Su Chen has no intention of saving these civilians.

In addition to the ability of a warrior in this world, he can only teleport. If Su Chen uses teleportation to save hundreds of civilians here, he will be exhausted to death.

"Suchen, you...."

Kasha originally wanted to persuade Su Chen, but she gave up after thinking about it.

She thought that Su Chen would teleport.

There were too many people in the hospital. Su Chen couldn't save hundreds of civilians in the hospital even if he tried to save them. How many people, and Su Chen's strength was sealed, Kasha was also worried that something would happen to Su Chen while rescuing people. bang bang...

Suddenly, there was the sound of fighting outside the hospital, and Su Chen appeared in the square in front of the hospital holding Kasha.

In the square,

Li Yunxiang was fighting with some East China Sea monsters. He was wearing simple armor and holding a homemade spear in his hand. At this moment, Li Yunxiang was beating the East China Sea monsters majestically and hiding everywhere. Boom!

A fat giant toad demon launched an attack on Li Yunxiang. The toad demon's long tongue attacked Li Yunxiang like a sharp arrow, and each attack shattered the ground.

"Li Yunxiang, be careful!"

Kasha saw Li Yunxiang hiding everywhere after being attacked by the toad demon. She was very worried.

Su Chen saw Kasha 393 going to the stairs of the hospital. He sat and watched Li Yunxiang's battle.

These were the same as in the plot. , Li Yunxiang can burn the toad demon to death. There seems to be a traitorous human being in the hospital. Su Chen doesn’t know if he will appear again.


Sun Wukong?

Su Chen suddenly found that Sun Wukong appeared next to him, and Sun Wukong had been secretly checking. Looking at Li Yunxiang, why does Sun Wukong want to help Li Yunxiang? When will Sun Wukong, who has always been stupid, play tricks? Will Sun Wukong be humble to Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea?

Su Chen felt that everything that happened in the plot was wrong, a rebellious man Sun Wukong turned out to be a conspirator.

Is this him?

Is this the same Sun Wukong who only knows how to fight and kill?

"Get out of here, didn't you see the fighting in the square?"

While Su Chen was thinking about Sun Wukong, a female doctor quickly ran over and pulled Su Chen to leave the square.

"I go!"

Before Su Chen had time to object, the female doctor pulled Su Chen and left in a hurry. Su Chen looked at the female doctor who pulled him away speechlessly.

Su Junzhu, the heroine in the plot, boom!

Suddenly, a man in ancient costume wearing armor came from He jumped down from the mountain, pointed his spear at Su Chen and yelled angrily,

"Emperor Su Chen, I didn’t expect that we would meet again"

"Huang Feihu?"

Huang Feihu laughed angrily and said,"Haha......."I didn't expect that the Emperor of Heaven would still remember me, a little person like me,"

Su Chen frowned and looked at Huang Feihu, how could Huang Feihu appear in this world? How could he remember that he was the Emperor of Heaven?

"Huang Feihu, do you know me? Huang

Feihu stared at Su Chen coldly and said,

"Emperor Su Chen, don’t you think I should know you? Or do you think I have been killed and my soul is gone? Su

Chen thought for a while and asked,"Huang Feihu, do you remember your wife and sister?""

Huang Feihu yelled angrily,

"Damn it, you are not worthy of being the Emperor of Heaven. My wife and sister were imprisoned and humiliated by you in the Great Shang Palace. You have lost all your magic power at this moment. This world is not a prehistoric fairyland. I came here to kill you."

Female doctor Su Junzhu was stunned.

The man in ancient costume and armor is Huang Feihu?

The Heavenly Emperor Su Chen?

The Dashang Palace?

Is this Huang Feihu from the list of gods?

The person next to her is called Su Chen? Or is he an Emperor of Heaven? And he even insulted Huang Feihu's Madam and sister?

God, is this true?

Or is she dreaming? (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Su Chen understood at this moment that

Huang Feihu was Huang Feihu in the Conferred Gods period.

He thought about it intentionally (abcd).

The fairy world in this world seems to be a deviated world, like a pseudo fairy world opened up by others. Those who died in the prehistoric fairy world It seems that people have once again become gods.

Who did this?

Who has such powerful means?


Or the five great saints?

Su Chen guessed that those saints could not return to the prehistoric fairy world. They had opened up a new world. The pseudo-immortal world is a declining immortal world without aura, but do those saints have such powerful means?

Huang Feihu burst out his soul and attacked Su Chen,

"Emperor Su Chen, die!"

"Bianhua, killed Huang Feihu."

Su Chen took out a pair of white flowers and threw them into the air and said,

"Yes, master!"

The shore flower on the other side of the sky replied in a woman's voice, and then, a white light instantly enveloped Huang Feihu.

"Flower of the other shore? How can this be? ah.....My soul, the damn Emperor Su Chen, ah ah ah...."

After a while,

Huang Feihu completely disappeared in front of Su Chen, and the flower of the other shore flew to Su Chen's shoulder again.

Huang Feihu was a piece of rubbish.

Su Chen could kill him without taking any action.

Fortunately, Tianlai did not prohibit him from using Ling Bao, otherwise Su Chen would have wasted some means to kill Huang Feihu.

Bianhua rubbed Su Chen's face and said,"Master, I did a good job, right?"

"Well enough!"

"Master, will you reward me with a few more drops of the water of life?"

"All right!"

Su Chen nodded speechlessly,"

The Flower of the Other Shore,

" this is the Flower of the Other Shore. When Su Chen and Po Meng were in the sea of ​​flowers on the other shore, under the moonlight, this Flower of the Other Shore stuck to his and Po Meng's breath and gave birth to spiritual wisdom. Su Chen advanced with the water of life. The flower of the other shore.

Although the flower of the other shore is still a garbage acquired treasure, in this declining world, her role is comparable to that of an innate treasure.

"Thank you master!"

After Su Chen put a few drops of water of life into the Bianhua flower, he collected the Bianhua flower.

How did Huang Feihu know that he came to this world? The only people who knew about his coming to this world were Sun Wukong and Longsan Prince.

Sun Wukong didn't know him, so There is only Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

Ao Guang?

Is he looking for death?

"Are you the Emperor of Heaven?"

Su Junzhu's heartbeat is very obvious at this moment.

A flower that can talk?

Or a very powerful flower, the flower of the other side?

Isn't this the flower of the underworld?

The man next to her is really the emperor of heaven in the fairy world? The emperor of heaven is named Su Morning?


"You are lying. Huang Feihu just called you Emperor Su Chen. How could you not be Emperor of Heaven?".

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