When Su Chen was passing through the sixty-third thunder punishment, Nuwa's Mountains, Rivers and State Map also lost its luster and fell down. He looked at the heaven above the nine heavens and cursed angrily.

But when the sixty-fourth thunder punishment was brewing,

Su Chen's face turned black.

Purple Sky Divine Thunder?

The sixty-fourth thunder punishment turned into the Purple Sky Divine Thunder.

Su Chen hurriedly begged for mercy without scolding him. This was the Purple Sky Divine Thunder. It was impossible for Su Chen to survive it. Even if he took out The Chaos Clock is of no help either.

Boom boom boom......

Above the nine heavens, the black thunderclouds now turned purple, and the thunder and roar in the sky became even more deafening, shaking the entire prehistoric fairyland.

The Eye of Heaven is still locked on Su Chen coldly and coldly. The Eye of Heaven without emotion is like a black hole that wants to swallow Su Chen.

Around Jinji Ridge, everyone hurriedly stayed away from Su Chen, and even some Daluo Jinxian stayed thousands of miles away.

Zixiao Divine Thunder?

None of them thought that the Nine-Nine Thunder Punishment would turn into the Zixiao Divine Thunder.

Even a saint would shed a layer of skin when he was going through the tribulation.

Su Chen was just a scumbag Taiyi Golden Immortal. There was no way he could survive it. The terrifying Zixiao Divine Thunder

"Purple Sky Divine Thunder? How could this thunder punishment change?"

"what should we do? Su Chen is dead this time"

"Senior sister, isn't Su Chen doomed? He will be struck by Zixiao's thunder and be destroyed physically and mentally."

"Damn it, I can't save that bastard"

"Thunder Punishment can't be saved at all. Besides, even if we try to save Su Chen, we don't have the ability."

"well! There is nothing we can do. Not even the saints dare to provoke Zixiao Divine Thunder. Our level of cultivation cannot save Su Chen at all."

After seeing the appearance of the Zixiao Divine Thunder, the faces of the Holy Mother Jin Ling and the six Yunxiao girls all turned ugly. It was impossible for Su Chen to survive the ninety-nine thunder punishments.

The appearance of the Zixiao Divine Thunder made it so possible for Su Chen Crossing over?

The ancient Heavenly Dao clearly wanted to kill Su Chen.

At this moment,

Nuwa shouted angrily,

"Damn it, how could the Nine-Nine Thunder Punishment turn into the Purple Sky Divine Thunder? Does the prehistoric heaven must kill Su Chen to death?"

Nu Wa was very angry.

After the Nine-Nine Thunder Punishment passed through the sixty-third strike,

Su Chen no longer had the spirit treasure to resist the Nine-Nine Thunder Punishment. Now the Sixty-fourth Thunder Punishment, the Nine-Nine Thunder Punishment actually Transformed into the Purple Sky Divine Thunder, the Great Heavenly Dao clearly wanted Su Chen to die.

The Queen Mother asked Nuwa nervously,

"Empress Nuwa, what should we do? Could it be that he was watching Su Chen being struck to death by the Zixiao Divine Thunder?"

Nuwa Empress explained helplessly,

"Queen Mother, Heavenly Thunder Punishment cannot be interfered with. We can't save that bastard at all. I will find a way to save Su Chen's soul later. This is also the last resort."

The Queen Mother rubbed her forehead and couldn't figure out the question.

"That’s the only way it can be, but I just can’t figure it out"

"Su Chen just deceived the Great Desolate Heaven. The Nine-Nine Thunder Punishment dropped by the Great Desolate Heaven was already a very heavy punishment. Why did the Great Desolate Heaven still send down the Purple Sky Divine Thunder? This just doesn't make sense."

After Empress Nuwa heard what the Queen Mother said, she also felt that it was abnormal for the prehistoric heaven to punish Su Chen.

Since the prehistoric heaven sent down the Nine-Nine Thunder Punishment to punish Su Chen, why did it change into the Purple Sky Divine Thunder in the middle?

