Saint Yuan Ancestor was very angry when he stared at Saint Ba Tian.

He did not expect that Ba Tian would collude with saints from other realms. Is Saint Ba Tian going to betray the Realm of Light?

Su Chen didn't have time to listen to them yelling and scolding each other.

There was still a saint in the Realm of Light who hadn't been dealt with.

They had been out for more than three months, and it would take several more months to go to the Realm of Darkness. The battle between Heaven and Dao will waste a lot of time. Su Chen has no time to waste time here.

Su Chen ordered the Hulk,"Hulk, deal with this saint. If not, you can only kill him.""

"I will convince the Saint Yuanzu."

After the Hulk heard what Su Chen said, he hurriedly assured Su Chen that no matter what he said, the Saint Patriarch had been his Taoist friend for tens of millions of years, and the Hulk did not want the Saint Patriarch to be killed.

Su Chen clicked Gaia nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

He lowered his head and said to Su Chen,

"Su Chen, if all the saints here are caught, will we destroy the Heavenly Way in the Light Realm?"

Su Chen shook his head and replied,"Let's deal with the Heavenly Dao in the Dark Realm first. If these cannon fodder are not dead, we will come and destroy the Heavenly Dao in the Light Realm."

Gaia nodded when she heard what Su Chen said.

Her guess was correct.

It is impossible for Su Chen to let go of the Realm of Light.

If these Cannon Saint Ashes are all dead, Su Chen will come back to destroy the light in the future. the realm of heaven

"What did you say? Are these two powerful saints the wives of that little scumbag?"

The Hulk spread his hands and said helplessly,

"Saint Yuan Ancestor, now that this is the case, will I still deceive you? My soul is now controlled by that little scumbag, otherwise, how could I have deceived you and been suppressed."

The Saint Yuan Ancestor looked at Nuwa and Gaia and was very helpless.

These two powerful female saints just didn't attack him. The Saint Yuan Ancestor was no match for them. This time he was betrayed by the Hulk. He felt that it was the Green Giant. The giant saved his life

"I understand, a saint is in the fourth heaven and a saint is in the second heaven. Even if you don’t deceive me, I will not be a match for any of them."

The Hulk patted the Saint Yuan Ancestor on the shoulder and said,"Saint Yuan Ancestor, hand over a ray of your soul. We have been practicing for tens of millions of years, are you willing to disappear like this?"

"Well, I don’t want to disappear into thin air. After living for a long time, I didn’t expect that the longer I live, the more I will cherish my life."

"We are powerful saints with endless lifespan. We started practicing from humble beginnings and became saints step by step. We have cultivated to the realm of saints. Who wants to die in the realm of saints?"

The Saint Yuan Ancestors nodded when they heard Hulk's words.

They have cultivated to the saint realm step by step through hardships and hardships. Only saints like them know the murders and hardships encountered along the way..

Later, the Saint Yuan Ancestor also separated a ray of soul and gave it to Su Chen.

In this way,

Su Chen had taken care of the two saints in the Realm of Light, and only one saint was left, which was the second level of the saint.

Saint Su Chen must be dealt with. A powerful saint is crucial to the future battle with Heaven.

Su Chen looked at the Hulk and ordered,"Hulk, there is only one saint left. Which one of you will take down the remaining one?" Did the saint trick you?"

Hulk shook his head hurriedly when he heard Su Chen's words and said,

"I'm afraid this won't work"

"The remaining saint is different from us and has not had much contact with us. That saint has been practicing cultivation and is not interested in anything. It is difficult for us to deceive her."

The Saint Yuan Ancestor also said hurriedly,

"Yes, we have seen her no more than ten times in the past million years. She is a cultivator and the most powerful existence among the saints in our realm of light."

Su Chen was very depressed when he heard the words of the Hulk and Saint Yuan Ancestor.

It seems that he has to take action again this time.

Su Chen originally thought he could be lazy and watch the excitement, but he still needs him to lure the remaining saint.

"I'm going to seduce the last saint.

Nuwa looked at Su Chen and reminded,"Su Chen, be careful. The remaining saint is a saint in the second heaven of saints.""

"Don't worry, I will lure the remaining saint over."

Su Chen waved to Nuwa Empress and Gaia and left quickly.

A saint from the second level of the saints,

Su Chen also had to be careful in dealing with him. Although he was confident that he could escape the saint's pursuit quickly, but if some saints have Even with such a powerful spirit treasure, he might capsize in the gutter.

Outside the barrier of the realm of light,

Su Chen shouted when he arrived here,"Saint who cultivates a mad demon, I heard that you are a cultivating mad demon. No matter how much you practice, you can't do it." He's just a younger brother, so he should come out and get some air."

Su Chen yelled and waited for the last saint to appear.

He didn't dare to anger that saint now.

If the saint didn't show up and slapped him, Su Chen would probably lose all his efforts. He still felt that waiting for the saint to arrive Later, he angered the saint and chased him

"Holy cultivator, are you constipated? I believe you can hear me. Come out quickly. I want to see what kind of saint the cultivator in the Realm of Light is."

"Damn, are you asleep? Or have you fallen into a trap?"

"Damn it, you crazy cultivator, don’t force me to scold you, get out of here quickly"

"Let me guess, isn't the crazy cultivator in the realm of light?"

Su Chen was depressed.

He called for a long time but didn't see the last saint appear. He felt that the last saint might not be in the realm of light, otherwise it would be impossible for the saint to appear without being angry. At this moment, behind Su Chen, a The stunningly beautiful woman was glaring at Su Chen. She came when Su Chen shouted for the first time.

"Cultivation madman, are you him?......Damn it, who are you?"


Su Chen was about to continue scolding the last saint when a cold snort suddenly startled him.

Su Chen turned around quickly and saw a woman appearing behind him, and she was also a very beautiful woman.

Su Chen was so frightened that he hurriedly When he was about to escape, he guessed that this woman might be the last saint.

This beautiful saint was so terrifying.

She appeared silently behind him, without even revealing her breath. The cold and charming woman When the saint saw Su Chen trying to escape, she shouted with a disdainful expression on her face,

"Want to leave? is it possible? Didn’t you scold me quite happily just now? Little scumbag, don’t you want to see me, a crazy cultivator? Why are you running away now?"

"I'll do it! Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, I was just talking nonsense!"

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