Su Chen suddenly thought of his daughter Elena.

After that crazy girl played in the underworld for more than a month, it had been almost a month since she arrived in Asgard.

Elena seems to have forgotten that she is the queen of Greece and rides the three-headed hell dog around all day long.

Su Chen hadn't seen that girl for a few days.

Queen Hera smiled when she heard Su Chen's words and said,"Elena went to the Sea of ​​Stars. Don't worry, with the nymphs taking care of her, nothing will happen to Elena."

Su Chen shook his head and said said,

"Forget it, forget about that girl"

"Nymph, let the Queen of the Sea in"

"Yes, Queen of Gods!"

After a while, a beautiful woman wearing sea green came in. After she saw Su Chen and God Queen Hera on the throne of God, the beautiful woman immediately saluted and said,

"Amphitrite, Queen of the Sea, has met the King of Gods and the Queen of Gods!"

Su Chen didn't have any thoughts when he looked at the beautiful Queen of the Sea.

There are many beautiful goddesses in the Greek and Nordic gods. He would not be a big stallion like God King Zeus. When he saw beautiful women I just want to get it.

Besides, he already has enough women.

Su Chen doesn’t want his women to cheat on her in the future.

"Queen Hai, what’s the reason for your arrival this time?"

After Hai Hou heard what Su Chen said, she took out the golden trident, an artifact, and handed it to Su Chen, saying,"God King, the sea people are willing to submit to the God King in the future. I am here to dedicate the golden trident to the god. king."

Su Chen was not interested when he looked at the artifact Golden Trident.

Although the Golden Trident is a good artifact, it can only exert great power in the sea. If he wants the Golden Trident, it will be useless,

Su Chen thought After thinking about it he said,

"I am very happy that the Sea Tribe is willing to submit to me. Queen of the Sea, you will be the new Lord God of the Sea from now on. You will still keep the golden trident. I hope you will not betray me in the future."

Hai Hou heard Su Chen's words and hurriedly knelt down and swore,

"No, I, Amphitrite will be absolutely loyal to the God King from now on, and will never betray the God King in the future. I swear by the sea, if Amphitrite betrays the God King in the future, I am willing to be annihilated by the sea."

The Queen of the Sea did not expect that Su Chen did not ask for the golden trident, and even named her the new Poseidon.

This made her very happy.

Queen Amphitrite felt that this time was not in vain. Su Chen was indeed A good god king, she no longer has to worry about Su Chen destroying the Sea Clan.

Su Chen nodded and said,"Get up, I believe in you, Amphitrite"

"Thank you God King!"

"Amphitrite, you will stay for a while. We have a meeting today and you will also attend later."

"Yes, God King!"

Su Chen started talking to Amphitrite in the hall. He was also very interested in the Sea Clan. One of his women was a mermaid. Su Chen also wanted to know if there were mermaids among the gods of the Sea Clan. After a while


Queen Frigga and the other main gods all arrived one after another. Except for the queen of the underworld who did not come, all the other main gods arrived.

Su Chen looked at the more than 20 beautiful main gods who were working, and he stood up He said seriously,

"Dear goddesses, today I want to announce two orders"

"First, I will be in seclusion for a period of time. I will come out before the start of the Realm War. The Greek pantheon is managed by the Queen Hera, and the Nordic pantheon is managed by the Queen Frigga."

"The underworld is jointly managed by Hela, the goddess of death, and the queen of Hades. The ocean is managed by Amphitrite, the queen of the sea. All the armies of gods in the two pantheon are commanded by Athena, with Arthenis and Hestia as deputy commanders."

"Second, before the start of the realm war, our army of gods will be expanded to 200 million. The Greek and Nordic gods will each prepare an army of 60 million gods. The underworld will prepare an army of 40 million, and the sea people will also prepare an army of 40 million."

"Demeter, Aphrodite, Arthenis, Hestia, Sif, and Freya, the six of you form an army of one million high-ranking gods."

"All the high-ranking gods in the Greek pantheon and the Norse pantheon are selected by you. This is our most powerful army of gods and a powerful army prepared for the realm war."

The goddesses in the hall all nodded when they heard Su Chen's words.

They all guessed that Su Chen was practicing in seclusion. After all, Su Chen's strength was too weak. Su Chen also wanted to improve his strength as soon as possible.

But why this time? Do we need to prepare an army of 200 million gods?

In the previous realm wars, the three god systems combined only had about 100 million god armies, but less than one-tenth of them could come back.

The immortals in the prehistoric fairyland were too powerful, and the three god systems The army could only break through the periphery and seize some cultivation resources. Why did Su Chen prepare an army of 200 million gods this time? When

Hestia, the God of Stoves, heard Su Chen's words, she frowned and said

"God King, we cannot use an army of 200 million to attack the Great Desolate Immortal Realm. The Great Desolate Immortal Realm is very powerful. Of the 200 million divine armies, only less than 20 million will be able to return by then."

"Even if we break through the frontier fortress of Buddhism in the ancient world, the other gods in the ancient world will fight us off. This is not good for our two gods at all."

"Our two pantheons will also suffer heavy casualties due to the realm war. The God of the god pantheon, Jehovah, may launch a war of gods against us when we are weak."

Su Chen took a sip of tea and said with a smile,"Who said I want to attack the prehistoric fairyland? Hestia heard Su Chen's words and asked doubtfully,"God King, aren't we preparing for a realm war?" Are we not going to attack the prehistoric fairyland? Are you going to attack the wild world?"

Su Chen shook his head and said,

"We won’t attack the wild world either!"

"So where should we attack?"

Hestia didn't understand.

Since Su Chen didn't attack the Great Desolate Immortal Realm or the Wilderness World, the Western Divine Realm would only be adjacent to these two realms. He would not attack the Great Desolate Fairy World or the Savage World. Hess Tia couldn't imagine where Su Chen was going to attack.

Queen Hera, Queen Frigga, Athena, Sif, Aphrodite, the goddesses all knew what Su Chen was going to do and what Su Chen was doing. True identity.

Half a month ago, after they learned about Su Chen's identity, they, the goddesses, were also very shocked.

The Emperor of the Heavenly Court of the Ancient Immortal Realm, a middle god, turned out to be the Emperor of Heaven in the Ancient Immortal Realm, and they were basically the same. Entering the ancient fairy world, no wonder Su Chen has endless amounts of top-grade fairy fruits, and even the top-grade spiritual stones in Su Chen's hand are inexhaustible.

"Haha, we are going to launch a massive attack on the God system at the beginning of the realm war. I want to destroy the God system."

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