【Here is a spoiler: the protagonist must have his own realm and heaven. The prehistoric fairy world is not suitable for the development of the protagonist. The Three Thousand Realm War will break out in the future. 】

Laozi and the five great saints of Zhunti were very happy when they heard that Su Chen was leaving the Great Desolate Immortal World.

There was no Emperor Su Chen in the Great Desolate Immortal World, and they did not have to worry about their sect and disciples being destroyed by Su Chen, or even in the future. The prehistoric fairy world will still be under their control.

Hongjun was very surprised when he heard Su Chen's words.

He did not expect that Su Chen would leave the

Great Desolate Immortal World. Su Chen was not only the Emperor of Heaven but also the real controller of the Great Desolate Immortal World. But why did he give up the Great Desolate Immortal World? ?

Was it because he was almost killed by a thunderstorm from heaven?

Boom boom boom......

At this time,

Gaia's saintly power shook the prehistoric fairy world. This was because Gaia did not dare to be hostile to the prehistoric fairy world, otherwise the prehistoric heaven would probably bring another thunder disaster to her.

After Su Chen was ready in Gaia, he stood up with difficulty and loudly announced to the prehistoric fairy world,

"To the creatures in the prehistoric fairy world, I am Su Chen, the one who ahem...Emperor Su Chen"

"However, from now on, I, Su Chen, am no longer the Emperor of Heaven in the ancient immortal world.....Su Chen announces his abdication from now on"

"Today I, Su Chen, announced my withdrawal from the Great Desolate Immortal Realm. From now on in the Great Desolate Immortal Realm, join me cough cough cough.....It doesn't matter anymore"

"To the strong men, immortals, heavenly soldiers and generals of all races who follow me in heaven, I am here to say sorry."


Just after Su Chen announced that he was no longer the Heavenly Emperor of the Great Desolate Immortal Realm, the heavenly destiny in his body collapsed, and the Heavenly Emperor's status returned to the Great Desolate Immortal Realm and disappeared.

At this moment, all the Holy Spirits in the Prehistoric Immortal Realm were stunned. , the Heavenly Emperor Su Chen actually stopped being the Heavenly Emperor in the Prehistoric Immortal Realm?

He even announced his withdrawal from the Prehistoric Immortal Realm? What happened?

Why would a good Heavenly Emperor make such a decision?

"What happened? What happened to the Emperor?"

"I'm afraid the Emperor of Heaven was seriously injured. Didn't you hear the Emperor of Heaven coughing continuously when he announced the Great Desolation?"

"saint? Could it be that the saints forced the Emperor to abdicate? Even forcing the Emperor of Heaven to leave the prehistoric fairyland?"

"Hiss, it's possible. The Emperor of Heaven has unified the Great Desolate Immortal Realm, and even all races support the Emperor of Heaven. Only saints can force the Emperor of Heaven to abdicate, or even force the Emperor of Heaven to leave the Immortal World."

"Damn it, there is no Heavenly Emperor in the Great Desolate Immortal Realm, and the Great Desolate Immortal Realm will probably be in chaos again. What will happen to future realm wars?"

"We are all little people and we are all powerless."

After hearing Su Chen's announcement to abdicate and even withdraw from the Great Desolate Immortal Realm, the creatures in the Prehistoric Immortal Realm had some guesses, but they had no choice. Swish, swish, swish......

At this time, some quasi-sages rushed outside the prehistoric realm. They wanted to find out what was going on and why the Emperor of Heaven announced his abdication and withdrawal from the prehistoric fairyland.

At this time, the Queen Mother and the other daughters all appeared next to Su Chen.

The Queen Mother looked at Su Chen's miserable appearance and asked worriedly,

"Su Chen, how are you? Su

Chen shook his head and replied,"I'm fine. I've used the Three Lights Divine Water to recover from my injuries.""

Mother Jin Ling looked at Su Chen and asked hurriedly,"Su Chen, do you really want to withdraw from the ancient world?"

