Su Chen looked at the Lotus Peak in Huashan Mountain.

More than a dozen disciples of the three religions surrounded Yang Jian and several others. This had deviated too much from the plot.

His daughter is suppressed in Lotus Peak. Do the disciples of the Saint Sect know Su Yao's identity? Still don’t know?

Su Yao was suppressed under Lotus Peak.


Wushan Goddess and Bai Yuekui looked at each other. They didn't understand what Su Chen had planned, but Su Chen frowned in thought, so they didn't bother Su Chen anymore.

"Bai Yuekui, let's go down below and meet those two mortal women."


Wushan Goddess and Bai Yuekui said and quickly left.

They were somewhat interested in Kasha and Su Junzhu. They didn't believe Su Chen's words at all.

A shameless pervert, since Su Chen knew Kasha and Su Junzhu, Bai Yuekui and Wushan Goddess guessed that Su Chen He had thoughts about them.

On the stone bridge,

Sun Wukong had a dark look on his face at the moment.

He did not expect that Li Yunxiang would come. Li Yunxiang was a scumbag. Sun Wukong and Yang Jian were originally going to protect Chenxiang, but this time, there is another scumbag to protect. Scum.


Yang Jian was knocked away by Yu Yuan and hit the mountain.

He couldn't open his eyes and couldn't summon his soul. If this continued, they would all be killed.

Yang Jian thought of the lotus lantern and shouted hurriedly,

"Agarwood, use the lotus lamp quickly"


Agarwood hurriedly took out the Lotus Lantern and started it, bang bang bang.....

A blue barrier suddenly appeared from the lotus lantern. Yang Jian and Sun Wukong were protected in the barrier by the lotus lantern. The disciples of the Saint Sect continued to attack the blue barrier.

Sun Wukong and Yang Jian hurriedly helped Chenxiang stabilize the defensive barrier.

Li Yunxiang hid behind the three of them in fear.

He was reckless this time.

Li Yunxiang thought that Chenxiang would dare to fight as a child, but he did not think that Chenxiang was also an immortal and had the existence of a soul. He The arrival of Sun Wukong was a drag on the three of them.

Sun Wukong asked seriously,

"This is not the solution, Yang Jian, how did you offend the three religions? Yang

Jian shook his head and explained.

"I have not offended the three saint sects. I just want to split Huashan Mountain to rescue my sister. The disciples of the three sects appear and will kill us if they don’t listen to my explanation. I can’t understand what I’m thinking now."

"Yang Jian, we have to escape, the lotus lantern won't last long."

"I see!"

Around the stone bridge, the disciples of the three religions continued to bombard the barrier of the lotus lantern.

A garbage replica of the lotus lantern, the disciples of the three religions could shatter it in less than a quarter of an hour.


Suddenly, a huge picture appeared instantly After breaking through the defense of the lotus lantern, Sun Wukong and Yang Jian were also sucked into the huge diagram.

In the Tai Chi diagram,

Yang Jian shouted in surprise,

"Tai Chi diagram? Damn it, how could the saint’s spiritual treasure catch us? Could it be that the saint took action?"

Sun Wukong looked at the Tai Chi diagram in surprise. The Tai Chi diagram broke through the defense of the lotus lantern in an instant. The four of them didn't even have time to resist, and were captured into the Tai Chi diagram. The disciples of the three religions saw Yang Jian and the four being captured by Tai Chi. Figure caught, they all looked at the Tai Chi figure.

Yang Jian and Sun Wukong were all dead. The secrets on the Lotus Peak of Huashan Mountain would not be revealed to anyone.

"Yang Jian!"

Suddenly, an old man in Taoist robes appeared on the stone bridge. He looked at Yang Jian who was trapped in the Tai Chi diagram and shook his head.

"master? you.....Did you catch us with Tai Chi diagram?"

Yang Jian didn't expect that his master Yuding Zhenren also appeared. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Tai Chi Diagram?

It turned out that the person who used Tai Chi Diagram was his master Yu Ding Zhenren. Yang Jian couldn't understand. How could Master Ding attack him?


"Why? Master, we just came to Lotus Peak to save my sister, why did you stop us? Why do the disciples of the Three Religions want to stop me?"

Master Yuding shook his head and said,

"Yang Jian, Huashan Lotus Peak cannot be split. This is related to all the saints and the fate of all saint sect disciples. If the Lotus Peak is split, the saints and our saint disciples will perish. Do you understand? Yang

Jian asked in surprise,

"How can it be? Isn't it the black bird that was suppressed under Lotus Peak? How could Xuanniao kill the saint and the disciples of the saint sect?"

Master Yuding explained,

"Yang Jian, now that things have happened, I can tell you why. The origin of Xuanniao is not simple. The suppression of Xuanniao under Lotus Peak is nothing to worry about. But we can’t afford to offend Xuanniao’s father, and neither can the saints."

Yang Jian and Sun Wukong were both very surprised.

Is the origin of Xuannio not simple?

Does Xuannio have a father?

Even a saint can't afford to offend Xuannio's father?

How is this possible?

Saints are all the top strong men in the immortal world. , how could they be afraid of Xuanniiao's father?

Yang Jian suddenly thought of Su Chen.

Su Chen was coming to Huashan Lotus Peak to marry his daughter,


Su Chen?

Su Chen was the suppressed Xuanniiao's father. Is Su Chen stronger than the saint? Even more powerful?

"Xuanniao's father? Are you talking about Su Chen?"

Master Yuding's face changed drastically and he shouted,

"Yang Jian, how do you know the name Su Chen? tell me? Who told you the name Su Chen?"

All the disciples of the three religions around have serious faces. 930,

Su Chen?

They don't even dare to mention this name.

The Emperor of Heaven who truly knows everything about the prehistoric immortal world expelled the saints from the prehistoric immortal world. No one in the entire prehistoric immortal world dares to disobey the Emperor Su." Even the Sage Sect was exempted from Chen's order.

Sun Wukong and Li Yunxiang were stunned,

Su Chen?

Yang Jian actually knew Su Chen?

The black bird suppressed under Lotus Peak was Su Chen's daughter?

Master Yuding and the Three Religions Disciples, why did their faces turn pale when they heard Su Chen's name?

Where did Su Chen come from?


Su Chen appeared on the stone bridge in an instant. He looked at the disciples of the three religions around him and showed murderous intent.

"This emperor told Yang Jian, Master Yuding, and you, do you, your saint sect, want to be exterminated?"

"Emperor Su Chen......"

When the disciples of the three religions around saw Su Chen's instant appearance, they all retreated in horror.

It's over, the Emperor Su Chen appeared in this broken fairy world, and also came to the Lotus Peak of Huashan Mountain.

The matter of Xuanniao cannot be concealed at all.

The four major saint sects will definitely be exterminated, and all saint disciples will be suppressed and killed.

"You are so presumptuous that you are not rude to me when you see me. Do you want to be suppressed and killed now?".

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