Three days later,

Su Chen woke up,

"Huh? Let me go, how come the laws of space and time have reached 60%? How is this going? I just slept, how could the time and space method be improved by 30%?"

Su Chen was confused.

He was just sleeping and thinking about something. How could the laws of space and time suddenly be promoted? And he hadn't felt the pain of merging the laws of space and the laws of time.

"Ding, host, your luck is very good. You have previously entered the mysterious and mysterious realm of enlightenment. Not only have your laws of time and space been integrated and advanced, but your cultivation realm has reached the quasi-sage peak."

Su Chen shouted in surprise,

"Let me guess, I haven't discovered that the realm of cultivation has also advanced, the realm of enlightenment that is both mysterious and mysterious? System, what is this?"

"Ding, a kind of enlightenment, a state of enlightenment that all cultivators dream of. Your time for enlightenment this time is too short. If you stay in the state of enlightenment for a month, your laws of time and space will be integrated into Dacheng. If you can Advance to the holy realm in one fell swoop."

Su Chen curled his lips when he heard the system's words, too short?

This is already very good,

60% of the law of time and space.

This unexpected surprise is very good for him.

Besides, 700

Su Chen is still climbing the ladder. , Does he dare to sleep on the ladder for a month?

Let me guess, why are all the girls on the ladder resting? Are they worried that something will happen to them?

Su Chen found that none of the girls on the ladder continued to climb the ladder. Sitting on the ladder and looking at him.

Su Chen felt a little moved.

Nuwa and other women were probably worried that something would happen to him, so they did not continue to climb the ladder.

Su Chen waved to the women on the ladder, and he continued to climb the ladder. , the 60% law of time and space, the gravity of the ladder on more than 3,000 floors and the legs trapped by the ladder, these are dispensable to him.

On the 3695th floor,

Su Chen hugged him as he climbed up The Queen Mother of the West, who was still in a daze,

"Queen Mother of the West, are you worried about me that’s why you didn’t continue climbing?"

"Shameless, let me go!"

The Queen Mother of the West reacted when Su Chen hugged her. She immediately yelled at Su Chen in shame and anger. The

Queen Mother of the West has been paying attention to Su Chen for the past three days. She also benefited from Su Chen's strange changes in the past three days. Awesome.


Change of time and space?

She didn't understand what Su Chen was doing, but the skills she practiced had advanced in just three days. The Queen Mother of the West felt that as long as she practiced in seclusion for a hundred years, she would advance to the level of false saint. Realm.

Su Chen hugged the plump waist of the Queen Mother of the West and said with a smile,

"Haha, Queen Mother of the West, didn’t you ask me to compensate you with a child? I think I should accompany you as a child. After climbing the ladder, we can communicate."

"Go away, shameless pervert!"

The Queen Mother of the West pushed Su Chen away and cursed with shame and anger,"

This bastard, she didn't expect that Su Chen would be so shameless and pay for a child?

She was learning that Wu Shi was taken away by the Chaos Demon God, and Su Chen He also asked his men to kill the Chaos Demon God. The Queen Mother was just anxious and said the wrong thing, but this bastard still remembered it.

Su Chen curled his lips and reminded,"I'll go, Queen Mother of the West, isn't this what you asked for?""

The Queen Mother of the West's chest kept rising and falling because of Su Chen's anger.

This bastard was so shameless.

She stared at Su Chen with her beautiful eyes and shouted,

"Su Chen, you continue climbing immediately, I don’t want to see you now"

"Queen Mother of the West, this is an elixir that can elevate you to a small realm. You are at the pinnacle of quasi-sage. After taking the elixir, you can advance to the pseudo-saint realm. This is a realm that is infinitely close to the holy realm."

"Get out now, I don't want to.....Woohoo!"

The Queen Mother of the West had just received the elixir handed over by Su Chen.

She was about to let Su Chen continue to climb the ladder to heaven. The Queen Mother of the West did not expect that Su Chen would suddenly hug her and kiss her. (Read Baoshuang novels and go up to the sky. Lu Novel Network!)

"Goodbye, Queen Mother West (abfb), your mouth is very sweet."

Su Chen let go of Queen Mother Xi and hurriedly climbed up.

He was a little reckless this time when he kissed Queen Mother West.


Su Chen couldn't hold back for a moment because of Queen Mother West's mature charm, attractive plump figure, and uneven curves. I hope the Queen Mother of the West will not be angry and pursue him in the future.

"Shameless pervert!"

The Queen Mother of the West clenched her fists tightly and stared at Su Chen who was running away. She was so proud.

Damn it, she was actually kissed by Su Chen.

What a shameless bastard.

The Queen Mother of the West blushed when she looked at the ladder. She She found that the women on the ladder were looking back.

It was over.

The Queen Mother of the West found that the ruthless empress and Liu Shen were also looking at her.

"Cruel man, your brother is too....."

"How shameless!"

"Yes, let’s climb quickly. Your brother will catch up with us soon. I don’t want to be teased by your brother."

"Liu Shen, even if we speed up the climb, my brother will catch up. Do you think we can climb the ladder faster than my brother?"

"Damn, your brother is a monster."


Up and down the 3743rd floor,

Liu Shen and the Ruthless Empress saw Su Chen kissing the Queen Mother of the West, and they both shook their heads speechlessly. They all knew

Su Chen very well. Liu Shen was very worried at the moment. Su Chen didn't even let the Queen Mother go. She was worried that Su Chen would molest her if he caught up with her. Damn it, you must not be molested by that bastard. After Liu Shen thought about it, if Su Chen molested her, she would immediately quit climbing the ladder. Liu Shen was about to reach the limit. If she hadn't rested for three days, she would have I had already reached my limit and quit climbing. After a while, Su Chen caught up with the ruthless empress. After he touched the ruthless empress' hair, Su Chen took out a purple rhyme elixir and said,

"Nanny, this elixir is for you. You take it and continue climbing. Don’t force yourself. If you can’t hold on, quit."

The ruthless empress took the elixir and nodded, saying,

"Brother, I understand!"

"Well, I kept climbing."

After Su Chen waved his hand to the ruthless empress, he continued to climb to the upper level.

The ruthless empress's figure was also very attractive.

Her dress was loose and her fair skin was exposed, and her graceful curves were exposed. He has a bumpy figure and a proud mountain, but Su Chen has no distracting thoughts about the ruthless empress.

A sister who is not a younger sister.

Su Chen has regarded the ruthless empress as his own sister. It is a bit embarrassing for him to stay here.

"elder brother...."

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