Angel Yan's face was very ugly.

She knew that Su Chen was a lustful bastard, even similar to those scum, but there was a war going on here. Su Chen was still fighting with the gluttonous army here just now. How come in the blink of an eye, that The little bastard is hanging out with a human woman?

When Angel Zhui and Angel Lingxi heard Angel Yan's scolding, they both lowered their heads with black lines on their heads.

Angel Zhui and Angel Lingxi didn't expect that Su Chen was so out of tune that he took a break during the war to fool around? They all felt that Su Chen should not join Angel Nebula. Su Chen was first of all a man, and he was also a lustful man.

In the villa, both of them were teased by Su Chen, and Su Chen even had evil intentions with their legs.

Angel Lingxi looked at the angry Angel Yan.

She and Angel Zhui looked at each other very helplessly.

Although Su Chen was a bastard,

Su Chen was too important to Angel, not to mention the things in Su Chen's hands that could supplement An The energy fruit is what Su Chen revealed to themWith the information, it was impossible for them, the angels, to let Su Chen be controlled by the devil.

Angel Lingxi cautiously asked Angel Yan,"Sister Yan, do we still need to open the wings for the Galaxy Power?"

Angel Yan looked at the Galaxy Power who was about to escape with a cold face.

She was in no mood to deal with that crooked melon now. She is such a coward, she is really annoyed with Su Chen.

Queen Kesha is coming to Earth early, and she has to keep a close eye on this little bastard Suchen. If Suchen is taken away by the Demon Queen Morgana, it will be a serious disaster for them angels.

Angel Yan waved his hand and said,"No, a coward's galactic power is not worthy of our angels' attention at all. I will report this matter to Queen Kesha.""

"Yes, Sister Yan!"

In the Tianhe battlefield,

Qiangwei found that except for her and Reina, Liu Chuang, and Qilin, everyone else was missing.

Su Chen didn't know where he went.

Qiangwei frowned,

Zhao Xin and the others Maybe they were separated just now, but where is Su Chen?

Wasn't Su Chen fighting with Taotie's army outside this building?

But there is no figure of Su Chen here at all.

Could it be that the address Lianfeng told her was wrong?

But What's going on with the thousands of Taotie and Chitauri army corpses on the ground?


After Liu Chuang killed a Chitauri soldier with an axe, he looked at the rose in the air and shouted,"Rose,... There are too many Taotie and Chitauri troops. With just a few of us, we can't kill all the alien troops here. Don't we have reinforcements?"

Qiangwei killed the alien soldiers with a flying knife, and she replied to Liu Chuang,"Yes, I will call the Giant to attack those warships with missiles."

"Then hurry up!"

On the high building,

Qilin was sniping at the Taotie and Chitauri soldiers.


Qilin discovered the power of the galaxy through the scope.

However, the power of the galaxy did not gather towards them. Instead, it wanted to stay away from the battlefield and go outside Tianhe City. Qilin hurriedly shouted to Qiangwei,"Qiangwei, look under the Tianhe Building on the right, is Xiao Lun going to leave the battlefield?"

"Damn it, that crooked melon split date is a deserter."

Qiangwei hurriedly looked back at the Tianhe Tower. When she saw that the Galaxy Power was really leaving the battlefield, she was very angry.

The Galaxy Power is the most powerful existence among the three major god-making projects. The genes of the Galaxy Power To be given to such a cowardly loser is really an insult to the Galaxy Power genes.

Qiangwei shook her head and said to Liu Chuang and Qilin,

"Don't worry about the power of the galaxy, let's continue fighting. Everyone thinks of Su Chen. The alien corpses here may have been killed by Su Chen. I'm worried that Su Chen may be injured."

"Okay, I will pay attention to Su Chen"

"I can do it too!"

More than an hour later, they were in a room in the hotel building.

Su Chen looked at Natasha who was like mud and smiled.

How dare you laugh at yourself?

Do you even dare to refuse to admit defeat?

Natasha probably has to take a day off today.

However, this is the battlefield where Tianhe City is fighting aliens, and Su Chen can't let Natasha rest here for a day.


Su Chen patted Natasha's smooth body, and then he took out some spiritual fruits and hit Natasha Tasha said,

"Natasha, get up quickly. If you eat this spiritual fruit, you will regain your strength. You can bring the remaining spiritual fruit to Selina and the others."

When Natasha heard Su Chen's words, she opened her eyes weakly.

She was very ashamed and angry when she looked at Su Chen.

This shameless pervert, this bastard is simply not a human being.

Natasha thought about what happened in the past hour or so. After such an encounter, she now wants to strangle this bastard to death

"I get it, you beast, get out of here right away"

"Tsk, I am an animal, then you are the woman of an animal"

"Get out of here!"

"Natasha, remember to eat the spiritual fruit. I will go to the battlefield to take a look."

Su Chen looked at the embarrassed Natasha and smiled. He waved his hand and disappeared into the room.

Su Chen also wanted to know what changes were happening on the battlefield now.

It had been more than an hour.

The people of the black armor team were fighting. I don’t know what’s going on.

Damn it!

Why are there more and more Taotie and Chitauri troops?

Damn, what have the Black Armored Team and the Earth’s army been doing for the past half day?

Su Chen discovered Tianhe City when he appeared in the air Here, the Taotie and Chitauri troops are two or three times larger than before. The alien army that originally numbered tens of thousands may now number 200,000. An alien army of more than 200,000?

Is this him ? How was it destroyed?

If Su Chen's strength was not sealed, he could destroy the alien army here with a snap of his fingers, but he is a weak chicken now, and some powerful super soldiers may be able to kill him. Boom

Boom boom......

I go!


Su Chen saw Qiangwei being surrounded and bombarded by the Taotie gunboats.

He hurriedly teleported over to save that stupid woman.

The sky was now dominated by aliens.

Qiangwei still appeared in the sky so blatantly. Isn't this a living target?


Su Chen appeared next to Qiangwei in an instant, and he hugged Qiangwei and disappeared quickly.

Su Chen didn't want to be hit by Taotie's gunship.

Su Chen didn't have the ability to be invincible with the power of the galaxy. If he was hit by the energy cannon of Taotie's gunship , he might be seriously injured, or even kill himself with one blow

"Su Chen, save Leina quickly, Leina is going to be killed."

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