Three days later, the Great Desolate Immortal World suddenly shook.

Black clouds of calamity enveloped the entire Great Desolate Immortal World, and the evil energy of heaven and earth spread throughout the Great Desolate Immortal World.

Some murderous monsters, immortals, and humans have all lost their minds at this moment, killing, killing, killing. The prehistoric fairyland is full of killings of irrational creatures.

Dashang, in the palace,

Su Chen stood on the high tower and watched the opening of the Great Tribulation of the Gods.

It was also the first time for Su Chen to encounter such a scene. The color of the heaven and earth in the prehistoric fairy world changed, and endless evil energy spread all over the prehistoric fairy world. Some lost Reason kills creatures everywhere.


Su Daji instantly appeared next to Su Chen and asked,

"Su Chen, what's going on?"

Su Chen said with a serious face,

"The Western Zhou Dynasty should have rebelled. The Great Tribulation of the Gods has begun, and the evil energy of the prehistoric world has soared to the sky. The aura of great tribulation has enveloped the entire prehistoric fairyland. This time of the Great Tribulation of the Gods is extraordinary.

Su Daji asked with a surprised look on her face,"The Great Tribulation of the Gods has begun?" Why do I feel that the prehistoric fairy world is facing destruction?"

"destroy? 29 Perhaps it is destruction!"

Su Chen thought of the great fight between the prehistoric saints during the Great Tribulation of the Gods. The prehistoric world was shattered and the aura of the prehistoric fairy world became even thinner. This was no different from the destruction of the prehistoric fairy world.

Su Daji looked at Su Chen in a daze,


Maybe destruction?

What did Su Chen mean by these words? Su Daji didn't understand a word of what Su Chen was talking about.

However, when

Su Chen said that the Western Zhou Dynasty had rebelled,

Su Daji wanted to destroy the Western Zhou Dynasty immediately. The Tribulation should be the war between the Great Shang and the Western Zhou Dynasty. If the Western Zhou Dynasty can be destroyed quickly, the Great Tribulation of the Gods may end as soon as possible.

"Su Chen, the Western Zhou Dynasty has rebelled. Can we let the army from Sishui Pass be dispatched to destroy the Western Zhou Dynasty?"

Let me join in!

Destroy the Western Zhou Dynasty?

Are you kidding me, can the Western Zhou Dynasty be destroyed?

Will those saints watch the Western Zhou Dynasty be destroyed?

Su Chen hugged Su Daji's waist and shook his head.

The Western Zhou Dynasty cannot be destroyed without saints. This is simply a fantasy. Su Chen just wanted to delay the destruction of the Great Shang Dynasty to complete the trial. He never thought about destroying the Western Zhou Dynasty.

Chanjiao, Renjiao, Buddhism, and even that old bastard Hongjun did not Will let him destroy the Western Zhou Dynasty.

I don’t know if Su Chen’s delaying time is feasible, but Tianlai can issue such a trial, Su Chen thinks it should be able to delay the destruction of the Great Shang for fifty years.

Su Chen kissed Su Daji ordered,

"Daji, the Western Zhou Dynasty cannot be destroyed. You don’t need to ask so many questions. Send an order to Zhang Kui at Sishui Pass not to attack the Western Zhou Dynasty. Zhang Kui only needs to defend Sishui Pass for five years. This is already an indispensable contribution. Su

Daji nodded and replied hurriedly,"Okay, I will immediately inform Wen Zhong to send an order to Zhang Kui at Sishui Pass.""

Su Daji didn't know what Su Chen was going to do, but she could only believe in Su Chen.

Su Daji and Su Chen were now close friends.

Although she was not Su Chen's woman yet, they had been honest with each other. If Daji hadn't wanted to be succeeded by Su Chen, she would have been eaten by this bastard.


Su Daji was also pestered by Su Chen and did some disgusting things.

When she thought of the things she did to Su Chen,

Su Daji felt Feeling nauseated.

