Su Chen was very depressed at the moment.

He agreed with the ruthless empress to rescue Liu Shen and the Queen Mother of the West.

After all, they were just two women.

Luo Hu would not fall out with him for the sake of two quasi-sages, but the ruthless empress was doing what?

The ruthless empress not only rescued the army of cultivators in the wild realm, but also rescued the army of gods in the ancient fairyland.

Isn't the ruthless empress going to slap Demon Ancestor Luo Hu in the face?

When He Xi heard Su Chen's words, he mocked,

"Su Chen, you are really worthless. Fortunately, you are still Nannan’s brother. Your sisters are both quasi-sages, but what about you? You are just a little scumbag from Taiyi Jinxian"

"Hexi, do you want to cause trouble? He

Xi curled his lips disdainfully and said,

"Yep, it’s an empty shell of a holy realm, and you can only show off your authority over people like us in this small world."

Let me guess, is this angel Hexi going to rebel?

Why is he constantly quarreling with me?

Damn it,

Su Chen felt very helpless when he looked at Hexi.

He couldn't possibly teach Hexi a lesson in front of Kesha. He Xi, a little girl, kept clinging to Kesha's side, and Su Chen couldn't do it even if he wanted to secretly attack her. Kesha rubbed her forehead and pulled He Xi back.

She didn't understand why He Xi kept looking down on Su Chen. Is it because Su Chen has evil intentions towards He Xi?

"Su Chen, please try to help me."

Su Chen nodded and said helplessly,

"I'll go see Luo Hu again, hoping that Luo Hu doesn't care about the life and death of the gods in the Starry Sky Fortress."

Kesha and Hexi nodded when they heard Su Chen's words.

This is the best way.

If Su Chen can convince Luo Hu, then the remaining gods in the Starry Sky Fortress will survive.

It's just that Su Chen has to face the Demon Ancestor again. Luo Hu,

Kesha and He Xi were a little worried about Su Chen's safety. Su Chen was just an empty shell of the Holy Realm. If Luo Hu took action against Su Chen, Su Chen would be in great danger. Kesha looked at Su Chen and reminded him He said,"Su Chen, be careful."

Su Chen nodded and said with a smile,

"Don't worry, that idiot has been deceived by me. I just need to tell Luo Hu a piece of news, and Demon Ancestor Luo Hu will probably let those scumbags in the Starry Sky Fortress go."

He Xi was also worried about Su Chen's safety, but she didn't want to tell Su Chen that this bastard was a shameless pervert. He Xi was also worried that Su Chen would tease her again. He

Xi thought about it and said nothing to Su Chen. Chen Yi said,

"Su Chen, please don't die. I plan to go to Xuantian Realm to have a look."

"Hexi, I haven’t finished you yet, how could I die?"


In the starry sky fortress, the ruthless empress looked at the more than one billion demon army on the opposite side, and the hundreds of millions of troops from the wild realm and the ancient fairyland behind her. She felt very helpless. The ruthless empress just wanted to save the barbarian realm. The army in the realm, but after the army of gods in the prehistoric immortal world saw her, these armies of gods saluted and called the eldest princess. She couldn't bear to watch the army of gods in the prehistoric immortal world being slaughtered.

Saving one is saving, and saving a group is also saving.

The ruthless empress saved all the gods she met along the way. So far, she has saved hundreds of millions of gods’ armies.

"Cruel man, what should I do?"

Liu Shen saw that the demon army had surrounded them. There were eighteen demon quasi-sages and more than a billion demon troops.

They couldn't escape even if they wanted to.

The Queen Mother of the West shook her head and said to the ruthless empress. ,"Ruthless man, why don't you leave, you can't save so many divine armies."

The ruthless empress shook her head and guessed,

"No, Liu Shen, Queen Mother of the West, you didn’t realize that the demon army is just besieging us. They don’t dare to take action. As long as my brother is here, I guess the demons don’t dare to take action against me."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Queen Mother Xi asked doubtfully,

"Ruthless man, since the demons dare not take action against you, why are these demons besieging us? Why don't they let us go? Liu

Shen asked with his eyebrows raised.

"Ruthless man, do you think the quasi-sages of the demon clan are waiting for orders from the demon ancestor Rahu?"


The more than 100 million divine armies behind the Ruthless Empress are on guard against the surrounding demon armies.

The Starry Sky Fortress is finished.

If these divine armies had not been saved by the ruthless Empress, they might have been killed by the demons. The army massacred him to death. At this moment, the eighteen quasi-sages of the demon tribe all looked helpless.

Opposite them was the ruthless empress.

Although there were only three quasi-sages from the ancient immortal world opposite them, they would kill them quickly if they took action. And the army of more than 100 million gods will also be slaughtered by their demon army.

But the Ruthless Empress is different.

The Ruthless Empress is a super time bomb.

If they dare to attack the Ruthless Empress privately, their eighteen quasi-saints They may be killed in an instant.

They have all seen the brother of the ruthless empress.

He is a strong man in the holy realm like their demon ancestor. Their eighteen quasi-sages do not have the order of the demon ancestor, so they can only surround the ruthless empress first. The Human Empress and these armies of gods.

In the Starry Sky Fortress, the fighting in other areas is still going on, but this area is very strange. The armies of gods from the prehistoric fairy world and the barbarian realm are besieged, while the demon army is only besieged. Rush over.

The gods from the prehistoric fairy world and the barbarian realm in other areas are all breaking out towards the area of ​​the Ruthless Empress.

In the starry sky,

Wangshu also discovered the weirdness of the Ruthless Empress. She is now with the turtle spirit Holy Mother, Xuan Ming was surrounded by seven demon ancestor quasi-sages. If they did not escape, they might be surrounded and killed like other quasi-sages.


After Wangshu repelled a demon quasi-sage, she hurriedly faced Guiling and Xuanming shouted,

"Guiling, Xuan Ming, hurry up and go to Sister Su Chen’s place (haha, Zhao), otherwise we will all be killed."



Mother Turtle Spirit and Xuan Ming heard Wang Shu's words. They answered while avoiding the attack of the demon quasi-sage. The Starry

Sky Fortress is over.

They want to escape from the Starry Sky Fortress.

Su Chen's sister is the only chance of survival for the three of them.

Outside the Starry Sky Fortress, the six magic envoys also discovered the strangeness in the Starry Sky Fortress.

When they saw the ruthless empress saving more than 100 million divine troops, they did not know what to do.

The ruthless empress not only had one A powerful brother, and a sister-in-law who is more powerful than them. The six demons did not dare to make any decisions against the ruthless empress brother.

After the six demons looked at each other, the lustful demon reluctantly came to Luo Hu's side. Saluting,

"Demon Ancestor, the ruthless empress prevents our demon army from massacring, what should we do?".

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