When Su Chen saw Gaia rushing over to join the fight, he hurriedly stopped the giantess with a dark face.

Gaia was at the second level of the saint realm.

Among the six saints in the prehistoric fairyland, the lowest level was The Saint is in the fourth heaven. I am afraid that the Saint is in the realm of the Sixth and Seventh Heaven. Is Gaia going up now to deliver food?

After Gaia heard what Su Chen said, she blushed and looked at Su Chen in embarrassment.

Gaia thought that with her strength, even if she went, she would only get beaten. She didn't want Nuwa and the three saints to fight just now. She stays here and does nothing

"Tai Chi Tu, suppress it!"

"Pangu Banner, suppress it!"

"Qingping sword, give it to me.....Uh, attack!"

"Twelve-grade golden lotus of merit, stop it from me!"

"Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree, block it from me!"

"The map of mountains and rivers, the Kongtong seal, block it from me!"

Boom boom boom boom.....

Outside the barrier of the ancient immortal world, the powerful attacks of the six saints and the powerful spiritual treasure attacks shattered the surrounding space.

In the distance,

Su Chen is on Gaia's protection.Looking at the battle between the six saints and the powerful spiritual treasure attacks,

Su Chen was also very shocked.

Although Su Chen also had an innate treasure in his hand, he could not exert the power of the innate treasure at all. but!

Among the six saints, the spiritual treasures of Master Tongtian are simply not good enough.

Although the Qingping Sword is powerful, it pales in comparison to the spiritual treasures of the saints here.

Su Chen sat on Gaia's shoulders and shook his head and said,"The miserable Master Tongtian doesn't even have a powerful spiritual treasure."

Su Chen thought of Master Tongtian's four swords and formations of Zhuxian, and was first taught and harmed by others. The Chanjiao was divided up, and later it was acquired by itself.

The Four Formations and Formations of Zhuxian were originally taken away by Wudang Holy Mother,

Wudang Holy Mother!

Our Lady of Golden Spirit!

Fairy Yunxiao!

The three girls were preparing to rearrange the Immortal Killing Sword Formation, but they seemed to have one person missing.

The Turtle Spirit Holy Mother among the three Holy Mothers of the Jie Cult had died. Su Chen felt that they might have to choose the remaining candidate from Fairy Qiongxiao and Fairy Qiongxiao. Choose one of the Bixiao fairies.

After Gaia heard what Su Chen said, she looked at the six saints in the battle with confusion, the miserable leader Tongtian?

Don’t have a powerful spiritual treasure?

Isn’t the Lingbao Qingping Sword of Master Tongtian very powerful? Su Chen is so good at talking about the miserable leader Tongtian?


Gaia suddenly discovered the spiritual treasures in the hands of several other saints. Those spiritual treasures were more powerful than the spiritual treasures of Tongtian Cult Leader.

Especially the Tai Chi Diagram and the Pangu Flag, these two innate treasures, she felt the powerful aura here.

Gaia also understood what he meant.

At this moment, the strong men in the Great Desolate Immortal World felt the vibrations in the Great Desolate Immortal World, and they were all very surprised.

Saints at war?

And there are still six saints fighting at the same time?

What on earth is going on?

Why did the six saints fight among themselves? Moreover, the six saints started fighting at the same time.

The quasi-sages in the Great Desolate Immortal Realm were looking towards the outer realm of the Great Desolate Immortal Realm. They did not expect that the Heavenly Emperor Su Chen was also in the Outer Land of the Prehistoric Immortal Realm, and that the Heavenly Emperor Su Chen was sitting on the shoulders of a female giant.


That giantess is actually a saint?

The quasi-sages in the prehistoric fairy world were all stunned.

Emperor Su Chen actually sat on the shoulders of a female saint?

What the hell is this?

"Why did the six saints fight? And the Heavenly Emperor Su Chen is also in the outer realm of the prehistoric fairyland?"

"Let me go, do you think this was caused by Emperor Su Chen again?"

"It's possible, very possible. It's been only four months since the Zhoutian Star Formation last attacked Buddhism. Emperor Su Chen has caused trouble again. This time he even provoked a fight among the saints."

"Alas, since Heavenly Emperor Su Chen became Heavenly Emperor, the world of immortality has never been quiet. Every time Heavenly Emperor Su Chen stirs up things, it is earth-shattering."

"Haha, this is the ancient fairyland. If it’s not lively, would it still be the ancient fairyland?"

"Who do you think that giantess saint is? Why is the Emperor Su Chen sitting on her shoulders?"

"I don’t know, it should be a saint from another realm, but the Emperor Su Chen is actually sitting on the shoulders of a female giant saint. This is unreasonable!"

"Haha, tell me, will the female giant saint be captured by the Emperor Su Chen?"

"It's possible, very possible!"

At this time, in the ancient heaven, the Queen Mother and other women also discovered Su Chen. Even Su Chen was sitting on the shoulders of a female giant saint.

They could see clearly.

These women were all covered with black lines on their heads. Speechless

"Damn it, that bastard kidnapped a giantess saint, and their relationship is not ordinary."

"That little bastard is getting stronger and stronger, and now he can even subdue a saint."

"Haha, there seems to be no woman that Su Chen can't deal with."

"That bastard is a pervert!"

"Should we go outside the prehistoric fairyland? Why do those saints fight? Should we go and find out?"

"No, the battle between the six saints is not something we can get close to. We should wait for Su Chen to come back and ask about the situation."

In the Yaochi Fairyland, after the Queen Mother and the Golden Spirit Holy Mother talked one after another, they all looked at the battle outside the prehistoric fairyland. They also wanted to know why the six saints were fighting, and whether it was the bastard Su Chen who started it this time.

I was very anxious when I saw the three saints who were intercepting them. They were running out of time. If these three saints didn't get out of the way, their Sanqing might really be doomed.

"Nuwa, Zhunti, Jieyin, get out of the way quickly. You should know our difficulty. If we cannot kill Gaia within a quarter of an hour, we will all be annihilated."

Nuwa Empress refused with a cold face,"Sorry, not this time!"

When the original Tianzun heard Nuwa's refusal without hesitation, he shouted angrily,"Damn it, if we die, it will be hard for you. Daozu will take away your Hongmeng Purple Qi, and you will all be dead by then. Fall from the holy throne."

I also continued to dissuade you,

"You must think clearly, after falling to the holy throne, you will be nothing. The Emperor of Heaven is the only one in the ancient immortal world, and your future situation will definitely be very difficult."

Zhunti and Jieyin were shaken when they heard what I said and Yuanzi.

If they were really extracted from the Hongmeng Purple Qi and fell to the holy position, they would really be nothing. If they are not saints, no one in the prehistoric immortal world will respect them anymore. They, and even Heaven may take the opportunity to destroy them and Buddhism

"Don't believe what I and Yuan said. They are trying to scare you. In the prehistoric immortal world, the prehistoric heaven is the boss. Without the permission of the prehistoric heaven, does that old bastard Hongjun dare to extract your Hongmeng purple energy?"

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