In the palace, after all the goddesses heard Nymph Fairy's report, they all looked at Su Chen.

Over the past month or so,

Su Chen has frequently written letters to the Northern European Goddess Frigga, and these other goddesses have heard about it.

However, the Nordic Queen Frigga came to Olympus during the war, which made the goddesses here very curious.

What letter did Su Chen write to the Queen Frigga?

Why did the God Queen Frigga risk her life to come to Olympus during the war?

When Su Chen heard the nymph's report, he immediately stood up and told Athena,

"Athena, you continue to preside over the meeting, and I will personally go to greet the God Queen Frigga."

Athena originally wanted to ask Su Chen some questions, but the little bastard disappeared in an instant, which made her look at the gossiping goddesses around her speechlessly.

She presided over the meeting?

Now these goddesses all looked curious. , and even talked to each other in a low voice.

Athena was still in charge, but she was also very curious about the arrival of the God Queen Frigga.

In the square of the Olympus Mountains, the God Queen Frigga looked around and counted several people. With tens of millions of armies of gods, she knew that the Olympus Mountains were also ready for war.

Queen Hera might have been preparing to go to war with Hades, King of Hades, or even the armies of gods from the Nordic gods. However, that little bastard among them was... What role did he play?

Su Chen suddenly appeared in the square.

He looked at the still beautiful Queen Frigga.

Su Chen said with a smile

"Queen Frigga, welcome to Olympus!"

When the surrounding armies of gods saw Su Chen's appearance, the armies of gods here saluted Su Chen one after another.

Although Su Chen was only a small priest, all the gods in Olympus Mountain knew about it.

Their main god, even the superior god The goddesses of the gods all obeyed the words of this little priest. Su Chen can be said to be the real controller of the Olympus Mountains. The gods of the Olympus Mountains did not dare to offend Su Chen. The

God Queen Frigga saw Su Chen When Chen appeared, she even saw all the surrounding god troops saluting this little bastard.

She was very surprised.

God Queen Frigga did not expect that this little bastard would have such power in the Olympus Mountains..

However, when Queen Frigga thought of the letter written by this little bastard, her face immediately turned cold.

"Little bastard, do you want to die?"

"Ahem, Queen God, I really love you. I wrote it clearly in the letter. Odin’s one-eyed old man is not worthy of the beautiful Queen God."

"Do you mean that you are the only one worthy of being the Queen?"

"Well, that’s right, look at me, I’m handsome and handsome, and I’m loved by everyone, and the whole Western God RealmOnly the handsome me can be worthy of the beautiful goddess."

"Shameless, you are such a shameless bastard."

Goddess Queen Frigga's chest was about to burst because of Su Chen's anger. She had never met such a shameless god before , this shameless little priest. He was loved by everyone and loved by everyone? He was also very handsome? This The little bastard is so unattractive

"Queen of God, let’s go to a place to talk!"

Su Chen suddenly took the hand of God Queen Frigga and disappeared.

This is a square after all, and tens of millions of gods' armies are gathered around it. Su Chen doesn't want to be looked at by these armies of gods like a monkey. At this moment, the square The tens of millions of armies of gods assembled on the mountain all had their eyes widened. They did not expect that the little priest actually took the hand of the Nordic God Queen and left.

This made the tens of millions of armies of gods here feel confused. With a ghostly expression, if it weren't for the time to assemble the army, the gods would probably start talking about it.

In the underworld,

Elena has been in the underworld for more than a month, and her father has never come to take her back.

In the underworld, she She was not interested in taking her with her anymore, but Su Chen did not come to pick her up, and the Queen of Hades did not want her to leave. Elena was very depressed now.

A nymph came to Elena and saluted,

"Princess Elena, the Queen of the Underworld lets you pass"


Elena is now the princess of the underworld. This was announced by the Queen of Hades in the underworld. Hades, the king of Hades, is not in the underworld. The queen of Hades, Persephone, is now respected in the underworld.

Elena curled her lips and looked towards Walking into the main hall, she now very much suspected that the Queen of Hades was probably her father's woman, otherwise, why would the Queen of Hades make her the princess of the underworld.

In the palace, when the Queen of Hades saw Elena arriving, she smiled at her Elena said,

"Elena, the war is about to begin. Don't wander around in the underworld anymore. I want to clean up the rest of King Hades and his army in the underworld. Elena hurriedly asked after hearing what Queen Hades said,"Queen of Hades, is the Nordic God System about to go to war with the Greek God System?""

"The war has already started. The Nordic Gods have already started a war with Hades. Your father should start a war in the next few days."

"Queen of the Underworld, then I will return to the Olympus Mountains. I want to participate in this war of the gods."

The Queen of Hades grabbed the excited Elena and said seriously,

"Be honest with me. Is a war between the gods something that a little scum like you can participate in? Elena, until the war between the gods ends, you will stay in the underworld."

"Isn't my father also a little scumbag?"

Elena was very unhappy when she heard that she was not allowed to leave.

The war between the gods!

This scene is probably very grand. She may never encounter such a scene in her life.

Elena doesn't want to miss it. The grand scene of the battle of gods.

But the Queen of Hades did not agree, and

Elena had no ability to leave the underworld.

The Queen of Hades shook her head when she heard Elena's words.

She liked this little girl very much, sweet... Sweet, smart, and very lively and cute, Queen Persephone has never been so happy in hundreds of thousands of years.

Queen Persephone looked at Elena's listless look, she shook her head and said,

"Elena, you can be more peaceful these days. If the war goes well, I will take you to see the War of the Gods."

"Wow, thank you, Queen of Hades."

In the sea, in the West African sea,

Queen Amphitrite looked at the order to prepare for the attack in her hand.

She looked very helpless.

Poseidon, the god of the sea, died in the battle, and even his soul did not escape. The sea army also suffered heavy casualties. The gods of the sea tribe will no longer be able to challenge Olympus.

"A little priest? What kind of little priest is this? Why do the main gods of Olympus and the high-ranking goddesses obey the orders of a minor priest?"

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