Wenina nodded to Su Chen,

Luo Feng?

It's time to end it.

After killing Luo Feng,

Wenina also said goodbye to the past completely.


Suchen waved his hand and teleported Wenina over.

"Extreme Dojo Hong (Thunder Dojo Lei) has met the King of Angels!"Hong Helei came to Su Chen and saluted.

Su Chen nodded and said,

"Hong, Lei, you are good, but your strength is still too low. There are many strong people in your world, and there are various planets and races in the universe. If the earth does not want to be destroyed and enslaved, you still need to continue to become stronger. Lei asked Su Chen curiously,

"King of Angels, what is the most powerful force in our world?"

"Realm Lord. Below the Realm Lord is the Territory Lord, then the Stellar Level and the Planetary Level. These realms are divided into nine levels."

Yaorao, Farr, and Xu Xin also came over.

After hearing what Su Chen said, Yaoruo asked,

"Su Chen, what realm is the Realm Lord equivalent to in your fairy world?"

Su Chen looked at Farr and replied to Yaorao,

"Your world is just a middle thousand world. The most powerful in the middle thousand world is equivalent to the heavenly immortal in the immortal world, and the most powerful in the great thousand world is equivalent to the golden immortal in the immortal world."

Hong and Lei, as well as Yaorao, Xu Xin, and Farr, they did not expect that the most powerful person in the universe is the Realm Lord. Under the Realm Lord there is the Territory Lord, and then there are the star level and planet level.

In the universe It's really scary.

The earth is too weak, and they are too weak.

Celestial Immortal?

Golden Immortal?

What level is this in the immortal world?

Hong saluted Su Chen,"King of Angels, how are the realms of the immortal world divided?"

Su Chen shook his head and replied,

"Fairyland? You are still too weak and knowing too much will not be good for you."

Yaoluo took Su Chen's arm and said,

"Su Chen, just tell me, we also want to know how powerful the fairy world is."

Su Chen looked at the sexy and seductive Yaorao.

Yaorao still respected Hong as always. Hong was considered to be Yaorao's master, and there was nothing wrong with Yaorao doing this.

"Well, the realm of immortality begins with human immortality. This is just the standard for becoming an immortal. It does not live in the division of realms.."

"The realms of the Immortal World range from Earth Immortal, Heavenly Immortal, Xuan Immortal, Golden Immortal, Taiyi Golden Immortal, Daluo Golden Immortal, and Quasi-Sage. These realms are all transformed into the early stage, the middle stage, the late stage, and the peak."

"Finally, there is the Holy Realm, which is also the most powerful realm in the fairy world. The Holy Realm is divided into twelve heavens, one for each."

After hearing what Su Chen said, Hong and others opened their eyes wide.

The fairy world is more terrifying than they imagined.

The immortals are only insignificant existences in the fairy world, but the immortals are the most powerful in their world. There are powerful realms such as Xuanxian, Jinxian, Taiyi Jinxian, Daluo Jinxian, Quasi-Sage, and even the more terrifying Twelve Heavens of the Holy Realm. The fairy world is too scary.

Faermeimei Looking at Su Chen, he asked curiously,

"King of Angels, what state are you in?"


Su Chen looked at Farr speechlessly and replied,

Damn, luckily the girl on the ladder raised his level, otherwise a dignified Heavenly Emperor in the Xuantian Realm would be a Taiyi Golden Immortal. It would be a bit embarrassing to say it.


Farr was shocked when he heard Su Chen's words.


This is an existence that is only in the holy realm.

The strength of the King of Angels is really terrifying.

Su Chen waved his hand casually, and a huge liquid floated in front of everyone. A huge transparent drop of water,

"Enchanting, this is a drop of three-light divine water. I have diluted it. You guys can absorb the three-light divine water as much as possible. The three-light divine water can change your physique. It can change your physique into a spiritual body, and it can also improve your cultivation. for."

Hong and the others saw the Three Light Divine Water in front of them. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Although the Three Light Divine Water did not look threatening, they did not dare to touch it. They all felt that the Three Light Divine Water was The water reveals huge energy, an energy that can destroy the earth.

Enchanting looked at Sanguang Shenshui and asked with bright eyes,

"Su Chen, can I also absorb the Three Light Divine Water?"

Su Chen nodded and replied,

"As for absorption, Hong and the others can't absorb much at all. You were transformed into immortal roots by the nine-leaf spiritual grass. Although the three-light divine water was diluted by me, it still has some effect on you."

Yaoluo laughed when she heard Su Chen's words,

"Haha, as long as the Three Light Divine Water is useful to me, Venina's face will be even more ugly after she comes back."

Yaorao thought of Wenina's face when she knew about her realm.

She was shocked, unwilling, helpless, and frustrated. These expressions all appeared on Wenina's face. Yaoruo also knew why Su Chen didn't improve Wenina's strength.

Luck. In the war,

Wenina can go to other worlds to participate in the fate war and travel to other worlds.

Yaorao also wants to go, but she knows it is impossible. Only if Su Chen controls this world in the future can Yaorao realize this dream.

"`.You start.....I go!"

Su Chen prepared Yaorao and the others to start absorbing it.

The Orchid Demon and Babata appeared quickly. They were absorbing the Three Light Divine Water beside the Three Light Divine Water.

Since Su Chen took out the Three Light Divine Water, the eyes of the Orchid Demon and Babata became red.

Especially the Orchid Demon, the Three Lights Divine Water has a fatal attraction for her.

Babata also feels that the Three Lights Divine Water is different.

It is a divine thing.

If she absorbs the Three Lights Divine Water, even a little bit, Babata feels that she It will evolve faster and become more perfect.

Su Chen was speechless looking at the Orchid Demon and Babata.

Two little beauties, a little flower demon, an intelligent life form, one looks like a little girl, and the other looks like a little devil.

Su Chen He waved his hands to Hong and the others and said,

"You guys should start too. Don’t worry, the Sanguang Divine Water is very gentle. As long as you don’t attack, the Sanguang Divine Water will not cause riots."

"Thank you so much to the King of Angels!"

After Hong, Lei, and Faer thanked Su Chen one after another, they also stretched out their hands to use their kung fu to absorb the three-light divine water. Yaorao also joined in absorbing the three-light divine water.

On Kiri Island, the three sisters Su Yan were studying the ice and snow lotus that Su Chen gave them. ,

Xu Xin looked at the people who absorbed the Three Light Divine Water. She did not absorb the Three Light Divine Water in the past.

She was an angel, and Xu Xin did not use the Three Light Divine Water to change her spirit body.

Su Chen looked at Xu Xin beside him and asked,"Xu Xin, Winnie You don't care if Na goes to kill Luo Feng?"

Xu Xin's expression changed when she heard Su Chen's words.

Wenina went to kill Luo Feng, but she didn't care?

Is this possible?

Xu Xin has liked Luo Feng for many years.

Although she decided to marry Luo Feng because of the flying monster. Feng no longer interacts with each other, but if Luo Feng is killed, she still wants to save Luo Feng, but she also knows that there is nothing she can do

"Your Majesty, can you spare Luo Feng's life?".

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