At the Prehistoric Starry Sky Fortress,

Luo Hu's mood has become more and more irritable over the years. It has been almost five years, and

Su Chen has not arrived.

Luo Hu is not in the mood to continue to destroy the prehistoric heaven. The beast realm is not only the enemy of the prehistoric fairy world, but also his. Enemy.

Luo Hu didn't know what level of the Holy Realm the Beast King Shen Ni was, but he felt that Shen Ni was stronger than him.

"Sloth Demon!"

"Demon Ancestor!"

Luo Hu ordered with an ugly face.

"Lazy Demon Envoy, you send some more demon soldiers to ask the ruthless man. I want to know when that bastard Su Chen will arrive. I want the specific arrival time of that bastard."

"Yes, Demon Ancestor!"

The Lazy Demon hurriedly disappeared into the hall with a grimace.

He was used to it.

Every year, the Demon Ancestor would send demon soldiers to question the ruthless empress.

This year, he had already asked once. Only a few months had passed, and the Demon Ancestor came again. He wanted to send demon soldiers to question the ruthless empress. The lazy demon was worried that the demon soldiers would be destroyed by the ruthless empress.

"damn it!"

Luo Hu was so angry that he wanted to kill people. It has been almost five years.

In three or four years, the ferocious beast realm will launch a war against the prehistoric fairyland. He doesn't have much time to wait.

Luo Hu regrets not forming an alliance with Su Chen earlier.

If he does it again When discussing an alliance with Su Chen, that old bastard will definitely put forward more conditions.

In the wild realm, the ruthless empress and Liu Shen, and the Western Queen Mother are preparing to return to the Xuanxian realm.

It has been five years, and the realm war may be three or four years away. will be opened, and they are also preparing to join the combat legion to prepare for the realm war.

Over the Yaochi Holy Land, the ruthless empress looked at the empty Yaochi Holy Land, and she said to the Queen Mother of the West,

"Queen Mother of the West, the Yaochi Holy Land has been relocated, and it’s time for us to leave."

The Queen Mother of the West said with emotion,

"Yes, it’s time to leave. Alas, I am reluctant to leave the place where I have lived for tens of thousands of years."

The ruthless empress patted the Queen Mother of the West on the shoulder and said,."We have no choice. If the Great Immortal Realm is destroyed, the Savage Realm will not be able to escape the disaster. We cannot stop the Ferocious Beast Realm, and we are also powerless to stop the realm war launched by the Ferocious Beast Realm. Liu

Shen asked curiously,"Runren, has your brother finished climbing the ladder?""

The ruthless empress shook her head and replied,

"I don’t know. Let’s go over and have a look later. I want to know how many floors my brother has climbed."

"Yep, your brother is a quasi-sage. He can climb up to four thousand floors, and he can't even climb up to four thousand floors."

The Queen Mother of the West was very angry when she thought of Su Chen. She was a shameless pervert.

She would never forget the fact that she was molested by Su Chen on the ladder. If she hadn't been Su Chen's opponent, she would have Destroy that shameless pervert.

Liu Shen smiled and said,"Haha, Queen Mother of the West, I think Su Chen might be able to climb five thousand floors.""

Liu Shen felt that she was very lucky.

Just when Su Chen was about to catch up with her, she happened to be unable to hold on and quit to climb the ladder.

If Liu Shen continued to climb the first level of the ladder, she might also be teased by Su Chen.

Liu Shen thought of the way her dress spread out when climbing the ladder. She was very lucky not to be seen by Su Chen. Queen Mother Xi was unlucky. She was almost naked by Su Chen.

"Okay, after we join hands to seal the Yaochi Holy Realm, we will return to the Xuantian Realm."

"Okay, let's set up a seal formation together."


Ladder to Heaven!

On the 7627th floor,

Su Chen fought with the Archangel and the Bing Ji and Xue Ji of the Nineteenth Level of the Fourteenth Saint Realm.

He also took out the Chaos Bell and two Chaos Spiritual Treasures.

Su Chen still He was constantly injured. If it weren't for the protection of the Chaos Clock, he would have been killed after climbing to the 7,600th floor. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) The

Nine Heavens of the Holy Realm transformed into ice. Ji and Xue Ji were so powerful that he couldn't even resist a single blow.


After the archangel wiped out the last Xue Ji, Su Chen fell to the ground and gasped.

It was so abnormal.

Seven Ice Ji and Seven Snow Queens,

Tianlai not only gives him wholesale wives, but also wants to kill him.

"Master, are you okay?"

Su Chen waved his hand and said,"Nothing, let's take a break and continue climbing."

"Yes, master!"

The archangel let Su Chen lean on her body to recover. She looked at the ladder above and frowned.

There are more than three hundred floors, and the difficulty will become more terrifying as you go up.

Bing Ji and Xue Ji from the ninth level of the Holy Realm, Archangels can still be dealt with.

After all, Bing Ji and Xue Ji are both puppets. Bing Ji and Xue Ji, who have no consciousness, can only exert three-fifths of their strength.

If they encounter Bing Ji and Xue Ji who are in the Twelve Heavens of the Holy Realm, Xue Ji, even the Archangel cannot deal with it.

Su Chen closed his eyes and thought about how to climb up.

Judging from this situation, the 7900th floor must be Bing Ji and Xue Ji from the twelfth level of the Holy Realm. He Even if he and the Archangel were exhausted, they would not be able to climb on the 7900th floor.

Is this how they failed?

"`.Trouble, it seems that the eight thousand floors cannot be climbed."

Su Chen rubbed his forehead and felt very helpless. The girl on the ladder must be very disappointed.

But he has tried his best.

A quasi-sage has destroyed countless holy realms.

Although the transformed holy realm can only exert three-fifths of its strength, But this is also the Holy Realm.

The ninth level of the Holy Realm is equivalent to the strength of the sixth level of the Holy Realm. Su Chen, a quasi-sage who has surpassed several levels and annihilated the sixth level of the Holy Realm, is already extremely unnatural.


Chaos. Lingbao's Archangel and Chaos Bell were indispensable.

Without Su Chen's Chaos Lingbao's Archangel and Chaos Bell, he might have failed at level 7001.

Half an hour later,

Su Chen stood up and held the Chaos Clock. said,

"Archangel, let’s keep climbing!"

"Yes, (Li's) master!"

Seven thousand six hundred and twenty thousand six hundred and thirty seven.......Seven thousand six hundred and fifty one.......Seven thousand six hundred and eighty-nine floors....Seven thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine floors. boom!

On the 7700th floor,

Su Chen and Archangel were stunned after climbing to the 7700th floor.

There was only one Ice Lady and one Snow Lady on the 7770th floor. They were still in the realm of the tenth level of the Holy Realm, but only ice. Why didn't Ji and Xue Ji attack? What are they looking at?

Su Chen looked at Bing Ji and Xue Ji and asked doubtfully,

"Archangel, what is going on?"

The archangel protected Su Chen, shook his head and replied,"Master, I don't know either."

Xue Ji stretched her perfect figure, touched her delicate red lips and said seductively,

"Husband, we sisters have been waiting for you for a long time. Your speed in climbing the ladder is a little slow."

"Damn it, you monster!".

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