main gods and goddesses would have to rely on a middle god."

The main gods and goddesses sitting here were talking one after another, but in the end they didn't come up with any good ideas. They, the main gods and goddesses, could only wait for Su Chen to arrive to make a decision.

Queen Hera shook her head and waited. With Su Chen's arrival, it was difficult for her to make a decision now.

Athena sat down helplessly.

Although she was the goddess of wisdom and war, the choice this time was a bit difficult. Athena didn't know whether to gather the goddesses first After destroying the God King Odin, she divided her forces to deal with the Nordic god army and rob the God King Odin at the same time.

Elena sat and listened to the conversation of these main gods and goddesses.

She did not think about these goddesses talking for a while. , in the end it is up to her father to make the decision.

This makes Elena feel a little funny.

Elena thinks that it would be good if her father became the god king of the Greek god system.

In this way,

Elena will not only be a person in the prehistoric fairy world. The princess in heaven, the princess in Nanling in the wild world, or even the princess in the Greek god system. Elena found such an identity incredible when she thought about it. At this time,

Su Chen suddenly appeared in the hall, and he took a look Dozens of beautiful goddesses spoke,

"We're all here. Uh-huh, it's time for the meeting. How did your discussion go? Can anyone tell me the outcome of your discussion?"

When the goddesses saw Su Chen's appearance, they all shook their heads speechlessly. They all felt that Su Chen was the one who made the decision. They, the goddesses, seemed to be subordinates of this little priest.

Queen Hera shook her head helplessly. said,

"Su Chen, we can't decide what to do now. You'd better tell us your opinion and we'll make a decision after listening to it."

Su Chen sat down and said,

"Okay, I'll just tell you what I think."

"First of all, you will threaten the three main gods of Ares later and ask them to set out immediately to kill Thor, the main god of thunder, Loki, the main god of trickery, and Tyr, the main god of war and courage.

Demeter frowned and said to Su Chen,"Su Chen, let the three main gods of Ares set off now?" What if they betray us at this time?"

Su Chen shook his head and explained,

"No, Ares and the other three are not fools. They just want to betray. Will Odin accept them? Odin definitely wants to kill all the main gods in the Greek pantheon. The Nordic pantheon wants to dominate the Greek pantheon. Odin cannot leave any hidden dangers."

Goddess Hera and Athena all nodded.

Su Chen said yes.

If God King Odin keeps the three main gods of Ares, this will definitely be a huge hidden danger.

After all, the three main gods of Ares are Greek gods. The main gods of the system, if the Nordic system wants to change the beliefs of mortals in the Greek system, it is impossible for the three main gods of Ares to stay.

Athena looked at Suchen and continued to ask,

"Little bastard, how are we going to deal with God King Odin? And the army of gods from the Nordic pantheon?"

"This is also simple"


When Athena heard Su Chen say simple, she wanted to strangle this little bastard to death. Athena and the other goddesses discussed it for a long time, but they couldn't come up with a perfect solution. How could this little bastard say simple? Is she looking down on them? Goddess?

"Yes, it's very simple. Athena, you are the goddess of wisdom and war. Haven't you figured out a way?"

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