Su Chen held Su Daji in his arms and explained,

"Daji, we have arranged everything, but the plan cannot keep up with the changes. Sishui Pass is indestructible."

"But for those immortals and those strong men, Sishui Pass is like paper. I will personally go to Sishui Pass to guard Sishui Pass. If anything happens, I can make timely arrangements for adjustments."

Su Daji leaned in Su Chen's arms and reminded,

"Su Chen, I'm worried that the disciples of Chanjiao and Renjiao will enter the venue early. It's too dangerous for you to go to Sishui Pass."

Su Daji knew that the rebellion in the Western Zhou Dynasty was supported by the Chan religion and the Human religion. This was all the plan of the saints. The great Shang Dynasty was destroyed, the Western Zhou Dynasty was resurrected, the human emperor died, and the emperor emerged. The more Su Daji thought about the secrets Su Chen told her, The more uneasy she felt.


This is a war led by saints, a catastrophe led by the gods.

She and Su Chen are both ants in the eyes of saints. They have no idea whether the great"Zero San San" Shang can win this human race. Whether Su Daji can survive the Conferred God Tribulation safely or not, she has no hope.


Su Daji will not be able to let Su Chen succeed to her.

After more than ten years,

Dashang may be destroyed, and she and Su Chen might also die in this catastrophe.

In order not to leave any regrets,

Su Daji handed over her innocence to Su Chen, and she didn't care about Su Chen extending his demonic claws to Queen Jiang..

And that Mrs. Li,

Su Daji didn’t even care about that humble woman. She was Su Chen’s condiment and a dispensable woman.

Su Chen kissed Su Daji and said,

"Don't worry, I won't go to the battlefield. When I arrived at Sishui Pass, I was also commanding the battle from behind."

"Su Chen, why don't we escape? The prehistoric fairy world is so big, we can escape far away from Dashang. We don't want to participate in any human war or the catastrophe of becoming a god."

Let me get together!


Can you escape?

Su Chen came to the Conferred God Period this time for a trial mission.

Can he escape?

And Su Daji,

Su Daji is an important figure in the Conferred God Tribulation, can she escape? Is it?

The prehistoric fairy world is vast, but for those saints in the prehistoric world, this is just a time to breathe, and they can reach every corner of the prehistoric fairy world.

Su Chen touched Su Daji's hair and said,

"Daji, we can't escape. The Great Tribulation of the Gods has begun. We are already trapped in the great tribulation. Even if we escape to the outer starry sky of the prehistoric fairy world, those saints will catch us back."

After Su Daji heard what Su Chen said, she lay in Su Chen's arms and fell silent.

Su Daji also knew that what she just said was a bit whimsical. She and Su Chen were both protagonists in the human race's war. It was impossible for them to leave and become gods. During the Great Tribulation,

Su Daji and Su Chen were both those who measured the calamity. They were even important protagonists in the development of the Great Tribulation of the Gods. It was even more impossible for Su Daji and Su Chen to leave. After

Su Daji thought for a while, she He reminded Su Chen,

"Su Chen, you should be careful when going to Sishui Pass."

Su Chen nodded and said with a smile,

"Don’t worry, I know the laws of space. If I want to escape, even if the saints aren’t careful, they won’t be able to catch me."

"Don't be careless. Saints all have innate treasures. Even if you know the laws of space, you should be more careful."

"I see!"

Three days later!

Outside Sishui Pass, millions of densely packed troops of the Western Zhou Dynasty formed their troops outside the pass. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In the past three days, five or six of the vanguard generals of the Western Zhou Dynasty have been killed. , this is because Zhang Kui, the general of the Sishui Pass, did not dispatch. Zhang Guifang, the general in the Sishui Pass, killed several forward generals of the Western Zhou Dynasty alone. The arrogance of the generals of the Western Zhou Dynasty was dispersed.

In the Western Zhou army ,

Huang Feihu came out of the army on horseback.

This time he was ordered by Jiang Ziya to go into battle.

If the Western Zhou Dynasty did not kill Dashang's generals to improve their morale, the millions of troops in the Western Zhou Dynasty would lose their morale. This would be detrimental to the Western Zhou Dynasty's future influence on Dashang. The war was very unfavorable.

In front of the army,

Huang Feihu looked at the Sishui Pass, which was tens of meters high, with a serious face.

The city was high and solid, and it was as solid as gold. It was very difficult for the army of the Western Zhou Dynasty to break through the Sishui Pass, unless there were monks. The people broke the wall of Sishui Pass, otherwise the army of the Western Zhou Dynasty would not be able to break through Sishui Pass no matter what.

Huang Feihu looked at Sishui Pass and shouted,

"Zhang Guifang, I am Huang Feihu, the general of Zhou Dynasty. Do you dare to come out and challenge me?"

After Sishui was closed,

Zhang Guifang looked at Huang Feihu outside the pass and cursed disdainfully,

"Huang Feihu, you are a traitor who cheats on both inside and outside, General? The Western Zhou Dynasty was a rebellious minister, but you still shamelessly call yourself a general? Your Huang family has lost all their face............"

"As one of the four major princes of the Great Shang, Xibohou not only failed to guard the border for the Great Shang, he even dared to raise an army to rebel. This was disloyal and unjust to the Great Shang. Huang Feihu, I, Zhang Guifang, will kill you with my own hands. Huang

Feihu shouted with an ugly look on his face,

"Zhang Guifang, stop talking nonsense. King Zhou is ignorant and greedy for beauty. The evil concubine Su Daji has disrupted the government and harmed the loyal. The great merchants are no longer the great merchants they used to be. The great Zhou Dynasty obeyed the will of God and attacked the merchants. This is the place of the people. Xiang, this is God's will to destroy the great merchants."

At this time,

Zhang Kui, the commander-in-chief of Sishui Pass, came to the city wall.

He looked at Huang Feihu outside the pass and shouted disdainfully,

"Speaking arrogantly, officers and soldiers of Dashang, what should we do to the traitors?"

"kill! kill! kill!"

"What should we do about the rebellious Western Zhou Dynasty?"

"Destroy! Destroy! Destroy!"

Zhang Kui raised his hands and shouted expressionlessly,

"For the sake of Great Shang, and for Empress Su, the soldiers of Bishui Pass will fight until every soldier is killed. Huang Feihu, the rebel of the Western Zhou Dynasty, as long as Zhang Kui, the general of Bishui Pass, is here, you can never attack Sishui Pass."

"For the sake of Dashang and Empress Su, we will live and die with Sishui Pass."

"For the sake of Dashang and Empress Su, we will live and die with Sishui Pass."

"For the sake of Dashang and Empress Su, we will live and die with Sishui Pass.".......

On the wall of Sishui Pass, hundreds of thousands of troops roared in unison, and then 0.1, millions of troops in the entire Sishui Pass roared. All the troops in

Sishui Pass roared from the bottom of their hearts.

Dashang There have been great changes in more than a year.

For the first time, Dashang's army has military pay, and for the first time there is a pension after death in battle. Moreover, the weapons and armor are very sophisticated. Even as long as the slaves serve as soldiers, the slaves themselves can not only Be forgiven of slavery, and your entire family will be forgiven of slavery.

All the soldiers in Dashang's army, how could they watch everything they got go up in smoke.

Huang Feihu listened to the roar in Bishui Pass with a shocked expression. He felt that the roar of the Dashang army was coming from the heart.

But how is this possible?

"How can this be? How could Dashang's army be so united? For big business? For Empress Su? Where is King Zhou? Where is the queen? Is King Zhou, the great king of Shang, dead?".

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