Gaia did not expect that the Demon God of Desire would activate the Law of Desire on her.

Although she had been wary of the Demon God of Desire, after she became a Titan, the Demon God of Desire was beaten by her and was unable to fight back. Gaia was also careless about the Demon God of Desire. The law of desire, she now feels that her desire is constantly being aroused, and even her face is starting to get hot.

"Chaos Bell, suppress it!"

At this time,

Su Chen also rushed over.

His face turned dark when he saw Gaia's situation.

Su Chen didn't care about Gaia now. He hurriedly took out the Chaos Clock to stop the escaping Demon God of Desire.


Chaos Clock When the Demon God of Desire appeared in the sky in an instant, the Demon God of Desire who was about to escape was immobilized.

Su Chen saw that the Chaos Clock had immobilized the Demon God of Desire. He knew how long it would take for the Demon God of Chaos to be immobilized.

Su Chen hurriedly shouted to Gaia," Gaia, wake me up and kill the Demon of Desire quickly"

"Oh, go to hell!"

After Gaia heard what Su Chen said, she waved the Dinghai Shenzhen and attacked angrily.

The Demon God of Desire did not expect to be immobilized by a little golden fairy. When he saw that the one who immobilized him was the innate treasure, the Queen of Chaos Clock, Desire The Demon God was very surprised.

Is this the Chaos Clock from the Ancient Immortal Realm?

This little golden fairy turned out to be an Immortal from the Ancient Immortal Realm?

When the Demon God of Desire heard Su Chen’s cry, he saw Gaia attacking with the huge Dinghai Needle, and he felt in his heart He wanted to run away in fear, but he was immobilized by the Chaos Clock, and the Demon God of Desire could not escape for a while.

"No......." boom!

"Space prison!"

"Space is destroyed!"

"Space cutting!"

"Space storm!"

"Space wind blade!"

Su Chen saw Gaia shattering the body of the Demon God of Desire.

He hurriedly trapped the Demon God of Desire's soul with a space prison, and even hurriedly launched the space attack law. Su Chen wanted to quickly annihilate the Demon God of Desire's soul.

Desire. The Demon God is a powerful saint.

The space prison cannot imprison the powerful soul of the Demon God of Desire. Su Chen cannot give the Demon God of Desire's soul time to react. He will annihilate the Demon God of Desire's soul in an instant.

"I'm not willing to give in, I want the devil......."

In just over a breath, the spirit of the Demon God of Desire was annihilated by the law of space attack, and the Demon God of Desire of the Saint's Fifth Heaven was completely dead.

"Su Chen, hurry up, I've fallen into the law of desire of the Demon God of Desire."

At this time,

Gaia arrived quickly and shouted to Su Chen,

"I'm the one who fucked him!

Gaia is now hundreds of meters tall, how can he save himself?

" Su Chen looked at the titan Gaia, who was hundreds of meters tall, and his face The black one is going to turn around and leave, damn it!

He has just been able to conquer Gaia, which is already three meters tall. How can Su Chen conquer

Gaia, a titan that is hundreds of meters tall ? Su Chen picked up the spiritual treasure of the Demon God of Desire. After leaving the black tower, he shouted to Gaia,"Gaia, recover quickly, how can I save you if you are like this?"" After Gaia heard Su Chen's words with a confused look, her body quickly shrunk. After a few breaths, Gaia returned to its original three-meter-tall body. After Gaia recovered, she waved her hand with a red face. Disappeared with Su Chen


In the prehistoric fairy world, the Buddhist sect finally discovered that something was wrong. Although

Wuchao interpreter Lu Ya had not caught it yet, Duobao Tathagata had disappeared for three or four months. After the Buddhist sect dispatched all the strong men to look for Lu Ya, Duobao Tathagata had disappeared. Duobao never came back, and Duobao couldn't even be found. This shows that Duobao used Lingbao to cover up the secret of heaven. At Lingshan Buddhism, Zhunti walked around the interpretation room with an angry look on his face. He did not expect that the Tathagata Many Treasures would disappear completely, and he could not even find it. Zhunti shouted angrily,

"Damn it, Duobao Tathagata is probably the real murderer. Senior brother, what should we do now?"

Jie Yin sighed and said helplessly,

"Alas, junior brother, Lu Ya will continue to search. I will send a message to our main body and ask them to check whether Duobao Tathagata has escaped to other realms."

Jie Yin knew that Duobao Tathagata had a gloomy mind and even had deep calculations.

However, Duobao Tathagata was already the real ruler of Buddhism in addition to them being brothers. Why would Duobao Tathagata collude with other realms? He What are the benefits of doing this? Zhunti asked doubtfully,

"Western God Realm? Senior brother, do you think Duobao escaped to the Western God Realm?"

Jie Yin shook his head and explained,

"No, Duobao Tathagata will not escape to the Western God Realm. Duobao Tathagata is very smart. He knows that it is impossible to escape our pursuit by escaping to the Western God Realm. Duobao Tathagata may either escape to Chaos or escape to wild realm"

"Senior brother, we have more than two months until the time agreed with Heaven. If we cannot hand over the Tathagata Many Treasures by then, Heaven will definitely not give up."

"Junior brother, we should go all out to find Lu Ya first. We were talking about Lu Ya at the time. As long as we find Lu Ya, even if Heaven knows that Lu Ya is not the murderer, we can still buy some time to find Duobao Tathagata."

"Well, this is also a way."

In the ancient heaven, the good corpse of Nuwa has been in the heaven during this time.

She also brought news about Su Chen in the Western God Realm, and even the fact that Su Chen became the king of gods in the Western God Realm. Wa's good corpse also told the Queen Mother and the other girls.

In the Yaochi Immortal Palace, the Queen Mother and the Golden Spirit Holy Mother were all sitting together. This time, the Demon Saint Qinyuan and the Demon Saint Shang Yang of the Demon Clan were also there, and even Nuwa The empress's good corpse and Xihe also appeared in the Yaochi Immortal Palace.

The Holy Mother Jin Ling looked at the others and asked,"Do you want Su Yan to be captured?

The Queen Mother shook her head and said,"Forget it, Su Yan has Guanyin Bodhisattva and Our Lady of Wudang by his side. Nothing will happen to her. But does Su Chen want to notify him to come back?" Yun

Xiao smiled at the others and asked,"You guys think, since Su Chen has conquered the Western God Realm, will he still have to fight the Western God Realm in the realm war four hundred years later?" Chang

Xi stretched his waist and said,

"Yunxiao, Su Chen has solved two of the three divine systems in the Western God Realm. He has not yet solved the most powerful divine system. We should wait for Su Chen to come back and ask about the situation in the Western God Realm before making a judgment. Chang'e said with a smile,

"Haha, you say, Su Chen is just a little golden immortal, how did he bring about the death of God King Zeus and God King Odin in the quasi-holy realm? Even became the god king of two gods?"

"It must be because of women."

Queen Mother Xi could guess without thinking that

Su Chen, that bastard, is very good at dealing with women. No matter what kind of woman she is, that little bastard can handle her.

Queen Mother Xi guessed that

Su Chen must have dealt with the powerful goddess in the Western God Realm this time.

"Well, that makes sense."

The other girls nodded.

They all knew Su Chen very well.

This time,

Su Chen must have taken down those powerful goddesses, and even united with those powerful goddesses to kill the god kings of the two gods.

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