Su Chen originally wanted to go to Sishui Pass, but he thought it was too early to go now.

The rebellion of the Western Zhou Dynasty was to attack the Great Shang Dynasty. There were many cities to be conquered along the way. When the Western Zhou army reached Sishui Pass, this would also require A few months.

Su Chen thought of the other three princes of the four princes,

Dongbohou Jiang Hengchu, Beibeihou Chonghouhu, and Nanbohou E Chongyu. It is impossible for the three princes to oppose business.

But Dongbohou could not do anything.

Dashang was controlled by Su Daji, and Queen Jiang became a decoration as the queen of Dashang. Su Chen was worried that Dongbohou Jiang Hengchu would not be angry, and Dongbohou would be seduced by Xibohou Jichang to rebel.

After Queen Jiang heard what Su Chen said, she understood what Su Chen meant.

Queen Jiang's status in the palace was not as good as Su Daji's. Su Chen was worried that Dongbohou Jiang Hengchu would be dissatisfied with this. Coupled with Xibohou's bewitchment, her father Will rebel with Xibohou Jichang

"Suchen, I understand, I will write to my father."

Su Chen said with a serious face,

"Queen, please immediately write to your father, Dongbohou, that Xixihou has rebelled. I don’t want to quell Dongbohou’s rebellion one day."


After Queen Jiang nodded, she hurriedly called the maid to write a letter to her father.

This matter cannot be delayed, and

Queen Jiang does not want her father to be seduced into rebellion.

Su Chen saw Queen Jiang writing a letter, and he looked back. Huang Fei's three daughters asked,

"Why are you three in the queen's chamber? Shouldn't you be locked up? Concubine Huang stared at Su Chen and shouted,

"General Su Chen, where do we need you to take care of us?"

Su Chen didn't expect Huang Fei to dare to speak to him like this.

As a prisoner, what qualifications does Huang Fei have to dare to speak to him like this?

Su Chen threatened Huang Fei expressionlessly,

"Concubine Huang, you are no longer the noble concubine of Dashang. You are just a prisoner now. You have offended me in this way. Do you want me to execute you immediately?"

Huang Fei asked Su Chen with a look of disdain,

"You dare?"

"Someone come!"


A group of forbidden soldiers hurriedly entered the palace and saluted Su Chen.

Su Chen ordered with a cold face,

"Put Concubine Huang in prison. No one can let her out without my order."

Su Chen didn't expect that Huang Fei, a prisoner, would dare to be arrogant. If it weren't for him, Huang Fei and Mrs. Huang would have been beheaded in public. Su Chen decided to teach this arrogant and stupid woman a lesson.

"Yes, General!"

Mrs. Huang didn't expect that something like this would happen in a short while. She didn't even think that Concubine Huang would speak rudely to Su Chen. Su Chen wanted to put Concubine Huang in the prison of the Forbidden Army. Is that a place for people?

Madam Huang hurriedly stopped the Forbidden Army. road,

"Stop it, General Su. Concubine Huang was in a bad mood just now. Please forgive Huang Concubine for her rude words."

Su Chen ignored Mrs. Huang.

When he saw that the Forbidden Army was not taking action,

Su Chen shouted with a cold face,"What are you doing standing still? Why don’t you take Concubine Huang away yet?"

"Yes, General!"

"Don't touch me, I'll go on my own."

After Huang Fei glared at Su Chen fiercely, she took the initiative to walk out of Queen Jiang's palace.

Huang Fei was already dead. Huang Feihu did not save her and Mrs. Huang when he escaped. Huang Feihu defected to the Western Zhou Dynasty, and Xibo Hou Jichang of the Western Zhou Dynasty rebelled again. This This shows that Huang Feihu doesn't care about her and Mrs. Huang's life or death at all. Concubine Huang thought that she and Mrs. Huang would be killed in the future.

They have the protection of Queen Jiang, but Dashang is controlled by Su Daji, and Queen Jiang's words may not be of any use. No, Concubine Huang did not want to implicate Queen Jiang and was killed by Su Daji.

Madam Huang watched Concubine Huang being taken away by the imperial army, and she hurriedly shouted to Su Chen,

"General Su, if you want to imprison Huang Fei, then you should imprison me too."

Su Chen said mockingly,

"Hey, Mrs. Huang, if you want to be imprisoned, go along."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Mrs. Huang glanced at Su Chen and ran out in a hurry. She would not let Concubine Huang be detained in a dirty prison alone. She wanted to imprison Concubine Huang. She will also be imprisoned together with Concubine Huang.

After Su Chen saw that only Mrs. Li was left in the palace, he walked over and hugged Mrs. Li and said,

"Mrs. Li, we have met"

"Let me go!"

Mrs. Li was hugged by Su Chen and struggled quickly.

She didn't expect that Su Chen would dare to hug her in the palace. This bastard was so lawless.

Su Chen touched Mrs. Li's little face and said with a smile,

"Mrs. Li, we have had dinner together before. You won't forget it so soon, right?

Mrs. Li struggled with her face flushed,"Su Chen, let me go, this is the queen's palace.""

Su Chen smiled and let go of Mrs. Li.

"Madam Li, let me tell you something. Li Jing took your son to the Western Zhou Dynasty and became a general of the Western Zhou Dynasty. He may have forgotten you a long time ago."

Mrs. Li didn't say anything when she heard Su Chen's words.

Li Jing didn't take her to escape from Chentangguan, so she understood that Li Jing had abandoned her.


Women have no power or status in Li Jing's eyes, and she doesn't care about Li Jing. What more can you ask for?



Su Chen sensed a strange presence in the palace. He looked aside and shouted,


A short and ugly man suddenly appeared in the palace.

He looked at Su Chen and said with a smile,

"Forbidden Army General Su Chen, I didn’t expect that you are also a Taoist and a lustful person. We are the same type of people."

"A dwarf?"

Su Chen's mouth twitched when he looked at the ugly dwarf,

Tu Xingsun?

This ugly dwarf should be Tu Xingsun, (guessed Zhao Zhao)

Damn it, why did Tu Xingsun appear so quickly, and said that he and Is he the same kind of person?

Damn it,

Tu Xingsun is not only short and ugly, but also very greedy and lustful. Su Chen is probably the same kind of person as Tu Xingsun.

Tu Xingsun heard Su Chen call him Dwarf, he shouted angrily,

"Damn, grandpa is a grandson of Tu Xing, not a dwarf. Boy, if Shen Gongbao hadn't asked me to join Dashang, I would have killed you, this rude bastard."

"Shen Gongbao?"

Su Chen frowned when he heard Tu Xingsun's words.

Su Daji should have told Shen Gongbao that disciples from the Saint Sect cannot be recruited now.

How did Shen Gongbao recruit Tu Xingsun, a disciple of the Chan Sect?

"Yes, Su Chen, I have taken a liking to the beautiful woman next to you. Dashang wants me to help, so you must dedicate this beautiful woman to me."

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