The world of gods,


Su Chen suddenly appeared in a luxurious mansion. He looked around and checked the identity assigned to him by the ladder.


Who am I, the Imperial Guards General of the Royal Palace?

Damn it, why did Tianlai arrange for himself a general to guard the palace?

Su Chen was very speechless after checking the identity.

Dashang had five major gates, and

Tianlai assigned him a guard at any gate. This was better than a Forbidden General guarding the palace.

Damn it, delaying the national destiny of Dashang for ten years?

How is this accomplished?


The little fox Su Daji has only been in the palace for more than three months?

Jiang Ziya is still in Chaoge City?

So the Battle of the Gods has not yet begun.

After Su Chen checked the situation in Chaoge, he was very confused.

Did the Holy Soul of the Tianglai send him a little too early?

Jiang Ziya has not yet gone to the Western Zhou Dynasty, and the Western Zhou Dynasty has not openly rebelled yet, so he still has a lot of time to prepare.

"Informing the general, Queen Jiang announced that the general had entered the palace."

At this time, a soldier outside the room reported to Su Chen,


Su Chen was stunned when he heard the soldier's report,

Queen Jiang?

What does she want from him?

The ladder only assigned him an identity, but did not give him any memory. Su Chen didn't know anyone who knew him.

Su Chen Zou He frowned and walked out of the room.

He needed to explore these things by himself, hoping that nothing bad would happen.

"System, hide my cultivation realm, just hide me until the Nascent Soul stage"

"Ding, yes!"

In Chaoge Palace,

Queen Jiang has been restless.

King Zhou has been bewitched by the new imperial concubine Su Daji all day long. In the past three months, he has been greedy for pleasure. Even the government has been abandoned. Ministers who dare to speak out are punished and even killed. Several ministers were summoned.


Huang Guifei's sister-in-law was recruited into the palace.

Queen Jiang was worried about what would happen. She now hoped that the Forbidden Army General Su Chen would arrive soon. Only Su Chen in the palace could prevent something from happening..

A maid came to Queen Jiang and saluted,"Queen, King Wu Cheng has arrived at the palace."

"Um? Why did King Wu Cheng come to the palace?"

Queen Jiang heard that King Wucheng Huang Feihu came to the palace, and she felt something was wrong even more.

Huang Feihu's wife had only been in the palace for a long time. Why did King Wucheng Huang Feihu also come to the palace?

"This slave doesn’t know!"

"Quick, follow me to Huang Guifei's palace!"

"Yes, Queen!"

At this moment, in Huang Guifei's palace,

King Zhou was teasing Huang Feihu's wife. The surrounding maids were kneeling on the ground and did not dare to stop her.

A beautiful woman dodged in a panic and said,

"Your Majesty, my husband, the Wucheng King Huang Feihu, you are teasing the minister's female family members like this. Is this what a king calls for?"

King Zhou looked at the beautiful Mrs. Huang and said with a look on his face,

"Beauty, I am the king of Dashang. All the people and things of Dashang belong to me. Even if Wucheng King Huang Feihu knows that I am teasing you, what can he do?"


"Beauty, if you serve the lonely king well, you will be richly rewarded."

At this moment,

Su Chen was heading towards the palace with a group of soldiers. He didn't know what was happening in the palace.

"General Su!"An old man suddenly appeared in the middle of the road and saluted Su Chen and shouted, (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Su Chen looked at an old man blocking the road and asked,

"Who are you?"

"General Su, veteran Jiang Ziya."

Let me guess, this is Jiang Ziya?

A little scum in the distraction realm?

No wonder Jiang Ziya is a waste, he is already seventy or eighty years old, and his cultivation level is that of a cultivator in the distraction realm.


Jiang Ziya wants to He is not the statue of a flying bear, but he is also a man destined to become a god. This old man is really a good-for-nothing person.

Su Chen asked Jiang Ziya while riding on his horse,"Jiang Ziya, what do you want from me?""

Jiang Ziya offered a hand offering to Su Chen,

"General, the monsters in Xuanyuan Tomb must be eradicated as soon as possible. Prime Minister Bi Gan and Prime Minister Shang Rong both agreed to destroy the monsters in Xuanyuan Tomb. I would like to ask the general to send some troops to exterminate those monsters with the old Taoist."

Destroy the monsters in Xuanyuan Tomb?

Isn't this to destroy Su Daji's sisters?

In Xuanyuan Tomb, there are not only some fox tribes of little foxes, but also nine-headed chicken spirits and jade pipa spirits. Su Chen did not expect to meet Jiang Ziya Do you want to burn those monsters in Xuanyuan Tomb?

Save those monsters?

Or not?

Su Chen thought about it and decided to save those monsters.

Although Su Daji is not the little fox Su Daji in later generations, they are also the same two people.

Su Chen arrived and sealed the deal. In God's world, the little fox Su Daji will definitely not let her make the same mistake again, and Su Chen will not let the little fox Su Daji kill Jiang Ziya again.

Su Chen nodded and said,"Okay, Jiang Ziya, when will you act?""

"General, to avoid a long night and many dreams, we will take action tonight"

"Okay, Jiang Ziya, I will arrange for five thousand forbidden troops to follow your command."

"Thank you, General."

Jiang Ziya was very happy when he heard Su Chen's words. He didn't expect that Su Chen would be so easy to talk to. With the assistance of five thousand forbidden troops, Jiang Ziya became more confident in destroying those monsters tonight.

"I have something else to do, so I’ll say goodbye!"

Su Chen glanced at Jiang Ziya and left. He was just a puppet.

After becoming a god, Jiang Ziya didn't even get into the divine position. He was one of the most miserable people among the gods.

In the palace, after Su Chen arrived,

The Imperial Guards guarding the King saluted Su Chen one after another.

Su Chen checked the Imperial Guards guarding the King's Palace. These Imperial Guards were basically cultivators of immortality. Although the strength of the Imperial Guards was still scum, they were much stronger than the masters of the martial arts. The Great

Immortal World was indeed a good place. In the ancient immortal world, before the Human Emperor disappeared, the human race was still very powerful.

When a deputy general of the Forbidden Army saw Su Chen arriving, he hurriedly saluted Su Chen and shouted,

"General, go to Huang Guifei's palace quickly. King Wu Cheng went to Huang Guifei's palace.

Su Chen asked suspiciously when he heard the deputy general's words,"King Wu Cheng?" When King Wu Cheng went to Huang Guifei's palace, didn't he go to see his sister?"

"General, the king is in Huang Guifei's palace, and I heard from brothers that the king is teasing King Wu Cheng's wife, and even wants King Wu Cheng's wife to sleep with him. Something is going to happen in Huang Guifei's palace."

Su Chen rubbed his forehead and felt a headache.

He has just arrived in this world.

Why are things happening one after another?

King Zhou wants to insult King Wucheng Huang Feihu's wife. This has also appeared in the plot. King Wucheng's wife seems to be He escaped from the building and committed suicide.



Queen Jiang hadn't had her eyes gouged out to death yet, so why did the plot end up at Huang Guifei's sister-in-law?

It's his fault.

Is there a deviation between the plot and reality?.

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