Zhu Yuyan waved her palms with an evil look on her face and attacked Shi Zhixuan, a person who ruined her life, a person she had loved decades ago.

Zhu Yuyan wanted to make a comeback in Yang Gong's treasury, and she also wanted to completely make a difference with the past. To put an end to it, Shi Zhixuan must die, and he will also die in agony.


Boom! Bang!

Before Shi Zhixuan could reach Zhu Yuyan, he was blown away by Zhu Yuyan again. He hit the stone wall and kept vomiting blood, and several bones were broken.


Shi Zhixuan still shot at Zhu Yuyan with red eyes. past

"Wanwan, kill everyone here!"

When Su Chen Wanwan came into the treasure room, he saw that there were more than ten people in the treasure room. Su Chen didn't care who these people were, and he didn't care who they were, so he asked Wanwan to kill them. Everyone.

Wanwan nodded and replied,


Li Shimin heard that Su Chen was going to kill them all, and he saw that Wanwan was about to kill everyone. Li Shimin became anxious.

Zhu Yuyan had come to fight Shi Zhixuan earlier.

He thought he had a chance to get the Evil Emperor's relic, but He didn't expect that a 073 kid was going to kill them all.

Li Shimin hurriedly shouted to Wanwan,

"Stop, I am Li Shimin, the second son of the Li clan, Wanwan of the Yinkui sect, you cannot kill me."

Su Chen asked doubtfully,

"Li Shimin?

Li Shimin nodded hurriedly and replied,"Yes, I am Li Shimin.""

Damn it, it turns out that Li Shimin is really in Yang Gong's treasure house.

He is a ruthless man who does not recognize his relatives. Yang Gong's treasure house is Li Shimin's tomb.

Su Chen laughed and said nonsense,

"Ha ha....., Li Shimin, you are the one I am going to kill. Before you die, I will tell you one thing. Your sister Li Xiuning will be my woman, and your fiancée eldest grandson Wuchu will also be my woman. Li Shimin, you can do it with peace of mind. It's hell."

Li Shimin's face changed drastically when he heard Su Chen's words and he yelled,

"Damn it, what did you do to my sister and my eldest grandson Wu Chuan?"

Su Chen said teasingly,

"I didn't do anything to Li Xiuning and Changsun Wuchu. I just enjoyed them before coming to Yang Gong's treasure house. Li Shimin, your sister is good, and your fiancée is also good."

"I am going to kill you!"

Li Shimin is going crazy.

He didn't expect that Su Chen would insult Li Xiuning and Changsun Wuchu. Li Xiuning is his sister and Changsun Wuchu is his fiancée. He wants to kill Su Chen. He wants to execute Su Chen in the early hours of the morning.

Wanwan was speechless. Looking at Su Chen, she knew that Su Chen was talking nonsense to annoy Li Shimin.

Su Chen was with her master Zhu Yuyan yesterday evening and was still in the teahouse during the day. How could he insult Li Xiuning and Changsun Wuyu? Wanwan didn't believe it. Su Chen still has the energy to insult two women

"Kill, give them all to me, kill that boy."

Li Shimin waved his hand angrily and ordered that he would kill Su Chen. He would kill the scum who insulted his sister and fiancée. If Su Chen did not die, Li Shimin would not feel at ease, and he would not be able to escape from Yang Gong's treasure house.

"court death!"


Wanwan saw the guards rushing over.

She waved her palm and slapped the guards who were rushing over. They were some scumbag guards. It was easy for Wanwan to kill them all.

Su Chen didn't care about Wanwan killing these trash.

He saw He nodded to the jade box on the stone platform in the middle. The Evil Emperor's relic was still there and no one had touched it.


Kou Zhong was collecting Song Yuzhi's body.

He saw Su Chen looking at the evil emperor's relics alone. Kou Zhong raised his knife and struck at Su Chen quickly.

He understood. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Su Chen is the young man Xu Ziling mentioned.

Su Chen was with Wanwan from the Yinkui sect. Xu Ziling was seriously injured because of this boy. This boy also asked Wanwan to kill everyone. Kou Zhong wanted to If you escape, you will kill Su Chen.


Wanwan saw Kou Zhong killing Su (abag) Chen, and her demon satan thick quickly attacked Kou Zhong.

Although Wanwan was killing the guards here, she had been paying attention to Su Chen's safety. Su Chen, who had little strength, how could Wanwan safely leave him alone?


Puff! Bang!

Wanwan's devilish silk penetrated Kou Zhong's neck instantly, and Kou Zhong vomited blood and fell to the ground.

Wanwan was arrogant shouted to Su Chen,

"Little bastard, I saved you. Su

Chen waved his fist and replied,"Wanwan, I will love you very much tonight.""


Wanwan cursed in shame and anger when she heard Su Chen's words.

She didn't expect that Su Chen was such a bastard and would say shameless words in public.

Wanwan dodged towards the surrounding guards and Li Shimin. She wanted to hear these words. Wanwan would not allow other men to hear her private words while they were still alive.

Su Chen walked towards the Evil Emperor's relic.

The trial mission of the Heavenly Ladder was approaching, and he had to complete the trial mission of the Heavenly Ladder first.

【Trialist, your trial mission is completed. You can stay in this world for three days, and you must return to the ladder after three days. 】

As soon as Su Chen's hand touched the jade box on the stone platform, the ladder notified him that he had completed the trial task.

Su Chen looked at the Evil Emperor's relics in his hand speechlessly.

The Heavenly Ladder did not take away the Evil Emperor's relics. Could it be that the Evil Emperor's relics were not even appreciated by the Heavenly Ladder?

Damn it,

Su Chen doesn’t even look down on the Evil Emperor’s relics, and the terrifying ladder even looks down on the Evil Emperor’s relics.

"I gather, Zhu Yu is really cruel, Shi Zhixuan is really miserable, but Shi Zhixuan is also bringing it upon himself."

Su Chen saw Zhu Yuyan holding a sword. She cut Shi Zhixuan into a human stick, chopped off both hands and legs, and even Shi Zhixuan's eyes were blinded.

Zhu Yuyan was so cruel.

Su Chen thought that if he did the same If he fails Zhu Yuyan, his end may be even more miserable than Shi Zhixuan's

"Don’t kill me, Wanwan, I am the second young master of the Li clan. I can help your Yinkui sect defeat Cihang Jingzhai. Don’t kill me......"

Li Shimin saw that the guards were all killed,He hurriedly begged for mercy and promised Wanwan, but before he could finish speaking to Wanwan, Wanwan smashed Li Shimin's head.

"Yuyan, kill Shi Zhixuan, let's leave!"

After Su Chen threw the Evil Emperor's relic to Wanwan, he shouted to Zhu Yuyan next to him. If Su Chen didn't ask Zhu Yuyan to leave, Zhu Yuyan might torture Shi Zhixuan for a day and a night.


I'll do it!

Shi Zhixuan is dead without a complete body. ,

Su Chen saw Zhu Yuyan smashing Shi Zhixuan's body to pieces with one palm. He shook his head and hurriedly exited the treasure room. It was so disgusting, especially the treasure room was full of Shi Zhixuan's minced meat. Su Chen didn't want to stay in the treasure room. I was disgusted

"Little bastard, have you seen what happened to Shi Zhixuan? If you dare to let me down in the future, you will be a hundred times more miserable than Shi Zhixuan."

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