Su Chen glanced at Fan Qinghui.

She understood what Fan Qinghui meant.

Fan Qinghui and Zhu Yuyan had been fighting for decades. Fan Qinghui would have lost to Zhu Yuyan, but for the help of Ning Daoqi and Jingnian Chanyuan. Cihang Jingzhai and Zhu Yuyan had already destroyed Fan Qinghui and Cihang Jingzhai.

Zhu Yuyan has now advanced to the Grand Master level, while Fan Qinghui is still at the Junior Grand Master level. Su Chen guessed that Fan Qinghui is even more dissatisfied, or even very angry.

Fan Qinghui shouted in surprise,

"woman? You actually.....He actually wanted that witch Zhu Yuyan? Su Chen, don’t you know Zhu Yuyan’s age? Were you tempted by Zhu Yuyan?"

Li Xiuning's eyes almost popped out when she looked at Su Chen. Zhu Yuyan was at least sixty or seventy years old. Su Chen and Zhu Yuyan were actually together. This was so surprising.

Su Chen stretched out his little finger and said with a smile,

"No, Zhu Yuyan was my woman in her previous life, and I know her age clearly, but does it matter? Zhu Yuyan is older than me now, but what about tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of years later? Zhu Yuyan is only a little older than me."

Fan Qinghui and Li Xiuning were stunned when they heard Su Chen's words.

Tens of thousands of years?

Hundreds of thousands of years? An immortal cultivator?

Su Chen must be an immortal cultivator, or even an immortal. But why doesn't Su Chen have any strength?

Su Chen He took out a bottle of wine and took a sip and said,

"You don’t need to ask, I can tell you that I am an immortal in the immortal world, a very, very powerful immortal. If I even blow a breath, your world will be destroyed."

Su Chen has no need to hide it.

Lingcha, Linghua, and Luoxuejian are all things that shouldn't appear in this world. Even if Su Chen doesn't say it or admit it, even Fan Qinghui and the other girls can guess it..

Fan Qinghui and Li Xiuning both showed expressions that were indeed true. They guessed that Su Chen's identity was either an immortal cultivator or an immortal. However, they were still very surprised when Su Chen admitted it personally.

Fan Qinghui asked with wide eyes,

"You are indeed an immortal, but why don’t you have any strength?"

Su Chen replied speechlessly,

"My cultivation realm has been sealed. If I don't seal my cultivation realm, when I come to the mortal world, this world will not be able to bear my breath and will break."(abfg)

Li Xiuning asked,"Su Chen, Changsun Wuchu was also your woman in the previous life?"


Su Chen rubbed his forehead and admitted speechlessly, past life?

Bullshit past life.

The Changsun Wuchuan he knew was from another world, and she was a woman who looked different. They just had the same name and some similar development trajectories..Fan

Qinghui asked hurriedly,

"Su Chen, where is Master Fei Xuan?"


"Su Chen, did you come down to earth to take away Shifeixuan and Changsun Wuchu?"

"Not entirely, it depends on whether Shi Feixuan and the other girls are willing to leave the mortal world. I will not force them to leave."

Fan Qinghui breathed a sigh of relief when she heard Su Chen's words.

Shi Feixuan is the future of Cihang Jingzhai. She doesn't want Shi Feixuan to leave the mortal world and go to the fairy world now. It will take decades for Shi Feixuan to go to the fairy world. , at least until Cihang Jingzhai has a new successor.

At this moment,

Shi Feixuan has advanced to the Heavenly Realm, and is the first Heavenly Realm strongman in the world of Double Dragons of the Tang Dynasty.

Changsun Wuchu is still advancing at this moment, and there is no one A woman with a certain level of cultivation, Changsun Wuchu is at the innate level, and she has not stopped advancing.

In Yang Gong's treasure house,

Kou Zhong and the others broke through the traps one after another, and the Jianghu people behind them have already started fighting.

Kou Zhong is facing Song Yu asked,

"There is one last mechanism, we are about to reach the innermost level, Yu Zhi, can your father stop the Jianghu people behind? Song

Yuzhi smiled and replied,

"Kou Zhong, don’t worry, I just went to see the great masters Ning Daoqi and Bi Xuan. As long as they are not great masters, my father will definitely block the Jianghu people behind."

"That's good, let's quickly crack the mechanism according to the drawings drawn by my brother."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Li Shimin looked at Su Chen and said,

"Okay, let's crack the mechanism quickly. I feel something is wrong, as if something is about to happen."

In the passage of Yang Gong's treasure house,

Zhu Yuyan and Wanwan fought their way in, and the people in the Jianghu who tried to stop them were killed one after another.

When Anlong saw Wanwan killing his men, he asked with a gloomy face,

"Queen Yin, why did you also kill our Demon Sect disciples? Don't forget, we are allies"

"Queen Yin, you don’t want to swallow the Evil Emperor’s relics for yourself, do you?"

"It must be, we kill the Yin Queen first, the Evil Emperor’s relics cannot be left to the Yin Queen Zhu Yuyan to keep to herself"

"Don't kill me. I have coveted Zhu Yuyan for a long time. I want to destroy Zhu Yuyan's martial arts and enjoy it."

"Hahaha...., I have also coveted Zhu Yuyan for a long time. Zhu Yuyan is stunningly beautiful and has an alluring figure. I don’t think any man would let such a beauty go."

You Fengxiang and Zuo Youxian of the Demon Sect said, and they all showed evil smiles.

No one in the Demon Sect would not want to have Zhu Yuyan, who has an attractive figure and beauty.

They are now gathered in Together, this is the best opportunity to catch Zhu Yuyan.

Zhu Yuyan is alone, no,

Zhu Yuyan’s disciple Wanwan is also there.

This is a good thing to buy one, get one free, two beautiful and alluring beauties, they want to catch them Zhu Yuyan and Wanwan had a good time.

Zhu Yuyan looked at Zhao Deyan and the others with an indifferent expression.

They were some bastards who would not spare their lives.

In the past, Zhu Yuyan might have run away immediately, but now, does she have to run away? Zhu Yuyan originally seemed to belong to the same magic sect. She doesn't want to kill all the other sects of the Demon Sect. But now, Zhu Yuyan wants to kill all these bastards who don't want to die, and all other sects of the Demon Sect will also be wiped out.

"Wanwan, kill all the other sect disciples of the Demon Sect"

"Yes, master?"

After Wanwan looked at Zhao Deyan and the others coldly, she quickly took action to kill dozens of disciples in the Demon Sect. Her master knew how to kill Zhao Deyan and the others, and they would be brutally killed.

These little minions,

Wanwan will send them on their way


Zhu Yuyan waved her hands towards Zhao Deyan and the others.

She would make Zhao Deyan and the others die in great pain. Zhu Yuyan would not let them die happily due to the disgusting words these people said.


"puff! Cough cough cough...Grandmaster? How can this be? How could Zhu Yuyan be the Grand Master?".

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