Su Chen was very speechless when he saw Su Yan trying to cause trouble again.

A girl was fighting and killing, not quiet at all.

Su Chen felt that when Su Yan grew up, his eldest daughter might become a lawless warlord. mad Men


Su Yan knew that there was no chance after hearing Su Chen's words.

She returned to the throne of the Emperor of Heaven and sat down.


Su Yan did not intend to give up.

The dragon army might not obey her orders, but the black-armored immortal army would. Her order.

Ten million black-armored immortal legions and one hundred thousand shadow assassins.

She has to get these.

Su Chen turned back and looked at the women here. He wanted to choose one of these women to lead the dragon army. People.

The Nuwa Empress and Gaia in the saint realm are definitely not good.

These two female saints have high-end combat power, and they will face enemies with saint cultivation in the future. The remaining Queen Mother, Wudang Virgin, Golden Spirit Virgin, Fairy Yunxiao, Guanyin Bodhisattva, Queen Mother of the West, Great Witch Jiufeng, Moon Goddess Chang Xi and Xihe, Fairy Chang'e, Demon Saint Qinyuan and Shang Yang.

Among these women,

Su Chen couldn't decide who to lead the dragon army.

At this time ,

Xihe stood up and said coldly to Su Chen,

"Let me go. The Dragon Clan has submitted to the Monster Clan before. I know the Dragon Clan army better. It’s better for me to lead the Dragon Clan army."

"Okay, then I’ll trouble Xihe Fairy."

Su Chen nodded and agreed.

Xi He, a powerful quasi-sage, can command the Dragon Clan army, which can also convince the Dragon Clan army.

However! Su Chen did not expect that

Xi He could escape from the prehistoric fairyland with him. Su Chen I don’t think Xi He, this crazy woman, would like me. It was probably Chang Xi’s persuasion. Su Chen continued to say to the girls,"The Dragon Clan army has been solved. Let’s discuss what name the Yin and Yang Realm should be changed to. Sky The city should also have a name." After the girls heard Su Chen's words, they looked at each other and said one after another,

"How about calling it Kunlun Realm? Is the city in the sky called Kunlun Immortal Palace?"

"It doesn’t sound good. I think it’s called Taiyin Realm, and the city in the sky is called Guanghan Immortal Palace."

"How about the Realm of the Gods? The city in the sky is called Yaochi Immortal Palace"

"It might as well be called Pangu Realm, and the city in the sky is called Pangu Palace!"

"In the realm of ten thousand immortals, the city in the sky is called Biyou Immortal Palace."........

Su Chen was confused when he heard the names given by these women.

What names were they given?

Kunlun Fairyland?

Yaochi Immortal Palace?

Guanghan Immortal Palace?

Pangu Realm?

And that Biyou Palace?

How are their names different from the names Su Yan gave them before?

Su Chen felt like it was a mistake to ask these women to name them.

Forget it, he couldn't use any of these names.

"Ha ha......"

After Su Yan heard the names given by these women nearby, she couldn't help but laugh and roll on the throne of the Emperor of Heaven. Su Yan did not expect that these women would be as childish as her.

After Su Chen glanced at Su Yan who was laughing, he looked at the girls and announced,

"You don’t need to say anything, I will decide the name. The Yin and Yang realm will be changed from today to the Xuantian realm, and the city in the sky will be called Merlot Heaven from now on."

When the girls heard Su Chen's words, they all stared at Su Chen.

This bastard had just asked them to choose the name.

Just a moment later, the bastard decided that he would choose the name again, which made them all very unhappy.

Su Chen looked at the girls and said angrily,

"What are you staring at? Were you making up a name just now? Why don't you just follow Su Yan's example and call your names, Queen Mother Realm? Yunxiao Realm, Changxi Immortal Palace? Nine Phoenix Realm?"

The girls were all very embarrassed when they heard Su Chen's words. They thought of Su Yan's words on the way, which made them even more embarrassed.

However, this bastard was too disrespectful to them.

Su Chen looked at these women. With a comfortable expression, he shook his head and said

"Don't be embarrassed, you should also quickly arrange the central area. The fairies, heavenly soldiers and generals must be arranged as soon as possible. In a month, this Xuantian realm will be conquered."

"Well we understand!"

"We'll make arrangements right away!"

"It's time to prepare"

"The fairies and heavenly soldiers and generals are also about to be released."

"Get ready and try to arrange everything within three days."

The Queen Mother and these women all went out to prepare.

They have a lot to do in the past few days, including the layout of the central area, the arrangement of various palaces, the deployment of fairies and heavenly soldiers and generals, all of which they are required to do. Arrangement.

Su Chen took out a teleportation array and gave it to Gaia and said,

"Gaia, you go back to the Western God Realm. This is a realm teleportation array. You give it to God Queen Hera or God Queen Frigga and ask them to find a safe place to set it up so that they want to come to Xuan Realm. The Heaven Realm will be very convenient."

Gaia took over the realm teleportation array and nodded,"Okay, I'll go back right now."

After Su Chen watched Gaia disappear, he suddenly thought of the origin of the Demon God of Desire and slapped his forehead. He was so busy that he forgot to hand over these origins to the girls.

Su Chen looked at the idle Nuwa Empress beside him. Asked Empress Nuwa,

"Nuwa, I have some origins of the Chaos Demon God here. Who do you think among the Queen Mother’s daughters can become a saint first?"

Nuwa was a little surprised when she heard Su Chen's words. Did this bastard

, the origin of the Chaos Demon God

, kill a Chaos Demon? Nuwa thought of the Desire Demon God who invaded the Yin and Yang Realm. That Desire Demon God might have been tricked by Su Chen."Dead,

" Nuwa thought for a while and said to Su Chen,

"The origin of the Chaos Demon God? I didn't expect that you still have this kind of treasure in your hand. If you want to give it to the Queen Mother and those women, I think Xi Wangmu and Xihe are most likely to be sanctified before other women. Chang Xi and the Queen Mother should be the second."


Su Chen heard what Nuwa said, and he understood who to give the origin of these chaos demons to first.

Queen Mother of the West and Xihe.

They are the innate gods of the ancient immortal world, and they are also the three thousand in the Hongjun Zixiao Palace. Hongke, these two girls are indeed the most likely to advance to sainthood in advance.

A month later, the Merlot Heavenly Emperor also returned to normal, and all areas became lively. Fairies were arranging the Merlot Heavenly Court everywhere, and the immortal army was in various areas. They stood guard and patrolled.

The armies in Merlot Heaven were also unified.

The six major combat legions were ready to go. The war against the gods in Xuantian Realm was imminent.

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