Su Chen saw that Our Lady of Turtle Spirit looked like a little rabbit, and he shook his head speechlessly.

Is this still a strong person in the late-stage of the Saint?

Damn it,

Su Chen thought that if he did something to the Turtle Spirit Madonna on the ladder to heaven, the Turtle Spirit Madonna would not change back to her original form, right?

Can't afford it!

Can't afford it!

Su Chen didn't want to face a huge turtle.

Su Chen took out a pill and stuffed it into the arms of Our Lady of Turtle Spirit.

"Here you go, little turtle, this is a pill to improve your realm. If you eat it, you can advance to a small realm."

I'll go!

It's so weak!

Su Chen accidentally touched the mountain of Our Lady of Turtle Spirits. He felt the softness and touched it.


"Inglorious bastard, I'm going to kill you."

Our Lady of Turtle Spirit kicked Su Chen with shame and anger on her face.

This shameless bastard, she didn't expect that Su Chen would dare to attack her in public. Our Lady of Turtle Spirit was also misled by Su Chen's elixir. She didn't expect that Su Chen would dare to attack her in public." Su Chen would use his hands and feet when giving her the elixir.

"Ahem, I'm going to continue climbing. Turtle, you should take the elixir and continue climbing. By the way, little Turtle, you are in really good shape."

Su Chen hurriedly continued to climb up in embarrassment.

Fortunately, Madam Guiling's mana was exhausted and her whole body was soft and weak. Otherwise, with the kick just now by Madonna Guiling, the kick of Quasi-Sage, Su Chen might have been kicked out of the ladder.

"Damn, it's so hateful."

Mother Guiling clenched her fists in shame and anger. She didn't expect that Su Chen would be so lustful. Damn you bastard.

Mother Guiling rubbed her forehead and was very helpless. She had no way to do anything to Su Chen.

Mother Guiling hit her But Su Chen couldn't find a helper to help her. This bastard couldn't even do anything to a saint in the holy realm. She, a quasi-sage, couldn't do anything to Su Chen. The prehistoric fairyland,

Xiniu Hezhou, boom boom boom boom.......

Loud noises kept coming from Xiniu Hezhou, and all the immortals in the prehistoric immortal world panicked. This was a sign that the space channels in the realm were connected.

"Damn it, why is there still a connection between the realm and the prehistoric fairyland? An extraterrestrial demon world makes it difficult for even the Great Desolate Immortal World to fight against. If another realm appears, will our Great Desolate Immortal World be doomed?"

"It’s over. The two realms have launched a war against the Great Desolate Immortal World. We, the Great Desolate Immortal World, cannot resist it at all."

"Damn it, where are those saints? The demonic world outside the territory has been attacking for several years. Why did those saints take action?"

"Take action? The demon ancestor Rahu is very powerful, and all the saints are no match for him. Do the saints dare to take action?"

"Do you think the Heavenly Emperor Su Chen will return to the prehistoric fairyland?"

"Impossible, impossible, Heavenly Emperor Su Chen no longer belongs to the Great Desolate Immortal Realm. If Heavenly Emperor Su Chen enters the Great Desolate Immortal Realm, Prehistoric Heavenly Dao will take action against Heavenly Emperor Su Chen." All the immortals in various places in the Great Desolate Immortal World were talking with ugly faces. They had given up hope in the Great Desolate Immortal World. An extraterrestrial demonic world had beaten the Great Desolate Immortal World to the point where it was unable to fight back. The Great Desolate Immortal World even lost the Starry Sky Fortress. This time Another realm appeared. How could the Ancient Immortal Realm resist? In Kunlun Mountain, Hongjun and the five great saints sat together in silence with ugly expressions. The Ferocious Beast Realm appeared. After the space passage between the Ferocious Beast Realm and the Ancient Immortal Realm was connected, In ten years at most, the ferocious beast realm will attack the prehistoric fairyland. There is an extraterrestrial demon realm in the chaos. There is a space passage of the ferocious beast realm in Niuhezhou, the prehistoric west. There are two powerful realms one above the other. How can the prehistoric fairyland resist? Can the prehistoric heaven be able to Can you resist Rahu and the Beast King Shenni at the same time?

"what to do? If this continues, the prehistoric fairy world will really come to an end." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"There is no other way. The Beast King Shen Ni is more powerful than the demon Rahu, and the prehistoric fairyland cannot stop the attack of the ferocious beast realm."

"What about us? Are you going to abandon your holy position and run away? Or a fight to the death?"

"A fight to the death? How can we fight to the death? Whether it’s Demon Ancestor Rahu or Beast Emperor Shen Ni, they can crush us to death with one hand."

"Let's wait a few more years. If we can't do it, we can only give up the holy throne and escape from the ancient world."

"Where is Su Chen? Will he use the saints?"

"No, don't forget that we plotted against his sister in the Starry Sky Fortress. Su Chen is a person who must avenge his grievances, and he will never help the prehistoric fairy world again."

After the six saints talked for a while, they each nodded to each other after thinking for a while.

0 Asking for Flowers. Abandoning the holy throne and escaping from the Great Desolate Immortal World is their only choice, otherwise what awaits them is to perish together with the Great Desolate Immortal World. Together they were completely annihilated in the chaotic world.

In the starry sky fortress,

Luo Hu looked at the changes in the ancient fairyland with a serious face. The space passage between the ferocious beast realm and the primeval fairyland was connected. The ferocious beast realm!

The beast emperor is rebellious!

You finally appeared again, what level of the Holy Realm will you be?

Luo Hu shouted,

"Jealousy Demon!"

"Demon Ancestor!"

A demonic holy realm suddenly appeared and saluted Luo Hu.

Luo Hu asked expressionlessly,

"Have you found that bastard Su Chen?"

The jealous demon hurriedly replied respectfully,

"Back to Demon Ancestor, there is no news about Saint Su Chen. Our demon soldiers have not found any news in the ancient fairyland or the wild realm. Saint Su Chen’s sister is not in the wild realm either."

"damn it!" Luo Hu was very angry when he heard the answer from the Envy Demon. Luo Hu wanted to find Su Chen, but he couldn't find any news about Su Chen. That bastard was always looking for him. Luo Hu felt that he was in Su Chen. In front of Chen, everything was passive. Luo Hu thought for a while and ordered,

"Envoy of Jealousy, continue to look for that bastard Su Chen. This time, I want to do so in a fair and open manner. Since I can’t find that bastard, I also let that bastard know that I’m looking for him."

"Yes, Demon Ancestor!"

Ladder to heaven,

Su Chen is still climbing the ladder to the 3693rd floor.

Su Chen has surpassed several women one after another.

There are less than ten quasi-sages left in front of him. Wang Shu, The Ruthless Empress, Liu Shen, Qin Yuan, Qiong Xiao, etc.

The girls further up are all from the Holy Realm,

Queen Mother of the West, Yun Xiao, Guanyin Bodhisattva and other girls. They are all between the 3800 and 3900 levels at the moment..

Su Chen looked at the Queen Mother of the West who was on the next step up.

He smiled and said teasingly,

"Queen Mother of the West, you are a bit useless. Look at my sister and Liu Shen. They have both climbed forty or fifty levels higher than you. Are you going to die? Or is he too old to walk?".

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