Su Chen's face turned dark when he saw Lei Pun, who was above the Nine Heavens.

He had only deceived the Great Desolate Heaven once, but the Great Desolate Heaven couldn't kill him with the Nine Nine Thunder Punishment.

Su Chen felt that the Great Desolate Heaven was prejudiced against him.

In later generations, the Great Desolate Heaven would attack him at every turn. During the Conferred God Period, the Great Desolate Heaven still wanted to strike him, and even used the Nine-Nine Thunder Punishment to strike him. Did the Prehistoric Heaven want to get rid of him? ?

Damn it, the Eight Great Spiritual Treasures should be able to withstand the ninety-nine thunder punishments of the Heavenly Dao.

Damn the Heavenly Dao.

Su Chen felt that he could not provoke the Heavenly Dao again in the future.

At this moment,

Nuwa, the Queen Mother, and even the Queen Mother of the West and Hou Tu were all very surprised.

The thunder punishment above the Nine Heavens has reached the level of the Nine-Nine Thunder Punishment. The girls did not expect that this thunder punishment would be the Nine-Nine Thunder Punishment, which is second only to the Zixiao Thunder Punishment and the Chaos World-Destroying Thunder Punishment.

Nuwa and his wife couldn't understand why the ancient heaven would use the Nine-nine Thunder Punishment to kill Su Chen?

Empress Nuwa shouted to Su Chen with a worried look on her face,

"Little bastard, you have to be careful. This thunder punishment should be ninety-nine. Don't be careless."

The Queen Mother also hurriedly reminded Su Chen

"Su Chen, the Nine-Nine Thunder Punishment is the third largest thunder punishment in the ancient world. It is very powerful. Although you have eight top-quality innate spiritual treasures, you should not take it lightly."

"I see!"

Su Chen waved his hands to Nuwa and the Queen Mother.

How could he not know the horror of the Nine-Nine Thunder Punishment? Su Chen went through the Nine-Nine Heavenly Tribulation when he became an immortal. All the powerful men on the Golden Rooster Ridge are also extremely powerful at this moment. Doubtful, they did not expect that this thunder punishment would be the Nine-Nine Thunder Punishment. Su Chen's previous declaration of the Great Desolate Heavenly Law, the Great Desolate Heavenly Dao did not agree, but it was impossible to use the Nine-Nine Thunder Punishment to punish Su Chen. Is there anything else in this? What secrets do they not know?

The eight great spiritual treasures stand above Su Chen's head.

All the powerful people guess that the Nine-Nine Thunder Punishment should not be able to harm Su Chen.

The eight top-grade innate spiritual treasures can overcome the tribulation, unless it is Zixiao Thunder Punishment or Chaos Destruction. The world's thunder punishment, otherwise, Su Chen would survive the ninety-nine thunder punishments safely with the help of the eight spiritual treasures.

Boom boom boom......

At this time, outside the prehistoric starry sky, violent vibrations broke out in the chaos.

All the powerful people on Jinji Ridge looked at the chaos outside the prehistoric sky. They all knew that the violent vibrations in the chaos were caused by the battle between the three clearings. The three The powerful saints fight. If this were in the prehistoric fairyland, the prehistoric fairyland might be torn to pieces by the terrifying battles of the saints.

In the chaos,

I was alone resisting the attacks of Yuanshi and Tongtian, and they had not yet used their powerful spiritual treasures.

The three Qings each fought with the twenty-fourth-grade spiritual treasure divided into the Green Lotus. Tongtian held the Qingping Sword, Yuanshi held the Three Treasures Jade Ruyi, and Lao Tzu Panlong Bianguai.

Red flowers, white lotus roots and green lotus leaves, the three religions used to be one family, but now, the three pure religions have turned against each other and even resorted to killing each other. All of this was caused by Su Chen's single-handed instigation of discord. This is also the result of Lao Tzu's conspiracy..

In this space in the chaos, the powerful battle of Sanqing caused this space to become unstable, and everything around it was reduced to ashes by the powerful battle.

