Empress Nuwa was a little surprised when she heard Su Chen's words. The difficulty of climbing was actually different between Su Chen's and hers?

Su Chen's cultivation realm was suppressed at the early stage of Daluo Jinxian. Three clones were tested by the laws of the middle stage of Daluo Jinxian. Su Chen was still oppressed by gravity? There is a big difference in the difficulty of their climbs.

Empress Nuwa asked doubtfully,

"Su Chen, could this be because your strength is low?"

Su Chen rubbed his forehead and replied.

"I think it might be, but why do I have an extra gravity pressure? Does Tianlai dislike me?"

Nuwa Empress rolled her eyes at Su Chen and said,

"Haha, you are so shameless, even the Heavenly Ladder can't stand you."

"Forget it, I can’t resist on the ladder. Whatever the ladder wants to increase the difficulty, I can only obey."

"Su Chen, how many floors can you climb?"

Su Chen stretched out a finger and said,

"Ten thousand floors!"

"Ten thousand floors? Little bastard, will you die if you don’t brag? Ten thousand floors? It is very difficult for us to climb up to six thousand floors. If you can climb up to seven thousand floors, you will be as strong as the sky."

The Empress Nuwa shook her head when she heard Su Chen's words.

Ten thousand floors? 01

Can Su Chen climb it?

They are so perverted when they climb six thousand floors. Seven thousand floors? Eight thousand floors? What about nine thousand floors? This I'm afraid it will be even more perverted. How could Su Chen climb to the 10,000th floor?

Su Chen stroked Nuwa's soft waist and smiled and said,

"Beauty, if I climb ten thousand floors, can you agree to the conditions I mentioned before?"

"Shameless pervert!"

Empress Nuwa's face turned red when she heard Su Chen's words. She didn't expect that Su Chen was still thinking about that matter.

Empress Nuwa lowered her head and looked at her chest.

At this moment, she wanted to kick Su Chen away, such a shameless pervert. He thinks about those dirty things every day.

Su Chen asked with a smile,

"Haha, big beauty, what’s going on? Don't you dare to bet?"

Nuwa Empress glared at Su Chen with her beautiful eyes,

Ten Thousand Floors?

Can Su Chen climb to the 10,000th floor?


She doesn't care about betting with Su Chen.

Nuwa Empress also hopes that Su Chen can climb to the Ten Thousand Floors. But this hope is too slim,

"You bet, little bastard, if you don't climb ten thousand floors, you won't be allowed to touch me for a hundred years, no, a thousand years."

Su Chen's face turned dark when he heard the words of Empress Nuwa.

He won't touch Nuwa for a thousand years?

How is this possible, ten thousand floors?

Su Chen is not sure about climbing up.

He feels that he can climb up to seven thousand floors, or at most eight thousand floors. It's as high as the sky. If he hadn't climbed to the 10,000th floor, wouldn't Su Chen be able to look at the beautiful woman and not be able to move for a thousand years?

"Beautiful lady, you are my wife and you want me not to touch you for a thousand years. How can this be okay?"

Nuwa Empress leaned on Su Chen's arms and smiled,

"how? Little bastard, don't you dare to bet?"

Su Chen said after kissing Nuwa hard,

"It’s a gamble, beautiful lady. If you lose, don’t go back on your money."

If he loses, he won't touch Nuwa for a thousand years?

Will he fulfill it? The worst thing is that he will be shameless and rogue in the future.

It is impossible for Su Chen not to touch Nuwa for a thousand years. He decided to break the bet if he failed to climb the ladder. Anyway, Nuwa is It is impossible for Nuwa to care about his woman so much.

Empress Nuwa said in shame,

"Humph, little bastard, you can climb to the 10,000th floor before we talk"

"I will definitely climb to the 10,000th floor, Nuwa, I am looking forward to your passion and special service."

"Go away, shameless."

Prehistoric Immortal World,

Xiniu Hezhou, Hengduan Mountains.

In a valley, more than a dozen demon soldiers were looking for something around them.

"It's been more than three months, why haven't we found it yet? Chief, are we looking in the wrong place?" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Impossible. This is the place the Demon Ancestor said. Look for it again. Don’t let go of any place with aura."

"Yes, Commander!"

More than a dozen demon soldiers quickly dispersed and continued to search for the spiritual object they were looking for.

In a space barrier in the valley, a woman in white looked at the demon soldiers in the valley with a frown.

Demon clan?

Demon clan from outside the territory are looking for it in the Hengduan Mountains. What?

Could it be?

Did Demon Ancestor Luohu discover his existence?

This is impossible.

She has never left the space barrier since she transformed. Even the saints in the prehistoric fairyland do not know her existence. It is impossible for Demon Ancestor Luohu to discover her existence..

The woman in white smoothed her hair and sighed,

"Alas, Xiniu Hezhou can't stay any longer. Xiniu Hezhou will bear the brunt of the invasion of the ferocious beast realm and become a battlefield. Fortunately, all the saints from the prehistoric immortal world have escaped from the prehistoric world."

The woman in white stood up from the futon. She looked at the space barrier that had lived for millions of years. When she was about to leave, the woman in white also showed a worried expression.

She was the small half of the body of the Chaos Demon God with raised eyebrows.

If something happened Without the space barrier, her aura may be exposed. If the Chaos Demon God discovers her existence, she will definitely be swallowed by the Chaos Demon God with a raised eyebrow. Where to go? Is there anyone in the ancient world who can protect her?

Six paths of reincarnation?

White clothes The woman suddenly thought of the six reincarnations.

Among the six reincarnations was Empress Pingxin. If Empress Pingxin could take her in, Emperor Su Chen would also protect her.

The woman in white thought of the rumors in the ancient world of immortality.

Empress Pingxin seemed to be the concubine of Emperor Su Chen. This may be the only place she can go.


The woman in white did not hesitate. She was going to try the Six Paths of Reincarnation, hoping that Empress Pingxin could protect and take her in. On the ladder to heaven, the three sisters Su Yan appeared on the ladder in an instant, and they were swallowing The time in the world is up. In three months, the three sisters have played all over the earth.

When Yan Lingji saw the three sisters Su Yan suddenly appeared, she asked curiously,

"Su Yan, why did you sisters show up? How many levels have you climbed?"

When the three Su Yan sisters saw that Yan Lingji and Kesha were there, they all saluted and said,

"I’ve seen my aunts! asked the little fox,

"Yan'er, how many floors have you climbed? Su

Yue hurriedly replied,"Auntie, a thousand floors, we sisters have all climbed to a thousand floors.""

Kesha said with a smile,

"A thousand floors? Yes, it is somewhat surprising that you can climb a thousand floors."

Hu Ji and Cailin were a little surprised.

Su Yan is the Taiyi Golden Immortal, Su Yue is the Golden Immortal, and Elena is the Xuan Immortal. How could they climb a thousand floors?


Hu Ji and the girls thought The three sisters of Su Yan all have the blood of the black bird. They speculate that the three sisters of Su Yan have used the ability of the black bird.

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