Su Chen was very surprised when he heard Gaia's words,

Chaos Demon God?

How could the Chaos Demon come to this dead world again? Are there any other treasures in the Western God Realm that the Chaos Demon God cares about?

Su Chen looked at the barrier of the Western Heavenly Dao and couldn't understand. The Heavenly Dao in the Western God Realm has died, and even its origin has been taken away. What is the purpose of the Chaos Demon God's arrival this time?

"Gaia, are there any other treasures in the Western God Realm that the Chaos Demon God cares about?"

"No, the Western God Realm is a dead God Realm. There are no other treasures here. If there are still treasures, it would have been impossible for the Chaos Demon God to let them go millions of years ago."

"No? This Chaos Demon God, can you tell what kind of Chaos Demon God it is?"

"The Demon God of Desire, this is the Demon God of Desire among the Chaos Demon Gods."

Holy crap!

The Demon God of Desire?

The source of life?

The source of life that can make people confused and obsessed?

Damn it!

The Demon God of Desire must be looking for the source of life, and even the source of life is hidden in the barrier of heaven by the Demon God of Desire..

Su Chen's face turned ugly.

He felt that what the Demon King of Desire was looking for was the source of life.

If the Demon King of Desire found his and Gaia's breath in the small pool of the Source of Life, Su Chen and Gaia would be in danger. Desire The devil would definitely not let him and Gaia go.

Su Chen hurriedly shouted to Gaia,

"Gaia, take me away from the Western God Realm quickly. I can’t stay here anymore. The Demon God of Desire will definitely come to find the source of life. Even the source of life belongs to the Demon God of Desire. We will definitely be discovered by the Demon God of Desire. We must leave as soon as possible."


Gaia's expression changed when she heard Su Chen's words.

She felt that Su Chen was right.

The Demon God of Desire might really be looking for the source of life.

It's even possible that after the war, the Demon God of Desire secretly hid the Source of Life. Tell the other Chaos Demon Gods that this time the Desire Demon God comes to take away the source of life.

Gaia looked at the Tiandao Barrier and grabbed Su Chen and disappeared instantly.

Gaia is just a saint in the second level of the realm. She is simply no match for the Demon God of Desire in the Fifth Level of the Saint Realm. Now she can only take Su Chen to the ancient fairyland, otherwise, they will all be killed by the Demon God of Desire.

Boom boom boom.....

"Little bugs, if you dare to steal this demon's treasure, you won't be able to escape."

At this time, the Western God Realm was shaken, and a huge angry cry spread throughout the Western God Realm.

In the Western God Realm, mountains collapsed, volcanoes erupted, and rivers poured in. The whole scene looked like a doomsday, and countless creatures After being knocked unconscious, all the gods and mortals in the Western God Realm were trembling.

"What's going on? That voice just now was so powerful."

In the Asgard Palace,

God Queen Hera and God Queen Frigga were also frightened by this huge sound. They did not expect that there was such a powerful god in the Western God Realm, this god who made angry sounds. , is he also a saint?

Frigga said hurriedly with a pale face,

"Hera, this must also be a saint, but he should not be a saint in our Western God Realm. Gaia said that she is the only saint in the Western God Realm."

God Queen Hera nodded and said worriedly,"Well, that demon god's treasure was stolen, so why is he so angry? Could it be Gaia and Suchen?"

"Not sure! Frigga shook her head and replied.

She felt that Gaia and Su Chen might have done this.

Su Chen and Gaia had been away for more than ten days without any news. Another saint suddenly appeared in the Western God Realm. Lijia felt that this had something to do with Gaia and Suchen

"I hope it wasn't that little bastard who provoked this devil"


In the Greek palace, the ruthless empress looked towards the far west with a wary face.

She did not expect that besides Gaia, there was a saint in the Western God Realm, and this saint made her feel very scary. This saint The strength was too powerful.

Elena's face was pale and she asked the ruthless empress,"Auntie, what's going on?"

Elena thought of the angry and terrifying screams just now, and she was still very panicked. If the ruthless empress hadn't resisted for her just now, Elena would have been stunned. The ruthless empress said with a cold face," Another saint appears in the Western God Realm"

"What? Another saint has arrived? So this saint is so angry, did he have his treasure stolen by my father?"

"Nine times out of ten, yes."

Elena shouted when she heard the ruthless empress' words,

"Oh my God, my father just provoked a female giant saint. It has only been more than ten days. Why did he provoke a terrifying saint again? Does my father think he is too lucky?"

"Your father can't die"

"I know, but my dad is such a troublemaker."

In the chaos,

Gaia took Su Chen quickly towards the prehistoric fairyland.

Su Chen was held in Gaia's arms in confusion. He felt like he was going to be suffocated to death by Gaia's mountains.

Let's go.!

I won’t be the first god to be suffocated like this, right?

However, this feeling is really good.

While Su Chen was enjoying Gaia’s soft mountains, he was also very depressed.

He felt like being held by Gaia like this. Running away, Su Chen felt that the man's dignity had been trampled on.

But now the situation was stronger than the others. They were running for their lives. Although Su Chen was depressed, there was no other way.

Su Chen turned around and found that he was now being led by Gaia. Arriving in Chaos, surrounded by the evil energy of Chaos,

Su Chen was frightened and hurriedly hugged Gaia's body and asked,"Gaia, how did we get to Chaos? Isn't it possible to directly reach the prehistoric fairyland from the Western God Realm? Gaia looked down at Su Chen and explained,

"The Chaos Demon God will definitely check the link channel between the Western God Realm and the Ancient Immortal Realm. If we want to go to the Ancient Immortal Realm from the link channel, the Chaos Demon God will definitely find out."

"Oh I see!"

Su Chen nodded after hearing Gaia's words.

It is indeed safest for them to go to the Immortal Realm from Chaos.

The Demon God of Chaos may be able to view the entire Western God Realm in an instant. If they leave the Western God Realm through the link channel, the Demon God of Chaos will definitely Discover

"No, Su Chen, the demon of desire found us."


Gaia hurriedly shouted to Su Chen.

Su Chen did not expect that the Chaos Demon God would find them, so he hurriedly asked Gaia,"Gaia, how long will it take before we can reach the prehistoric immortal world?"

Gaia said anxiously,

"Even if I try my best to get there, it will take about ten more."

Su Chen shouted when he heard Gaia's words,"About ten days? Damn it, it will take more than ten days for a saint like you to go all out? Is this prehistoric fairyland so far away?"

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