Chen Xiang glared at Su Chen fiercely, little brat?

Is he a brat?

Chen Xiang felt that Su Chen did not look like a good person. A man hugged two women and kissed them at every turn. He felt that Su Chen was a lustful pervert.

Yang Jian stood up and said,

"Agarwood, you and I go outside and I will teach you the exercises, otherwise you won’t be able to split Huashan."

"Good uncle."

Chenxiang's eyes lit up when he heard Yang Jian's words.

Kung Fu?

He has never practiced the Immortal Kung Fu.

Chen Xiang wants to practice the Immortal Kung Fu. Only by practicing the Immortal Kung Fu can he save his mother.

"Su Chen, I need to go out for something."

"Little fairy, where are you going?"

"My men are still in Xianle Building, I need to inform and place them in place"

"Ahem, no need, I brought it here for you."

Su Chen patted his forehead and was speechless. He forgot about the fairies he captured in Xianle Tower.

After Su Chen asked about the news about the Wushan Goddess and Bai Yuokui, he followed Yang Jian all the way to this place. Those captured by Su Chen The female fairies were all imprisoned in the Demonic Tower of Desire.

Wushan Goddess asked in surprise,

"What? Did you bring it here?"

Su Chen hurriedly explained,

"Well, I went to Xianle Tower to find you. In Xianle Tower, I was worried that the female fairies I met along the way would be exposed, so I grabbed them and imprisoned them."

The goddess of Wushan shook her head speechlessly and said,

"you....Forget it, you keep my men first, they are safer in your hands."

Bai Yuekui shook his head with a smile.

She guessed that Su Chen must have forgotten the fairies he captured. Although the fairies in Xianle Tower were very beautiful,

Su Chen was the emperor of the same realm. Bai Yuekui didn't believe that Su Chen would Falling in love with those female fairies with low strength

"I'm going to see what skills Yang Jian taught Chen Xiang."

Wushan Goddess broke away from Su Chen's arms and stood up.

She couldn't continue with Su Chen. This bastard was not honest at all. Wushan Goddess was worried that Su Chen would do something even more outrageous to her if she continued to sit in Su Chen's arms..

When Su Chen saw the Wushan Goddess leaving, he smiled at Bai Yuekui beside him and said,

"White beauty, let’s go to admire the moon’"

"I won't go, you....."

Su Chenna didn't wait for Bai Yuekui to say anything.

He hugged Bai Yuekui and disappeared into the room, admiring the moon and flowers in front of and under the moon without delay.

On Penglai Island,

Sun Wukong arrived with Li Yunxiang, Kasha, and Su Junzhu. They were in a pill shop. Sun Wukong bought Li Yunxiang a pill for rebirth of a broken limb, and Li Yunxiang's broken arm also recovered.

On a spaceship,

Li Yunxiang asked Sun Wukong,

"Sun Wukong, where shall we go tomorrow?"

Sun Wukong jumped onto a box and replied,

"Huashan, I want to find Yang Jian. There is news that Yang Jian went to Huashan."

"Yang Jian? Don’t you and Yang Jian not deal with each other?"

"Shit, Yang Jian and I have a good relationship.

Kasha asked curiously,"Sun Wukong, who is stronger, you or Yang Jian?""

"I was just the same before, but now I'm stronger than him"


"Yang Jian was injured twelve years ago. He couldn't open his heavenly eyes and couldn't summon his soul. Of course he couldn't beat me."

Kasha and Su Junzhu were a little surprised.

Yang Jian couldn't open his third eye?

And he couldn't even summon the soul. Wouldn't Yang Jian be crippled like Li Yunxiang?

"Everyone has a rest. Early tomorrow morning, we will rush to Huashan."

Sun Wukong waved to Li Yunxiang and the others, and he jumped onto the mast and lay down.

Li Yunxiang and the others also went to rest in the cabin of the spaceship.

They were all a little excited to see the legendary Erlang God Yang Jian tomorrow. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The next day,

Su Chen and a few people rushed towards Huashan.

Along the way,

Bai Yuekui glared at Su Chen from time to time. She felt very ashamed and angry. Bai Yuekui didn't. Thinking that Su Chen would be so shameless,

Su Chen not only harmed her yesterday, but also touched her legs all night long, and said that her legs could last a hundred years. It was so shameless.

The goddess of Wushan patted Bai Yuekui and whispered. ,

"Bai Yuekui, did Su Chen succeed yesterday?"

Bai Yuekui said with a blush,

"You can't run either."

The goddess of Wushan smiled and replied,

"Haha, I never thought about running away. It has been more than five thousand years since Su Chen and I were separated. During these years, I have been thinking about this bastard all the time."

The goddess of Wushan thought of her first meeting with Su Chen. She was just a little fairy at that time. Su Chen was the aloof Emperor of Heaven at that time. The six saints were all afraid of the Emperor of Heaven. Su Chen. In a flash , there were more than 5,000 people.

Years have passed, but Wushan Goddess still feels that her life with Su Chen in Taoshan is wonderful.

"More than five thousand years? So long."

Bai Yuekui thought that the Wushan Goddess had been thinking about Su Chen for more than five thousand years. She felt horrified when she thought about it.

Humans can only live for a few dozen years, or about a hundred years at most. For more than five thousand years, the Wushan Goddess has waited longer than the Chinese. has a long history.


The flower of the other shore suddenly appears on the shoulder,

"`.Master, the brothers from the Demon Family have found out that Fairy Caiyun was kidnapped by Master Yuding."

"Real person Yuding? interesting!"

Su Chen didn't expect that Master Yuding would dare to catch Fairy Caiyun.

He would meet Master Yuding in Huashan today. Su Chen felt that Han Bao should be allowed to come out and move around.

A quasi-sage,

Master Yuding is not available in this broken fairy world. Even with his magic power, this is not something he can deal with now.

Half a day later,

Su Chen and others appeared on Huashan Mountain,

Lotus Peak, where Su Yao, the Black Bird, was suppressed, and Yang Chan, the Third Holy Mother, was suppressed.

Su Chen turned around and said, (Okay)

"Yang Jian, Chenxiang, I'll give you a chance. If you can't split Huashan, I will take action."

"Okay, Chen Xiang and I will take action first."

Yang Jian nodded and agreed.

He was going to ask Chenxiang to split Huashan Mountain with a mountain-chopping ax. With the mountain-chopping axe, Chenxiang would definitely split Huashan Mountain.

Su Chen hugged Bai Yuekui and the Wushan Goddess and disappeared next to Yang Jian.

He wanted to check the surroundings.

Master Yuding will definitely appear. I don’t know if the demon brothers will come this time. Su Chen wants to see what kind of immortals Master Yuding will bring with him to stop Yang Jian and the Chenxiang.

On a peak of Lotus Mountain,

Su Chen suddenly appeared here with the two girls in his arms. They all looked at the aisle down the mountain.

Su Chen suddenly found four people appearing on Huashan Mountain.

He checked and was surprised and said,

"I'll go, Sun Wukong? And Li Yunxiang, Kasha and Su Junzhu? Why did these people come to Huashan?".

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