"One qi transforms the three qing dynasties!"

At this time,

I was hit by Yuanshi's Three Treasures Ruyi, and he activated the secret technique with a gloomy face.

He knew that he was invincible in this battle. As long as Tongtian used the Zhuxian Sword Formation, he would fall into the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

I I have also become ruthless.

I have used them all, including the Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda of Heaven and Earth, the innate treasure Tai Chi Diagram, and even the secret technique of transforming the three pure beings in one breath. Even if he was killed by Tongtian and Yuanshi this time, he would have to pull someone to support him. die once

"The poor Taoist Taoist Supreme Master, I have met all of you fellow Taoists."

"Ping Dao Yu Qing Yuanshi Tianzun, I have met all Taoist friends."

"I have met all my Taoist friends, the Supreme Pure Spiritual Treasure Heavenly Venerable."

After I transformed into Sanqing's avatar, the three Sanqings who were at the pinnacle of quasi-sage greeted each other with a smile.

"I, you will die no matter what today!" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"One qi can transform the three pure beings. One qi can transform the three pure beings. I, you are dead today."

When Tongtian and Yuanshi saw the secret technique of One Qi Transforming into Three Purities that I had used, their faces were very ugly. One

Qi into Three Purities transformed into three pure states.

Tongtian and Yuanshi both saw clones that were exactly the same as them, and even called themselves Their titles, Tongtian and Yuanshi were so angry that they wanted to kill me completely.

"Pangu flag!"

"The Four Swords of Killing Immortals!"

Yuanshi and Tongtian both summoned their powerful spiritual treasures angrily.

After I used it to turn three pure things into one breath, they believed all the secrets told by Su Chen.

I must die.

If I weren't a saint of heaven, they would be Killing me, Tiandao will also resurrect me. Tongtian and Yuanshi can't wait to kill me physically and mentally.

Boom boom boom!

The battle in the chaos is even more terrifying.

There are two innate treasures, and one is comparable to the four innate treasures of Zhu Xian. Swords and three powerful spiritual treasures attacked each other.

The terrifying battle in this chaotic space was completely shattered.

Even in the chaos where Sanqing was located, chaotic evil spirits and chaotic storms were running around, violent chaotic evil spirits and chaos. The storm wiped out everything around it.

Boom boom boom.....

In the prehistoric fairy world, the thunder punishment from the nine heavens fell down, and a huge black thunder and lightning quickly struck towards Su Chen. boom!

After a terrifying thunder strike struck,

Su Chen stood in the air unharmed. The eight spiritual treasures above his head withstood the first thunder strike.

All the powerful people on Jinji Ridge stayed away from Su Chen and

Jiujiu Lei Punishment.

They, the quasi-sages and Daluo Golden Immortals, did not dare to be affected, unless they had powerful spiritual treasures that could deceive Lei Punishment's attack, otherwise,

If lightning strikes them, they will be seriously injured even if they don't die.

Boom boom boom.....

A series of terrifying thunder punishments struck Su Chen continuously. Under the protection of the eight spiritual treasures, Su Chen was fine now.


Su Chen did not take it lightly.

The thunder punishments dropped by the Eye of Heaven were more terrifying than the others. Su Chen was also worried that something might happen again in the Nine-Nine Thunder Punishments.

On a high mountain in Jinjiling,

Emperor Haotian saw that Su Chen was protected by eight spiritual treasures, and the terrifying thunder punishments could not hurt Su Chen at all.

He was very angry in his heart.

If Su Chen did not die,

Haotian would be unlucky in the future, especially the relationship between the Queen Mother and Su Chen. If Su Chen bewitched the Queen Mother, the ancient heaven would be divided into two, and he, the ancient emperor, would be completely reduced. He is the laughing stock of the prehistoric fairy world.

Emperor Haotian cursed with an ugly look on his face,

"Damn it, couldn't even the Nine-Nine Thunder Punishment kill that bastard?".

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