In the Starry Sky Fortress,

Bai Ze stood in the air and knelt down to Su Chen outside the ancient barrier and saluted,

"The army of monsters is willing to follow the Emperor of Heaven. Wherever the Emperor goes, the monsters will go!"

"The demon clan swears to follow the Emperor of Heaven to the death!"

"The demon clan swears to follow the Emperor of Heaven to the death!"

"The demon clan swears to follow the Emperor of Heaven to the death!"

Bai Ze also made such a decision after careful consideration.

Demon Saint Ji Meng also agreed.

Qin Yuan and Shang Yang were already preparing to leave the Great Desolate Immortal Realm with Su Chen.

The four demon saints all agreed, and the remaining four to five hundred and five hundred The demon soldiers and generals will not object.

If Su Chen leaves the prehistoric fairy world, their demon clan will either retreat to Luzhou in Beiju or be killed. They have no third option.

Follow Su Chen and leave. It is the best choice. After all, even the saint’s Nuwa Empress even gave up her holy position in order to leave with Su Chen. What else can they, the demon clan, not let go of?

"The army of the Wu clan is willing to follow the Emperor of Heaven. Wherever the Emperor of Heaven goes, the Wu clan will go."

"The Wu clan swears to follow the Emperor of Heaven to the death!"

"The Wu clan swears to follow the Emperor of Heaven to the death!"

The Wu clan swears to follow the Emperor of Heaven to the death!"

At this time, in the sky above the Xiling Fortress in the ancient immortal world, the great witch Xingtian knelt down and saluted Su Chen. The

Feng Clan's Tianfeng flew into the air and saluted Su Chen,"The Feng Clan is willing to follow the Emperor Xuanniao. Wherever the emperor goes, the Phoenix people will go"

"The Phoenix Clan vows to follow the Black Bird Emperor to the death!"

"The Phoenix Clan vows to follow the Black Bird Emperor to the death!"

"The Phoenix Clan vows to follow the Black Bird Emperor to the death! Ancestor

Pluto also flew into the air and saluted Su Chen,"The Blood Sea Rakshasa tribe is willing to follow the Emperor of Heaven. Wherever the Emperor of Heaven goes, the Rakshasa tribe will go.""

"The Rakshasa tribe swears to follow the Emperor of Heaven to the death!"

"The Rakshasa tribe swears to follow the Emperor of Heaven to the death!"

"The Rakshasa tribe swears to follow the Emperor of Heaven to the death!

Zhen Yuanzi then saluted Su Chen and said,"The Earthly Immortal Palace is willing to follow the Emperor of Heaven. Wherever the Emperor of Heaven goes, the Earthly Immortal Palace will go there.""

"The Earthly Immortal Mansion swears to follow the Emperor of Heaven to the death!"

"The Earthly Immortal Mansion swears to follow the Emperor of Heaven to the death!"

"The Earthly Immortal Mansion swears to follow the Emperor of Heaven to the death!"

Zhao Gongming flew out of the heaven and saluted Su Chen and said,"The army of heaven is willing to follow the emperor. Wherever the emperor goes, the army of heaven will go."

"The army of heaven swears to follow the emperor to the death!"

"The army of heaven swears to follow the emperor to the death!"

"The army of heaven swears to follow the emperor to the death!"

In the prehistoric fairy world, all the creatures heard that several powerful races and powerful forces were going to follow the Emperor of Heaven.

The creatures in the prehistoric fairy world were stunned.

If these powerful creatures left, what would happen to the prehistoric world? What to do in the Immortal World?

How to fight wars outside the territory?

Rely on Buddhism?

Rely on those saint sects?

Outside the Immortal World,

Hongjun and the five great saints have very ugly faces, including the Witch Clan, the Monster Clan, the Rakshasa Clan, the Phoenix Clan, and the Earth Immortal Clan. Mansion, the army in heaven, they did not expect that there would be so many forces and races in the prehistoric fairy world willing to follow Su Chen.

Su Chen has been the emperor of heaven for more than a year. Emperor Su Chen is really worthy of being followed by these races and forces. ?

