Taiyi Zhenren did not expect that Su Chen would dare to threaten him, a little scumbag in the Nascent Soul Realm, and his thought of killing Su Chen was enough.


Master Taiyi discovered that Su Chen was a general of Dashang. The great catastrophe of becoming a god was coming, and his disciples had not stopped him from dying. Master Taiyi could not kill a person who deserved the disaster when the great catastrophe was approaching..

Killing the person who deserves to be robbed will cause him to fall into the catastrophe of the gods in advance.

Taiyi Zhenren does not want to be haunted by the tribulation energy during the tribulation, or even die during the catastrophe and be controlled by the list of gods.

Su Chen heard Taiyi Zhenren's words and mocked,

"Palace? Master Taiyi, you have to behave yourself when entering the Great Shang Palace. Do you think the human race's luck is just a decoration? Do you dare to take action against the great Shang King Zhou in the palace?"

Taiyi Zhenren looked at Su Chen with a very ugly face. He didn't dare to take action against the contemporary human emperor. The contemporary emperor"467" was not only the main figure in the Great Tribulation of the Gods, but also the destiny of the human race. The contemporary Human Emperor. Even the saints dare not attack the Human Emperor easily. If Taiyi Zhenren takes action against King Zhou, Heaven's thunder punishment will destroy him. Taiyi Zhenren snorted at Su Chen and threatened,

"Hum, human race, I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you. I'm warning you, it's best to leave Chentangguan. Nezha is my disciple. If you dare to attack Nezha, don't blame me for killing you."

"Kill me? You are.....who?"



Su Chen was about to mock Master Taiyi when he suddenly felt the crisis. He immediately teleported and disappeared in place.

Just as Su Chen disappeared, a huge crater was blasted out of the place, and the entire other courtyard was destroyed. The black-armored soldiers guarding the other compound also suffered hundreds of casualties.

"Be alert, summon the black-armored army, and protect the general!"

Woo woo woo......

In Li's Mansion, the surviving black-armored soldiers immediately blew their horns, and the remaining black-armored soldiers were all on alert.

Master Taiyi looked at all this in confusion.

He did not expect that any immortal would dare to take action against the calamity.

The great catastrophe of the Gods is coming. If anyone dares to take action against the calamity, they will be entangled in the calamity. During the calamity, , 90% of people who are haunted by the calamity will perish in the great calamity.

At this moment, a chubby Taoist stood in the air with an indifferent expression.

He did not expect that Su Chen could dodge his random palm attack. A scumbag in the Nascent Soul Realm could sense the crisis in advance and even be able to quickly dodge it. his attack

"Duobao, it’s you."

Zhenren Taiyi saw Duobao, the great disciple of Jiejiao, appearing in the air. He looked at Taoist Duobao and was very confused.

Why did Taoist Duobao take action against Su Chen?

Su Chen is the general of Dashang's imperial army and a conferred god. As candidates for the great calamity, isn't the relationship between Dashang and Jiejiao very close?

Many of Jiejiao's disciples are officials in Dashang, and even the third generation disciple Wen Zhong is also the grand master of Dashang. Why is Duobao Will he take action to kill Dashang's Imperial Guard general?

Duobao glanced at Taiyi Zhenren and said,

"Taiyi Zhenren, the general of the imperial army of Dashang killed the disciples of Jiejiao. I came here to kill the general of the imperial army."

After Master Taiyi heard Duobao's words, he smiled and said,

"The Imperial Guard general who killed Dashang? Ha ha...., Duobao, you can do whatever you want!"

Duobao was very disdainful when he saw the laughing Taiyi Zhenren.

A Forbidden Army General of Dashang,

Su Chen, the Forbidden Army General, is a person who deserves to be robbed, but a Forbidden Army General is not important at all. After Su Chen's death, he was named an insignificant person at most. As a god, Duobao doesn't mind getting a little bit jinxed.

"Humph, it doesn't matter if he kills a dispensable person."

At this moment,

Su Chen appeared outside Chentang Pass.

After he found out that the person who killed him just now was Taoist Duobao, Su Chen quickly contacted The Black Armor Legion evacuated.

He wanted to escape Chentangguan first,

Taoist Duobao?

Su Chen did not expect that Taoist Duobao would come to kill him.

Could it be that the news of killing Hong Jin was learned by Duobao?

Hong Jin was just an ordinary person Even if Hong Jin, a third-generation disciple of Jiejiao, was killed, it would be insignificant.

Why would Duobao take action himself?

Su Chen looked at Chentangguan.

He guessed that Duobao's action should not be simple. Su Chen thought that Hong Jin should be Duo Bao. Bao's chess piece, even an important piece in the Conferred God Tribulation.

In the air, (to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Taoist Duobao looked at Su Chen outside Chentang Pass and said coldly ,

"Forbidden General Su Chen, you can't escape!"

Su Chen curled his lips and mocked,

"Taoist Duobao, then you have to catch me, or even kill me. Goodbye, I will take note of today’s grudge."

Su Chen said and disappeared quickly. Taoist Duobao couldn't catch him if he escaped.


Su Chen and Jie Jiao have become enemies.

Duobao, that old cunt, will definitely inform the other Jie Jiao. When other disciples deal with themselves, well, there are many Jie Jiao disciples in Dashang. Do we want to kill all Jie Jiao disciples?

"Um? Space laws? How is this possible? How can a person in the Yuanying realm know the laws of space?"

Duobao saw Su Chen disappear in an instant.

He immediately checked where Su Chen was going, but there was no trace of Su Chen for thousands of miles around. Duobao carefully checked the place where Su Chen disappeared just now. He found some traces of space. This Obvious traces of the law... the law of space?

Su Chen actually knows the law of space? Taoist Duobao began to think in doubt.


Taoist Duobao also disappeared in Chentangguan in an instant.

He would not let Su Chen go,

Duobao To find Su Chen, a scumbag in the Nascent Soul Realm , within ten thousand miles ,

Duobao didn't believe that Su Chen knew the laws of space. He guessed that Su Chen should have a space spirit treasure. When

Taiyi Zhenren saw Su Chen escape, even Duobao The Taoist could not find any trace of Su Chen's disappearance.

He was very surprised.

A scum of the Nascent Soul Realm,

Su Chen escaped twice in succession from a quasi-sage?

Master Taiyi felt that Su Chen was not simple at all. It was even possible that Su Chen had hidden his cultivation level. He waved his hand and disappeared in Chentangguan in an instant.

In Chentangguan, the black armored army quickly left Chentangguan after gathering.

In the ruins of the other courtyard, 4.9

Li Jing and Li Madam, and even Nezha who arrived with the Qiankun Bow and the Heaven-Suppressing Arrow, they looked at all this in confusion.

The other courtyard was destroyed, and the Forbidden Army General Su Chen did not know whether to live or die. Madam Li asked with a worried look,

"Husband, what should I do? The general of the imperial army was assassinated at Chentangguan, and now his life and death are unknown. The king will definitely anger his husband."

Li Jing said helplessly,"I understand, but the person who assassinated Su Chen was Taoist Duobao from Jie Jiao. I will report this to the king first, hoping that the king will not anger our family."


At this time, thousands of miles away in Skeleton Mountain, in the Bone Cave, a beautiful fairy in white was meditating and practicing.

Suddenly, the fairy in white suddenly opened her eyes and said coldly,


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