After Su Daji left, Su Chen touched his chin and whispered,

"Sishui Pass has the general Zhang Kui, an army of more than one million, and that idiot Kong Xuan. In addition, the miraculous strangers recruited by Shen Gongbao, will Sishui Pass be conquered in a short time?"

"In the second level, the seven Meishan brothers are included in the boundary sign. This is not enough."

"The Jie Jiao disciples cannot use it now, nor can the Monster Clan or the Witch Clan. It seems that they still need to find some loose immortals and powerful monsters in the prehistoric fairyland."

In the Demonic Tower of Desire, (to read Kuangshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Princess Longji and the Fire Spirit Madonna have been imprisoned for more than a year.

They have no hope of escaping from the Demonic Tower of Desire. This For more than a year, their bodies have been naked all the time, and they can’t even practice.

"It's been more than a year, how long will that bastard keep us in prison?"

"Damn bastard, he hasn’t shown up for more than a year. If I can go out and see that bastard, I will definitely crush that shameless person to death."

"Huo Ling, you still want to see that shameless pervert. We are naked now. I don’t want to be seen by that shameless pervert."

"You think, if that bastard hasn’t appeared for more than a year, will he be killed by our Jiejiao disciples?"

"It's possible!"

Princess Longji, Our Lady of Fire Spirit, Empress Shiji, Fairy Hanzhi, Fairy Caiyun, the five fairies gathered together and talked. For more than a year, the five of them have been gathered together. They are worried that one day Su Chen will Su Chen appeared suddenly and saw them all. At this moment,

Su Chen was heading to Sun Star.

He planned to win Lu Ya, the Chaos Demon God, to Dashang first.

Lu Ya had kidnapped Demon Emperor Jun's youngest son.

No one knew about this, and Lu Ya was still recovering.

Lu Ya was only a quasi-sage. Su Chen offered inducements and threats. He did not believe that Lu Ya dared to object.

Su Chen checked the Demon Tower of Desire on a whim. He had forgotten that he was imprisoned in the Demon Tower of Desire. The five fairies in the tower and the five beauties in the Demonic Tower of Desire were talking about him.

Su Chen looked at the five naked fairies and smiled and said,

"Beauties, don't worry, I won't die that easily. You women are so elegant when crowded together. You all stand up and walk around twice so that I can appreciate your convex and curvy figures."

After the Fire Spirit Mother heard what Su Chen said, she hurriedly approached the other women and cursed,

"Shameless pervert! You must die a good death!"

The other girls hurriedly squeezed 173 together.

They were all so ashamed and angry that they wanted to get down low. Su Chen could listen to their conversation and might also see their bodies, which made them feel ashamed and angry at the same time.

After Su Chen heard the scolding of Our Lady of Fire Lingbao, he saw Huo Lingbao squatting on the ground and hugging other women. Su Chen could see Huo Lingbao's back clearly.

This was really very sexy. ,

"Holy Mother of Fire Spirits, why do you have a small cinnabar mole on your back, but it looks quite cute."

The Holy Mother of Fire Spirit continued to curse with her face flushed,

"Shameless pervert, let me out. If I don’t crush you to death, I won’t be the Holy Mother of the Fire Spirit."

After Su Chen admired the beautiful scenery of the five daughters of the Fire Spirit Madonna for a while, he reminded them,

"Let me tell you, the Great Tribulation of the Gods has begun. I locked you in the spiritual treasure to protect you. You also know how terrible the Great Tribulation is. If you appear in the Great Desolate Immortal Realm, the five of you will be in the Great Tribulation. Fall."

In the Demon of Desire Tower,

Princess Longji and the five girls were stunned when they heard Su Chen's words.

The Great Tribulation of the Gods has already begun?

They did not expect that the Great Tribulation of the Gods would start so soon, but all five of them were imprisoned in the Demon of Desire. In the tower, even if they want to participate in the Great Tribulation of the Gods, it is impossible for them to do so.

"Su Chen, I am the princess of Heaven. Let me go quickly, otherwise the Emperor of Heaven will not let you go."

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