At this moment, Su Chen was very happy when he heard about these races and forces that were willing to follow. In this way, he also had soldiers at his disposal. Even if he wanted to conquer other realms, Su Chen still had tens of millions of gods. army


After Su Yan was brought here by Guanyin Bodhisattva and Our Lady of Wudang, she was very worried when she saw Su Chen's miserable appearance. When

Su Yan saw Su Yan arriving, he waved with a smile and said,

"Yan'er, why did you, a girl, come to the ancient world? You are such a naughty girl."

Su Yan took Su Chen's hand and rolled her eyes and said,

"Dad, please stop talking about me. Look at your appearance. You are causing trouble. I am not as good as you."

"Ha ha....."

Su Chen laughed when he heard Su Yan's words.

Su Yan was really similar to him. Both father and daughter loved to cause trouble, and they didn't even know how to stay at home.

"Guanyin, Wudang, you go tell those races and forces that are willing to leave with us, and ask them to prepare quickly. It is best to find a treasure that can accommodate the army. We want to leave from Chaos this time, and the weak ones simply cannot. walking in chaos"

"Okay, we'll notify them immediately."

Guanyin Bodhisattva and Wudang Holy Mother nodded, and they quickly returned to the ancient fairyland.

Su Yan looked at the female giant next to Su Chen and was very curious.

She had no time to care about the female giant now.

Su Yan looked confused. He asked Su Chen,"Dad, are we leaving the prehistoric fairyland?"

Su Chen touched Su Yan's little head and said with a smile,

"Well, we are no longer welcome in the prehistoric fairy world, but one day I will call back"

"not welcome? Dad, you wouldn’t have done anything to offend the Great Heavenly Dao, would you?"

"Not this time, Yan'er, things are a bit complicated this time. I'll talk to you later."

"All right!"

At this time,

Zhulong from the Dragon Clan arrived and saluted Su Chen,"Emperor of Heaven, Zhulong has failed the Emperor of Heaven this time. The foundation of the Dragon Clan is in the Immortal Realm of the Ancient World, and it is impossible for the Dragon Clan to follow the Emperor of Heaven."

Su Chen waved his hand and said with a smile,"Zhulong, you don't need to say more, I also understand the difficulties of your Dragon Clan. Just like the Nether Clan in the underworld, they can't follow me."

Su Chen also knew that it was impossible for some races to leave the Great Desolate Immortal World. The races he left with this time had abandoned everything, and even leaving the Great Desolate Immortal World was indifferent. The ancestor of Minghe could give up the sea of ​​blood and leave with him, Zhen Yuanzi

Su Chen admired them very much for being able to ignore the immortal mansions in the prehistoric immortal world.

"Emperor of Heaven, although the Dragon Clan cannot follow the Emperor of Heaven, the dragon army of the Dragon Clan in Xiling Fortress can follow the Emperor of Heaven!"

"Zhulong, thank you very much"

"This is what the Dragon Clan should do. If we don’t follow the Emperor of Heaven, our Dragon Clan still owes the Emperor of Heaven."

"Ha ha....., This is already very good, already very good!"

Su Chen is very satisfied with the Dragon Clan.

Xiling Fortress has a powerful army of almost tens of millions of Dragon Clan. These are the foundation of the Dragon Clan. The Dragon Clan is already very good at achieving this level.

Boom boom boom.....

At this time, the Eye of Heaven suddenly burst out with a beam of light and enveloped Hongjun.

"No, the ancient law of heaven, don’t expel me. If you expel me, the ancient law of heaven will be incomplete."

When Su Chen and the strong men around him heard Hongjun's cry, they all looked over hurriedly.

Boom boom boom......

After Hongjun was expelled from Heavenly Dao,

Hongjun's harmony was over.

He would no longer be the spokesperson of Heavenly Dao. Even the authority of Heavenly Dao that he had stolen before was completely taken back by Heavenly Dao.

The saint is in the tenth heaven, the saint is in the ninth heaven, the saint is in the eighth heaven,......

Hongjun suddenly felt that his cultivation realm was plummeting, and he shouted angrily,"Ah! Damn it, my countless years of planning are all over."

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