Kong Xuan was speechless to the bastard Su Chen.

Was Empress Houtu his woman?

How can this be?

This bastard will only be in his thirties at most after he recovers. Houtu was a great power in the Lich period. During that period, Xuanniiao had already fallen in the war between the three innate clans.

This bastard had only recovered a few decades ago. How could Su Chen be related to Empress Houtu?

Kong Xuan thought that Empress Nuwa also came for Su Chen, so he continued to ask Su Chen,

"Where is the Nuwa Empress? It seems that Nuwa Empress also came here for you. What is your relationship with Nuwa Empress?"

"my woman!"

What Su Chen said this time was the truth. Nuwa is indeed his woman in future generations, and her body and heart belong to him.

Kong Xuan's face turned completely dark at this moment, and he shouted at Su Chen,

"Damn it, you bastard really wants to die. Damn, Houtu Empress is your woman? Is Nuwa your woman too? You bastard, why didn't you say that the Queen Mother and the Queen Mother of the West were also your women?"

Su Chen coughed and said speechlessly,

"cough! Kong Xuan, I want to say that the Queen Mother and the Queen Mother of the West are also my women, do you believe it?"

"I believe you!"

Kong Xuan turned his head and didn't want to pay attention to this bastard. He was speechless at Su Chen's audacity.

Damn it,

Kong Xuan suddenly thought that he just mentioned the name of the saint Nuwa. He hoped that during the Great Tribulation of the Gods, the heavenly secrets would be chaotic, and Nuwa The empress did not sense what he just said, otherwise, he would definitely be killed by this bastard.

Su Chen looked at the battlefield and said to Kong Xuan,

"Kong Xuan, Sishui Pass is handed over to you. I want to return to Chaoge City.

Kong Xuan asked with a puzzled look on his face,"Why did you leave again after you arrived just now?""

Su Chen said helplessly,

"Can I stay now? Hou Tu and Nu Wa have both appeared. If I don’t leave, I don’t know what great powers will come."

"Do you think that's possible?"

"I hope no one will come, but who can say for sure? If another powerful one comes, will you be your opponent? Can you, an idiot like you, protect me~'?"

"I'm stupid, Xuanniao, you're stupid, if the one who comes is not a saint, how could I......I'll do it!"

Kong Xuan was cursing at Su Chen and suddenly stopped.

He suddenly felt a terrifying aura coming, and Kong Xuan immediately looked wary of the coming strong man.


A woman in gold dress suddenly appeared on the city wall,

Su Chen and Kong Xuan were both confused at this moment. Did he really have the arrival of a powerful quasi-sage? The

Queen Mother?

How could the Queen Mother of Heaven come?

Su Chen felt that he should not come to Sishui Pass at this moment.

He More than an hour after arriving at Sishui Pass,

Empress Houtu arrived, Empress Nuwa also arrived, and this time the Queen Mother also arrived. Su Chen was worried that if he continued to stay, he didn't know what other powerful powers would come. On the city of Shuiguan, all the generals and soldiers did not care about the war below the city. All of them were confused.

Another powerful immortal arrived.

This was already the third powerful female immortal.

On the city wall The generals and soldiers looked at Su Chen with great admiration. More than an hour after Wu Xiangjun Su Chen arrived, three powerful female immortals appeared. At this moment!

The graceful Queen Mother looked at Su Chen and said,


Su Chen looked at his woman. The Queen Mother is really a top beauty with stunning beauty and charm.

The Nuwa Empress is a noble, cool, aloof, and unforgettable beauty.

The Queen Mother is a graceful, luxurious and beautiful woman. , a gorgeous beauty that he wanted to conquer at first sight.

When Su Chen saw Kong Xuan's confused look, he knew he couldn't count on this idiot. Even if Kong Xuan was not confused, he was no match for the Queen Mother.

Su Chen coughed He said at once,"Hey, Queen Mother, why are you here?"

The Queen Mother moved her flaming red lips and asked,

"Su Chen, the Yaochi Divine General of Pantaoyuan, why do you think I came?"

I guess!

How could the Queen Mother of this period know that he has the status of a Yaochi general? (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

There is something wrong with him!

Su Chen is pretending to be stupid. said,

"Queen Mother, what Yaochi general? I don't understand what you mean."


"So what is this?"

The Queen Mother waved her hand, and a halo suddenly appeared on Su Chen's body. This was a divine throne, which was the one that the Queen Mother consecrated him to as the Divine General of Yaochi.

The Queen Mother was very curious about Su Chen.

More than a year ago , she suddenly discovered that there was an extra divine general in the Yaochi Immortal Palace. After the Queen Mother checked it, she was even more shocked.

Yaochi Divine General?

Is this the Yaochi Divine General that she personally canonized?

The Queen Mother has never canonized any Yaochi Divine General. Moreover, the person who was canonized was a scum of the human race. She had never met the human race Su Chen. How could the human race Su Chen be canonized as the Divine General of Yaochi by her?

"I'll do it!"

After Su Chen saw the divine status of the Yaochi God General, he was confused.

Damn it!

How come his Yaochi God General's status was not deprived of him? Su Chen frowned and couldn't understand. He was the Emperor of the Ancient Immortal Realm. After being deprived of his status, how could he still have the status of God General of Yaochi?

I guess!

Su Chen thought that the Queen Mother had brought Yaochi Wonderland to Xuantian Realm, and Yaochi Wonderland was still Yaochi Wonderland in Meruo Heavenly Court.

Is this his fault? , couldn’t it be because of this reason that his position of God General of Yaochi still exists?

Kong Xuan was confused again at this moment.

In this short period of more than an hour, he had been confused many times.

Kong Xuan was a powerful person. A quasi-sage, he would not change his face no matter how big things happened, but today, what he encountered made it impossible for him not to be confused. At this moment, what did Kong Xuan see?

A god?

This (? No, it's him.

The conferring of gods has just begun.

How could Su Chen have a divine position?

Kong Xuan looked at Su Chen and was very unbelievable.

The Queen Mother said to Su Chen seriously,

"Su Chen, since you are the divine general of my Yaochi Immortal Palace, you must return to the Yaochi Immortal Palace in Heaven with me."

Su Chen coughed and kicked Kong Xuan next to him,"Ahem, cough, cough, Kong Xuan, are you dead?"

"None of my business!"

Kong Xuan glared at Su Chen and didn't want to talk to this bastard.

He just wanted to watch the show now.

As for what he said earlier about protecting Su Chen, did he say it?

Kong Xuan seemed to have arrived at the army before the Queen Mother had finished speaking.

Besides, he didn't Kong Xuan , the Queen Mother's opponent, couldn't save Su Chen even if he wanted to. He thought it would be better to watch the show on the sidelines.

"Damn it, Kong Xuan, you idiot, you actually keep your word but don't keep it? Didn't you say you wanted to protect me?".

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