Hongjun found that he still underestimated Su Chen.

This little golden immortal knew too much about the Meteorite Pill. Only he and the six saints knew about it. It was impossible for the six saints to reveal the Meteorite Pill. Su Chen How do you know the existence of Meteor Saint Pill?

Hongjun felt that Su Chen would be his biggest enemy in the future, even more threatening than the Chaos Demon God Yang Mei.


Hongjun is not able to deal with Su Chen yet. With the prehistoric way of heaven, he simply cannot take action against Su Chen.

Su Chen spoke nonsense without any shame,"Meeting Holy Pill? This is the information given to me by the ancient heaven. I am the son of the heaven, and I know everything that happened in the ancient world.""

"Haha, Son of Heaven?"

Hongjun burst out laughing when he heard Su Chen's words.

Tiandao is just a manager of the ancient immortal world who can think emotionally, but this little golden fairy is still talking nonsense in front of him.

Su Chen didn't care when he heard Hongjun's laughter.

However, he has said so much and delayed it for so long.

Why hasn’t the prehistoric heaven arrived yet? Could it be that the prehistoric law has not arrived yet?Dao fell asleep again?

Gaia was standing next to Su Chen with a confused look on her face.

She didn't understand at all what Su Chen just said.

Gaia didn't understand the ancient world of immortality. She felt like she was listening to what Su Chen said. Gaia only knew that Hongjun was an old scheming man who even planned a terrible thing.

In the prehistoric fairy world, many quasi-sages were very confused when they looked outside the prehistoric realm.

The battle between the six saints, the appearance of Dao Ancestor Hongjun, and even Dao Ancestor Hongjun attacked the Emperor of Heaven Su Chen, and now,

Dao Ancestor Hongjun actually started talking to Emperor Su Chen. Although they, the quasi-sages, didn't know the content of the conversation, they all felt that it was definitely not a good thing.

In the heavenly court, the Queen Mother and the other girls originally saw Su Chen being attacked, and they all wanted to go to the rescue.

However, they saw that the attacker was Daozu Hongjun, and now Su Chen actually started talking to Daozu Hongjun again.

The women were stunned

"Do we still want to go there?"

"Go, since Daozu Hongjun attacked Su Chen, I'm afraid he won't let it go."

"Yes, Chang Xi, you prepare the Zhoutian Star Formation. Although these are useless, we can give Su Chen a chance to escape."

"Okay, Chang'e and I will prepare now"

"Wait, Su Chen is fine. Just now the main body has sent news that the Great Desolate Heavenly Way is outside the Great Desolate Territory. With the Great Desolate Heavenly Way present, Taoist Ancestor Hongjun does not dare to take action against Su Chen."

"Then we'll wait and see"

"Why did that little bastard offend Daozu Hongjun this time?"

In the Yaochi Fairyland, the girls talked for a while and decided to wait.

Since the good corpse of the Nuwa Empress said that there is a prehistoric heaven, they are not worried that Su Chen will be killed by Hongjun. Su Chen is in the prehistoric fairyland. The Emperor of Heaven, it is impossible for the ancient ways of heaven to let Hongjun kill Su Chen.

At this moment, outside the realm of the ancient immortal world,

Su Chen, Hongjun, the six saints, and Gaia, none of them spoke anymore. They were also waiting for the appearance of the ancient ways of heaven. He is also waiting for the punishment of Hongjun by the ancient heaven.

Hongjun is also very uneasy now.

What he is most worried about is that the ancient heaven will expel him from Cai Tiandao. If Hongjun is expelled by the ancient heaven, then he will really It's over. As long as the Great Desolate Heaven doesn't expel him, Hongjun still has a chance to annex the Great Desolate Heaven, and his many years of planning will have a chance to be implemented again. The six saints are all very confused now.

The Great Desolate Heaven has arrived early tomorrow, why didn't he show up? ?

It stands to reason that the Eye of Prehistoric Heaven should have appeared a long time ago. Isn't the Prehistoric Heaven ready to show up?

Su Chen's face turned dark at this moment. If the Prehistoric Heaven did not appear again, Gaia would definitely be killed by Hongjun.

A quarter of an hour?

This It's been almost half an hour.

Didn't the system girl get it done?

Or was the way of heaven deceived by Hongjun again?


If the way of heaven was deceived by Hongjun, Hongjun would have killed Gaia long ago. He couldn't have been there all the time. Waste of time here

"God, are you asleep? Don't sleep, something big has happened, come out quickly."

Su Chen couldn't help it anymore.

He wanted to take Gaia into the Immortal Realm after taking down Hongjun as soon as possible.

Su Chen still had many things to worry about. Why did Su Yan come to the Immortal Realm like this? Why did Hongjun want to kill Gaia



What is so special about Gaia? He must figure this out as soon as possible.


There was a loud noise, and in the sky outside the prehistoric fairy world, a huge Eye of Heaven appeared.

It was cold, ruthless, majestic, and even made people look at it. Looking at Su Chen indifferently with the fearful Eye of Heaven.

Come on!

The ancient Heaven has been here for a long time?

Then why didn't it appear?

Well, wouldn't Heaven not appear if we don't summon the Heaven?

Su Chen saw the Eye of Heaven appear,

He thought that it was no wonder that Hongjun had not dared to take action. It turned out that the ancient law of heaven had arrived a long time ago. When

Gaia saw the appearance of the ancient heaven, her body trembled. The heaven of the ancient immortal world was much more powerful than the heaven of the yin and yang realm. She Looking at the Eye of Heaven, I was very frightened. Gaia was like an insignificant ant in front of the ancient Heaven. The six great saints looked at Su Chen and were speechless.

The ancient Heaven had arrived long ago, but never appeared.

Su Chen Unexpectedly, as soon as he called the Great Desolate Tiandao, the Great Desolate Tiandao appeared. They all felt that the Great Desolate Tiandao loved Su Chen too much.

Hongjun looked at the Great Desolate Tiandao with a gloomy face.

He was at the tenth level of the saint realm, but he still couldn't see it. The strength of the ancient heaven is revealed.

This is probably the twelfth level of the peak saint realm.

The twelfth level of the saint is one level and one reaches the sky.

The strength gap in each realm is very large.

Hongjun did not expect that the prehistoric heaven has been weakened. It's still so powerful. It's even more powerful than the Heavenly Dao a year ago. Hongjun couldn't understand what was going on.

Su Chen looked at the Great Heavenly Dao and shouted,

"Tiandao, you should know what happened today. Hongjun is a big villain who endangers the ancient world of immortality. You should punish Hongjun severely, preferably by depriving him of his holy status."


Hongjun couldn't help but cursed when he heard Su Chen's words, damn the little scumbag, deprived of his holy status?

Doesn't this mean he should die?

Hongjun thought that if he was deprived of his holy status by the prehistoric way of heaven, not to mention Su. Chen, this little scumbag, even the six saints next to him would not let him go. When the six saints heard Su Chen's words, their eyes lit up, and they all looked at Hongjun.

If Hongjun was deprived of his holy status, they would all They attacked Hongjun mercilessly and

Hongjun's calculations against the six saints. They were previously afraid of Hongjun's powerful strength and did not dare to be dissatisfied. But after Hongjun was deprived of his holy status, what did they care about?


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