Su Yan was very surprised when she heard Su Chen's words.

She felt that her father was kidding her.

A sixteen-year-old sister?

How can this be?

She is only eleven years old.

Can a younger sister be older than her older sister?

Su Chen knocked Su Yan's little head and said,

"I'm so confused. Your sister Su Yue is also Elena's sister. Although Elena is older, she is indeed your sister. Su

Yan looked at Su Chen in surprise and asked,"Yue'er is also a sister?" Oh my God, Dad, what the hell is going on?"

Gaia looked at Su Chen and was very confused.

She didn't expect that Elena was her sister, a sixteen-year-old sister?

Could it be that Elena came to the divine world from the childhood world?

Gaia felt that Elena should have been there since she was a child. In the God Realm where the world comes, time flows at different speeds in the God Realm and the small world.

This can only be said in the past

"Your sister is from the small world. However, your sister became the queen of a kingdom at the age of sixteen. Elena just has not practiced, otherwise her strength will definitely be that of your sister."

"Small world, it turns out to be like this, just a sixteen-year-old sister, will it be too embarrassing if we meet in the future?"

"You're so embarrassed. It's not you who calls me sister."

"Huh! Yes, Elena wants to call me sister. A sixteen-year-old woman calls an eleven-year-old girl sister. It should be Elena who is embarrassed."

Su Yan thought that Elena would call her sister in the future, so she didn't hesitate anymore. Anyway, it was not her who would be embarrassed by Elena , but she had a sixteen-year-old sister. Su Yan was also very depressed.

"Suchen, we are all ready."

At this time, the Queen Mother, the Golden Spirit Mother, and other women all came back.

Su Chen looked at the girls and nodded and said,"Well, wait a little longer, and we will leave."

The Queen Mother took out a roulette and handed it to Su Chen and said,

"Su Chen, this is the passage leading to the Divine Meteor Continent. We originally wanted to seal this passage, but we didn't expect that this passage would be stripped away from the prehistoric fairy world."

Su Chen said with a smile after taking over the passage to Shenyu Continent,

"The Divine Meteor Continent is mine. Since I am no longer a member of the Immortal Realm, the Ancient Heavenly Dao cannot control the Divine Meteor Continent. It is reasonable for the Ancient Heavenly Dao to strip away this passage."


Xingtian from the Witch Clan, Bai Ze from the Demon Clan, Ancestor Minghe from the Rakshasa Clan, Zhen Yuanzi from the Earthly Immortal Mansion, Tianfeng from the Feng Clan, Yunxiao gathered the heavenly soldiers and generals from the Heavenly Court, and Chang Xi gathered the Dragon Clan. Army.

After these people arrived,

Su Chen was also ready to leave the Great Desolate Immortal Realm.

After Su Chen looked at the Great Desolate Immortal World, he offered hand sacrificial rituals to the quasi-sage strongmen around him.

"Everyone, see you soon!"

"Congratulations to the Emperor of Heaven!"

All the quasi-sage masters saluted Su Chen, and their voices were so loud that even the creatures in this prehistoric fairyland could hear them.

"The dragon clan congratulates the Emperor of Heaven!"

"The Netherworld Clan of the underworld respectfully sends the Emperor of Heaven!"

"The Qilin tribe respectfully sends the Emperor off!"

"The Demonic Ape Tribe sends the Emperor of Heaven a respectful greeting!"

"The Tianhe Clan respectfully sends the Emperor off!".........

When Su Chen heard the tributes from all the tribes in the ancient world, he felt unhappy, but he had to leave.

Although he was the supreme emperor in the ancient world, there was always an unstable heaven above his head. No matter how good the development of the immortal world is, as long as the prehistoric heaven is displeased with him, all his efforts will be in vain.

Su Chen picked up Su Yan and shouted,"Gaia is leading the way, Nuwa is behind, let's set off.""

"Yes, Emperor of Heaven!"

Outside the prehistoric barrier, many quasi-sages and saints saw Su Chen and the others leaving.

They all shook their heads and left.

The Starry Sky Fortress and Xiling Fortress in the prehistoric fairy world are now empty, and

Su Chen has not come. Due to the existence of various races and forces, all races and forces have pulled out their armies. There is no need for these races and forces to let their immortal armies continue to stay in the two great fortresses of the prehistoric era.


At this time, the prehistoric heaven and earth suddenly shook, and then,

The five great saints all showed excited expressions on their faces.

Prehistoric Heaven allowed saints to return to the prehistoric world.

Although saints were prohibited from fighting in the prehistoric fairy world, this was very good news for them.


Heaven asked them to prepare for the realm war four hundred years later. , this made the five saints have a wry smile on their faces.

Although they are all saints, it is impossible for all the races in the prehistoric world to obey their orders. Besides, the races that Su Chen took away were all powerful races in the prehistoric fairy world. In the future, the world How to fight the domain war?

Hongjun looked at all this with an expressionless face.

He was now the polished commander, and he even had to worry about these saints taking action against him. Hongjun was too lazy to care about these things, so he would just hide honestly first. It's best to get up.

After Zhunti looked at Laozi, Yuanyuan, and Tongtian, he said,"Everyone, we Buddhists guard the Xiling Fortress, and the Starry Sky Fortress depends on you Sanqing"


I thought for a while and agreed.

The two great fortresses in the prehistoric fairyland should be guarded separately by the saints.

Tongtian waved his hand and said,"I will not participate. I have no disciples or sect now. You Decide for yourself."

Tongtian's disciples all followed Su Chen and left the prehistoric fairy world. He is now a polished commander like Hongjun.

Besides, he and I were originally not at odds with each other, and

Tongtian was too lazy to be with them.

Yuan Tianzun heard that Tongtian After the leader's words, he looked at the leader of Tongtian and reprimanded,"Tongtian, this is the order of the ancient law of heaven, do you want to disobey it?"

Tongtian Cult Leader looked at Yuan Yuan and said disdainfully.

"Where is Hongjun? Didn’t he also fail to comply? The Xiling Fortress is guarded by the Two Saints of the West, and the Starry Sky Fortress is guarded by your two Saints. If there are saints who come to attack the prehistoric fairyland, I will take action at that time."

I shook my headHe dissuaded me and said,

"Forget it, let's do this for now. We will sit down and discuss things together in the future. The top priority is to deploy the immortal army to the two major fortresses first."

The saints nodded and left.

They also knew that they must deploy the immortal army to garrison the two fortresses as soon as possible. Otherwise, when the realm war begins four hundred years later, they may not be able to defend the two fortresses.

In the chaos,

Su Chen Let Gaia take everyone to the Yin and Yang Realm.

Su Chen felt that the Yin and Yang Realm was better than the Western God Realm. At least there was some spiritual energy in the Yin and Yang Realm. Su Chen only needed to find a way to make the spiritual energy in the Yin and Yang Realm richer. Okay.

In the chaos,

Su Chen thought that after arriving at the Yin and Yang Realm, he was going to change the name of the Yin and Yang Realm.

"The name of the Yin and Yang Realm needs to be changed. What should it be called? Xuantian Realm? Or the black bird realm?"

"Dad, why not call him Su Yan Jieyu? This name is very good!"

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