When Su Chen heard the words of Daluo Jinxian General, his face turned dark instantly.

The ruthless empress is back?

Did you also bring all the five Liu Shen people here?

Even the formation in the eldest princess’s palace is activated?

Are you defending yourself?

Damn it, do you have a sister like this?

Su Chen rubbed his forehead and felt very helpless.

He did not expect that the Ruthless Empress would arrive so soon. The teleportation array in the Xuantian Realm had been closed. How did the Ruthless Empress and the five Liu Shen girls return to the Xuantian Realm?

Nuwa and Kesha all shook their heads speechlessly.

How come these brothers and sisters acted like enemies?

The elder brother cut off all the needs of the younger sister, and the younger sister activated the barrier formation to guard against her older brother.

Are there such brothers and sisters in this world?

"Nuwa, you take Kesha and Hexi around, and I'll go see Nannan."

"Okay, husband, don’t argue with your daughter anymore. If you have something to say, you have to talk it over."

"I see!"

After Su Chen waved his hands to Kesha and He Xi, he disappeared in an instant.

He wanted to get rid of the sister of the ruthless empress.

Su Chen is the only sister.

Although they are not relatives, in the past few years,

Su Chen has Chen regarded the Ruthless Empress as his own sister, and he did not want the Ruthless Empress to be angry with him because of those women. In the Great Desolate

Immortal World 510, after the Starry Sky Fortress was lost, after the remaining gods of the Prehistoric Immortal World returned to the Prehistoric Immortal World, these The gods publicized everything that happened in the Starry Sky Fortress.

The saints did not show up.

The ruthless empress stood up for the prehistoric fairy world.

The quasi-saints of the saint sect fled after the war. The former emperor of heaven rescued the remaining gods' army.

Each of these things This incident made all the creatures in the Great Desolate Immortal Realm confused.

However, more creatures in the Great Desolate Immortal Realm were very angry towards the saints and the Saint Sect. The

Starry Sky Fortress quickly fell, all because the saints in the Prehistoric Immortal Realm did not If the saints are willing to take action, if all the saints take action, the starry sky fortress will not be lost in one day, and the army of gods in the ancient immortal world will not be able to have billions of casualties.

Heavenly Court,

Heavenly Emperor Zhang Bairen looked at the depressed Heavenly Court, he was sitting alone The throne was drinking wine. The war in the Starry Sky Fortress was too terrible. If he hadn't escaped after the war, the Starry Sky Fortress would have been the place where he was buried.


"No, the Jade Emperor in Heaven can no longer do it. This is a huge pit."

The Emperor of Heaven, Zhang Bairen, threw away the wine glass (cicf) in his hand and was about to leave the heaven.

He felt that the saints not only made him a puppet, but even wanted him to be a scapegoat.

Zhang Bairen felt that it was better to be a mortal. At least he had a fortune. , and also has many darling wives and concubines. He now has an endless lifespan, and Zhang Bairen can enjoy the glory and wealth.


An old Taoist suddenly appeared next to the Emperor of Heaven Zhang Bairen, and he asked Zhang Bairen with a serious face

"God, where are you going?"

Zhang Bairen hurriedly replied when he saw the old Taoist,

"I......I'm going to see how many heavenly soldiers and generals have escaped back to heaven."

The old Taoist waved his hand and said indifferently,

"The Emperor of Heaven doesn’t need to look at it. None of the heavenly soldiers and generals who escaped have returned to Heaven. Emperor of Heaven, let’s discuss the next war."

Zhang Bairen sat down again and said helplessly,

"Master Taiyi, we no longer have an army of gods, so how can we prevent the demonic world from outside from invading the immortal world?"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Master Taiyi glared at Zhang Bairen and said coldly,

"Aren't you the Emperor of Heaven? You immediately tell the creatures in the prehistoric fairyland that we must form a huge army of gods as soon as possible. Only in this way can we prevent the invasion of the demonic world from outside."

Zhenren Taiyi is also very helpless. He is a useless Heavenly Emperor.

He can't understand why the saints asked him to help Zhang Bairen. The Heavenly Army in the Ancient Immortal Realm suffered heavy casualties. Even the escaped gods' army did not return to Heaven. Is the Ancient Immortal Realm really going to do this? It’s over.

Boom boom........

At this time, the prehistoric fairy world suddenly shook.

All the creatures in the prehistoric fairy world looked at the people of Jiutian. This was a sign that the saints were about to appear. All the creatures wanted to know what the saints were going to tell the prehistoric fairy world.

"Creatures of the Great Desolate Immortal World, I am Hongjun. The starry sky fortress of the Great Desolate Immortal World has been lost. Our army of gods suffered heavy casualties. The demonic world from outside will attack the Great Desolate Immortal World again. I hope that all races in the Prehistoric Immortal World will mobilize and let us protect the Great Desolate World together. fairy world"

"I am a human being who taught me that all races and forces in the ancient fairyland must unite as soon as possible. The demonic world outside the realm is very powerful. The fairyland needs all races and forces to work together to fight the demonic world outside the realm."

"I explain the teachings of Yuanshi Tianzun, prehistoric times......."

"I am connected to the sky, the prehistoric fairy world......."

"I am the guide of Buddhism (Zhunti), the creatures of the prehistoric immortal world......"

All races, forces, and even all living beings in the prehistoric fairyland did not respond to the saint's announcement.

All living beings knew the faces of the saints, and they would no longer believe the words of the saints, nor would they ever again. Be cannon fodder for the saints.

In Zixiao Palace, the faces of the saints such as Hongjun were very ugly after seeing the reactions of the primitive creatures.

They are all saints, they are all supreme saints.

Today’s announcement to the Great Desolate Immortal World and the indifferent reaction of the creatures in the Great Desolate Immortal World have made these saints lose their face.

"Damn it, these ants have the audacity to disobey orders."

"The creatures in the ancient world no longer believe in us. The war outside the starry sky barrier can only be participated by our sect disciples."

"Those ants, I want to kill them now"

"Prepare disciples of your respective sects. You can’t count on the creatures from the ancient immortal world."

"Do we still want to sacrifice our disciples? We have very few disciples left"

"There is no other way. All Daluo Jinxian and Quasi-Sages must guard the starry sky barrier this time, otherwise you should understand the punishment of heaven."

In the Zixiao Palace, although the saints like me are very angry, there is nothing they can do.

The starry sky barrier is the last defense of the ancient immortal world. If these saints don't want to be killed by heaven, they must stop it at the starry sky barrier. Demon Ancestor Luohu.

Xuantian Realm,

Merlot Heavenly Court, outside the palace of the eldest princess,

Su Chen looked helplessly at the opening of the barrier formation.

He had been outside the palace for a while, but the ruthless empress had not opened the barrier formation. Can't let him in

"Nannan, if you don’t close the barrier formation, I’m going to break in."

"My good brother, can you break into my palace? As long as you don't let Nuwa and Gaia's sisters-in-law help, I'll wait for you, brother, to break into my palace."

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