Su Chen nodded helplessly and said,

"Well, we can't stay in the ancient immortal world anymore. Yunxiao, go and pick up my daughter Su Yan. I want to take her away."

"What about us?"

The Queen Mother of the West was very nervous when she heard Su Chen's words.

She was worried that Su Chen would not come back after leaving this time. Moreover, Su Chen announced his withdrawal from the Great Desolate Immortal World. The heavenly laws in the Great Desolate Immortal World would not allow Su Chen to come back to the Great Desolate Immortal World.

Su Chen saw After looking at the women, he smiled and said,"You all leave with me. It is very dangerous for you to stay in the ancient fairyland. Take all the fairies and palaces under you with you.""

Su Chen originally didn't want to take them away.

The Queen Mother and the Empress were all gods in the ancient immortal world, and they were even powerful gods. If they left with him, half of the powerful people in the ancient immortal world would be missing.

But Su Chen thought about it,

If women like the Queen Mother continue to stay in the ancient immortal world, they will definitely not end well. Those saints, even Hongjun, cannot let go of those who are close to them.

"Wait for us for an hour, let's go get ready and then come back." When the Queen Mother and other girls heard Su Chen's words, they hurried to the ancient fairy world. They wanted to take away all the treasures they could. Su Chen no longer existed in the ancient fairy world. It is impossible for them to stay in the prehistoric fairyland

"Su Chen, I may not be able to leave."

Houtu's good corpse looked at Su Chen and said helplessly,

Queen Houtu transformed into the underworld.

She and the underworld are an inseparable body. It is impossible for Houtu to leave the ancient fairyland with Su Chen.

Su Chen looked at Hou Tu's good corpse said with shame,"Hou Tu, it's very safe for you to stay in the underworld. Also, let the Wu clan return to the underworld. It's not safe for them to stay in the prehistoric immortal world."

Su Chen promised to let the Wu Clan return to the prehistoric fairyland, but it only lasted just over a year.

Su Chen broke his promise, and there are also the Monster Clan.

The Monster Clan also wants them to return to Beiju Luzhou, otherwise, The Saint Sect will not let go of the demon clan


Houtu nodded helplessly.

She understood what Su Chen said.

Without Su Chen's suppression in the prehistoric fairy world, those saint sects that were not good to the Wu clan would definitely conflict with the Wu clan.

At this time,

Empress Nuwa and her After the good corpse was fused, all the memories of the good corpse returned to the original body. After checking the memory with her eyes closed,

Nuwa Empress looked at Su Chenji and said seriously,

"I'll leave with you!"

Su Chen shook his head and said,

"Empress Nuwa, you can't leave. You are a saint, and your soul is entrusted in the ancient world of heaven. Without the permission of heaven, you cannot leave the ancient world of immortality."

After Empress Nuwa looked at the ancient world, she smiled at Su Chen and said,

"Su Chen, didn't you say that Hongjun had tampered with Hongmeng Ziqi? It’s useless for me to want this Hongmeng Purple Qi, and I don’t want to be controlled by Hongjun anymore. I will return the Hongmeng Purple Qi to Hongjun today."

"Empress Nuwa, if you extract the Hongmeng Purple Qi, you will fall below the holy level. Are you a saint?"

Su Chen was very surprised when he heard what Nuwa said.

He did not expect that Nuwa would draw the Hongmeng Purple Energy. Su Chen had wanted Nuwa to draw the Hongmeng Purple Energy before.

However, he was not familiar with Nuwa at the time..

Besides, extracting the Hongmeng Purple Qi will cause you to fall down from the Holy Level. Su Chen guessed that the Nuwa Empress did not want to fall below the Holy Level.

Today, the Nuwa Queen actually wanted to take the Hongmeng Purple Qi herself.

"A saint who is controlled by others may even be used as cannon fodder at any time. It doesn't matter if such a saint does not do it. Besides, I have practiced the laws of creation to 90%, and it is not very difficult for me to become a saint."

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