Su Chen hurriedly used the three laws to attack the clones of the three laws. Even though he was very miserable at the moment, there was nothing he could do. He had to continue to climb what should be climbed. The abnormal trial of the ladder, it was impossible for Su Chen to quit now even if he wanted to.

One day, two days, three days......

Su Chen was grinding away at the Three Laws Trial Clone. From climbing one level of the ladder in three or four days to now climbing one level of the ladder in seven or eight days, Su Chen's climbing speed was getting slower and slower.

Three years later,

Su Chen climbed to the 6,799th floor.

After he had just destroyed the three laws of trial and cloned himself, Su Chen looked at the 6,800th floor and became frightened.

He was worried that there would be three Saint Realm law trial clones on the 6800th floor.

Three holy realms?

How could he have beaten him?

The Lingbao cannot be used.

Su"Five Nine Zero" Chen is using the three laws to slowly destroy the three holy realms to test the clone.

How long will he use it?

Climb one level a year? is it possible?

There are one hundred floors above the six thousand eight hundred floors. Will it take him a hundred years to climb to the six thousand nine hundred floors?

What next?

On the 6900th floor, the three major law test clones of the first level of the Holy Realm will become the three major law test clones of the second level of the Holy Realm?

"Damn it, you have to climb whether you live or die."Su Chen stepped onto the 6800th floor with a hesitant step, boom boom boom!

"Damn it, space prison!"

Su Chen didn't expect that just after climbing to the 6,800th floor, the Trial Clone of the Three Principles would attack. He hurriedly hid in the space prison to check the Trial Clone of the Three Principles.


"I am Fake!"

Su Chen didn't expect that the space prison would be shattered in an instant. One of the three major law trial clones knew the space law. His space prison could not escape the inspection of the space law clone.

"Time and space cage!"

Su Chen was frightened and guarded the three clones in the space-time cage.

Damn, it was almost finished.

The space law clone actually looked into the space prison instantly.

"The clones of the three laws of the first level of the holy realm are in danger."

Su Chen frowned and began to think. He couldn't use the three laws to slowly destroy the three trial clones, and Su Chen didn't have time to slowly destroy the three trial clones.

Under the ladder to heaven, the three sisters of Su Yan were sitting Su Yao was flying around, but they didn't expect that there was a sister, and she was also a black bird sister who had not transformed.

Yan Lingji asked doubtfully,

"Why is Su Chen not moving?"

Nuwa Empress frowned and said,

"On the 6800th floor, Su Chen may be in trouble. Cai

Lin asked doubtfully,

"Sister Nuwa, on the 6800th floor, what trouble will Su Chen encounter?"

"The laws of the three holy realms test the clones."

Empress Nuwa was very uneasy.

Su Chen said that every time you climb a hundred floors, the three law test clones will rise to a higher level, six thousand eight hundred floors.

She guessed that Su Chen encountered the three laws of the holy realm.

It's too difficult to test the clone.

A clone in the early stage of Daluo Jinxian vs. a clone in the holy realm of three laws. Su Chen may not be able to climb it.

"Oh my God, a clone of the Holy Realm? There are still three Saint Realm clones who possess laws. How could Su Chen defeat them?"

"Yes, Su Chen's realm at the moment is still suppressed at the early stage of Daluo Jinxian. He may not be able to climb up."

"This is for sure. How can a Daluo Jinxian defeat three holy realms? Moreover, Su Chen cannot use the spirit treasure. Is the ladder trying to kill Su Chen?"

"Su Chen is too difficult. This is basically trying to kill Su Chen."

"The little bastard should give up climbing. Even a saint from the 12th level of the Holy Realm cannot climb up to the 6800th floor."

Yan Lingji and Little Fox all shook their heads helplessly. Their strength was suppressed, and there was also the terrifying gravity suppression. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The three holy realms' laws test clones , they guessed that no matter how strong they were, they would not be able to climb down. No wonder Su Chen said that even the twelve heavens of the Holy Realm could not climb up to the seven thousandth floor. The ladder to heaven was too abnormal.

"Auntie, dad will definitely climb the seven thousand floors."

At this time,

Su Yao and the three sisters Su Yan appeared in front of the girls. Su Yan shouted confidently. When the Yan Lingji girls saw the three sisters Su Yan sitting on Su Yao, they all had dark faces. Shaking her head,

Su Yao is the younger sister of the three sisters Su Yan.

What does she count now?

A mount?

Aren't the three sisters Su Yan worried about being beaten?

Empress Nuwa reprimanded the three sisters Su Yan,

"Yan'er, Su Yao is your sister. Your sister hasn't transformed yet, how can you sit on your sister?"

Su Yan patted Su Yao's little head and said,

"Auntie, we are just playing with my sister. My sister also likes us playing together like this."

"Choo Choo Choo!"

Su Yao nodded and shouted to Nuwa Empress and the girls.

Nuwa Empress and Yan Lingji shook their heads speechlessly. They all felt that if Su Yao transformed, there would be another naughty little mischievous child in Merlo Heaven. Princess.

Hu Ji asked Su Yan,

"Yan'er, why do you believe your father can climb the seven thousand stories?"

Su Yan touched his chin and said,

"Auntie, my father’s black bird bloodline has not been activated yet."

"Spiritual treasures cannot be used on the 6,000th floor, but there is no prohibition on opening the bloodline. If my father opens the Blackbird bloodline, his strength will increase horribly."

"The three of us sisters have all opened their bloodlines when climbing the ladder. The strength of our bloodlines allowed us to climb up to a thousand levels with ease. The blood of our three sisters all comes from dad. I believe that after dad opens his blood, he will quickly climb the seven thousand floors."

When Nuwa and other ladies heard Su Yan's words, their eyes lit up.

Su Chen has the blood of a black bird.


Su Chen can be said to be a black bird.

On the 6800th floor, will Su Chen become a black bird? Is it the real bird?

Empress Nuwa, the three sisters and the three sisters Su Yan all looked at Su Chen. They wanted to see if Su Chen would turn into a black bird.


On the 6800th floor, a huge golden black bird appeared on the 6800th floor.

It had an extremely noble figure, a despising temperament, beautiful golden feathers, and three beautiful feathers at the tail. , each feather symbolizes a law of chaos.


The black bird instantly appeared in front of the clones of the three laws. The clones of the three laws had no time to dodge and were torn into pieces.

Empress Nuwa said with a surprised expression,

"Chaos Black Bird, Su Chen’s bloodline actually evolved into Chaos Black Bird"

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