This is simply unreasonable. If Heaven wanted to destroy Su Chen, wouldn't it just rain down the Purple Sky Divine Thunder?

"Um? Queen Mother, do you mean that this doesn’t seem like something done by a selfless God?"

The Queen Mother nodded and said seriously,

"Yes, Su Chen deceived the Great Heaven. The punishment of the Nine-Nine Thunder Punishment issued by the Great Heaven was already too severe. It is impossible for the selfless Heaven to send down the Purple Sky Divine Thunder again."

Empress Nuwa raised her eyebrows in confusion. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The Queen Mother is right, the ancient world is very abnormal today, is it?

Nuwa suddenly thought of Hong After Daozu Jun and

Daozu Hongjun joined forces, they gained some power from heaven. Empress Nuwa suspected that Daozu Hongjun was behind it.


Why did Hongjun use heavenly punishment to get rid of Su Chen? Did Su Chen treat Daozu Hongjun? Is there any threat? Or is it because Su Chen sowed discord between the Sanqing Saints?

On Jinji Ridge,

Queen Mother Xi and Hou Tu stood together and looked at each other. Their faces were very anxious at this moment, and the Nine-Nine Thunder Punishment turned into a purple sky. They all knew that it was impossible for Su Chen to resist the divine thunder. Even a saint would be peeled off by the Zixiao divine thunder. How could Su Chen survive the scumbag Taiyi Golden Immortal?

"Queen Mother of the West, let’s go find Nuwa. Su Chen may be dead this time. We must find a way to rescue Su Chen’s soul."

"Well, I hope that Nuwa Empress has the ability to rescue Su Chen’s soul. How could that little bastard provoke the Zixiao Divine Thunder? I can’t figure it out."

"Let's go and ask Nuwa what's going on first."


After Hou Tu and Xi Queen Mother talked for a while, they were all helpless. It was impossible for Heaven's thunder and punishment to interfere. It was impossible for them to block Su Chen's thunder and punishment.

Hou Tu and Xi Queen Mother disappeared in the same place in an instant.

They were going to find them. Empress Nuwa, only Empress Nuwa here can save Su Chen's soul.

At this moment,

Zhunti and Jieyin are also very confused, how can the Nine-Nine Thunder Punishment change?

This is completely unreasonable, since the prehistoric heaven has descended on Nine-Nine Nine thunder punishments, it is impossible to change the thunder punishments in the middle, and their brothers are very confused about this.

Zhunti shook his head and said to Jieyin,

"Senior brother, the Human Emperor Su Chen is going to die. Our spiritual treasure was lent to Su Chen in vain."

Jie Yin said with a serious face,

"Something is wrong, junior brother, something is wrong with the thunder punishment this time. I suspect it is not the ancient heaven that is sending the thunder punishment."

Zhunti was very surprised when she heard (Zhao Li's) words of introduction. The words of introduction were very obvious. Wasn't it Heaven's way that sent down thunder and punishment? Only Hongjun Taozu of Hedao can send down thunder and punishment.

He thought for a while and pointed to the air. asked,

"Senior brother, do you mean knowledge?"

Jie Yin nodded and replied,

"Yes, I suspect that Taoist Hongjun is now in control of Heaven's Thunder Punishment. I don't understand why Taozu Hongjun wants to use Heaven's Punishment to get rid of the Human Emperor Su Chen?"

"Hongjun? Why did he use the help of heaven to kill Su Chen?"

"Not sure!"

Thousands of miles away from Jinji Ridge, Emperor Haotian was even more happy when he saw the appearance of the Zixiao Divine Thunder. Originally, the Nine-Nine Thunder Punishment could kill Su Chen, but with the appearance of the Zixiao Divine Thunder, Su Chen would survive no matter what. No more

"Human Emperor Su Chen, you deserve it. Even the law of heaven cannot tolerate you. You still want to be the emperor of the prehistoric world. Let’s see how you do this time......Damn it, what is going on?".

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