Ares and the three were very surprised when they heard the words of God King Odin.

Odin actually has an army of tens of millions here?

This place is deserted, how could there be an army?

God King Odin was so angry that he went crazy? Or is the God King Odin really hiding tens of millions of troops here?

God King Odin looked at the surprised three people and pointed here and said,

"You don’t need to be surprised. I have been collecting the corpses of gods who died in battles for hundreds of thousands of years. I have transformed tens of millions of corpses of gods into an army of heroes. This is the Hall of Heroes that I secretly built."

When the sun god Apollo heard Odin's words, he accused Odin angrily and said,"God's corpse? An army of heroic spirits? God King Odin, you are trampling on the corpse of the gods. Your behavior is not worthy of being a God King. Odin said to me nonchalantly,"Whatever, am I still a god-king now?""

Hephaestus shook his head and said to Apollo.

"Apollo, stop talking. Our top priority is to kill those goddesses and minor priests first. This matter is none of our business. There is no need for us to conflict with God King Odin."

Apollo and Ares looked at each other and said nothing.

They are now under the eaves and have to lower their heads. If they anger the God King Odin, they will probably be killed by the God King Odin.

"God King, quickly open your Hall of Heroes and summon your army of Heroes."

"Haha, okay, I'll drive now......Damn it, little priest, why did you come here early again?"

God King Odin laughed and was about to open the Hall of Valor, but he did not expect that Su Chen would appear in front of him again.

God King Odin looked around nervously. He would not let the little priest deceive him again this time. Ares and the others were very surprised when they saw Su Chen's sudden appearance.

They had just been discussing how to kill the goddesses and Su Chen, but they didn't expect that Su Chen would find this place. They were not sure about Su Chen's ability. It was even more unbelievable.

God King Odin looked around and laughed and said,

"Hahaha, little priest, you are dead this time. Those bitches from Hera have not arrived yet, yet you dare to come alone. I will not be fooled again this time."

Hephaestus took out a big hammer and shouted,

"God King, we killed the little priest, I can't help but kill the little priest now."

Hephaestus hated Su Chen with all his heart.

The beautiful God of Love Aphrodite was occupied by this little priest, and she even performed songs every night. This was the shame of his life. Hephaestus wanted to kill him. The little priest took back Aphrodite.

Su Chen folded his hands on his chest and said with a smile,

"God King Odin, you are a lost dog, Hephaestus, God of Love Aphrodite, I am very satisfied"

"you wanna die!"

"Little Priest, I will tear you into pieces!"

After God King Odin and Hephaestus heard Su Chen's words, they shouted and cursed at Su Chen with angry faces.

However, when they saw Su Chen's calm appearance, they were worried about Su Chen. There was another ambush here. God King Odin and Hephaestus also hurriedly checked the surrounding area. They didn't want to be surrounded by the goddesses of Hera who suddenly appeared to kill them.

Su Chen looked at Ares and Apollo and asked ,"Ares, Apollo, I'll give you a chance. Are you on the side of God King Odin?" Or are you on my side?"

Su Chen also heard what Apollo said to Odin just now. He felt that Ares and Apollo didn't really want to take refuge in the God King Odin.

Maybe they were threatened by Odin, or maybe they didn't want to die so they took refuge in the God King. Odin,

Su Chen doesn't care about these, they are just two main gods.

If Ares and Apollo are on his side, Su Chen will leave them and prepare to use them as cannon fodder.

Ares and Apollo are a little miserable. ,

Su Chen is the only one here.

But there is Odin, who is in the God King realm, next to him. How should Ares and Apollo choose?

"Little Priest, you are dead this time!"

God King Odin checked the surrounding area several times, but he did not find Hera or those goddesses. He looked at Su Chen and was about to kill this shameless little priest.

"Yeah? God King Odin, but I don’t think I will die here. Hephaestus shouted with a cruel look,"Little priest, today I will skin you and cramp you. I will definitely use the most cruel punishment method to make you die in agony.""

Su Chen ignored the ugly Hephaestus.

He looked at Ares and Apollo and said coldly,"Ares, Apollo, kill Hephaestus. What I did to you before You can forget about it"

"Little priest, you are seeking death!"


After Apollo shot back Hephaestus with an arrow, he shouted to Ares,"Ares, come together and kill Hephaestus." Ares took out the artifact sword and replied,

"Okay, I have long disliked this ugly guy."

"You are all traitors!"

Hephaestus didn't expect that Apollo and Ares would go back on their word, which made him very angry. This was the best time to kill Suchen, these two damn bastards.

Boom boom boom.......

Ares and Apollo didn't talk nonsense to Hephaestus, they quickly attacked Hephaestus.

Su Chen looked at Ares and Apollo to kill Hephaestus, and then he looked at the sullen God King Odin.

Su Chen found that God King Odin was still looking around, which made Su Chen Chen felt a little funny. For a majestic god king of the Nordic god system, Su Chen didn't expect him to be so cautious.

"God King Odin, have you discovered anything?"

The God King asked Su Chen alone with a serious look on his face,

"Little priest, I find that I don’t understand. The goddesses of Hera have not arrived yet, but you dare to appear here. Can you escape from me?"

"Who said they weren't here?"

God King Odin said disdainfully,

"Still want to deceive me? I have checked ten thousand miles around, but Hera and the goddesses are not around. There is no way you can escape from me this time."

Su Chen secretly released the God Queen Hera from the space prison, and he smiled and said to the God King Odin,

"Yeah? Hera, God King Odin said you are not here, please say hello to God King Odin."

"God King Odin, are you here?"

At that moment,

God Queen Hera appeared silently behind God King Odin.

God King Odin shouted in surprise when he saw Hera appearing,

"How can this be? Queen Hera, why did you appear silently? This is simply not possible."

Su Chen secretly released the Queen Frigga and said,

"God Queen Frigga, you also say hello to God King Odin. After all, God King Odin will die soon."

"Suchen, you are an shameless bastard."

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