Su Chen nodded when he heard what the girl on the ladder said.

Every time he climbed up to a thousand floors, the girl on the ladder would get 10% of the permissions. When he climbed to the eight thousandth floor of the ladder, the girl on the ladder would get 80% of the permissions on the ladder, and there were still two thousand But the next two thousand floors were probably very scary, and the perverted ladder was still targeting him. Su Chen didn't have much confidence in climbing the next two thousand floors.

The ladder girl patted Su Chen on the shoulder and said,"You little bastard, the eight thousand levels are not that difficult."

Su Chen asked in surprise,"What? The eight thousand levels are not that difficult? Girl, are you telling the truth?"

The ladder girl nodded and replied,

"Of course, how could I deceive you? The eight thousand levels are the road to refining the heart, the road to inner demons, which can also be said to be your tangled heart. There are ten roads to refining the heart on the eight thousand levels. You can pass one On the road to refining the heart, you can climb a hundred levels"

"The road to refining the heart? The road to inner demons? Confused?"

Su Chen raised his eyebrows when he heard what the girl on the ladder said.

Heart training?

Inner demons?

Confused hearts?

What could this be?

What will he encounter?

The girl on the ladder said with a serious face,

"Little bastard, try your best to pass the 8,000th floor. The 8,000th floor is the easiest climb on the ladder, and it is also the hardest climb. If you can't overcome your inner demons, you will fail on the ladder."

"Su Chen, if you pass all the ten ways to refine your mind, you will never have inner demons again in your future practice. This is very important for your future practice."

Su Chen curled his lips and said,

"Girl, I don’t have any inner demons at all, and the road to refining my heart will be very easy for me to pass."

Inner demons?

Su Chen is not worried about inner demons at all.

If he has inner demons, the system girl will directly destroy them. Su Chen is still worried about inner demons.

The road to refining the heart seems to be very simple.

"Humph, cultivators will all have inner demons. Some demons are themselves, some demons are enemies, and some demons are relatives. Little bastard, there is no way you don’t have demons~."

Su Chen didn't explain to the Tianti girl that he couldn't possibly tell anyone about the existence of the system.

"Forget it, girl, where's my reward?"

The Tianti girl waved her hand, and a sword-shaped stone blank appeared in front of Su Chen.

"Little bastard, your reward this time is good, a growth-type Hongmeng Sword Blank. If you cultivate it well, the Hongmeng Sword Blank will become a Hongmeng Spiritual Treasure, or even a top-level Hongmeng Spiritual Treasure."

"Hongmeng sword blank? Growth type Hongmeng Lingbao?"

Su Chen's heart beat violently.

Hongmeng Lingbao?

Can you still become the top Hongmeng Lingbao?

This trial has made a lot of money.


Su Chen looked at the falling snow on his waist.

The sword blank?

If The sword blank is integrated into the Luoxue Sword. Will the Luoxue Sword be promoted to the Hongmeng Spiritual Treasure in the future?

The girl on the ladder saw Su Chen looking at the spirit sword on his waist. It was a rubbish spiritual sword.

The little bastard would not want to think of the Hongmeng Sword Blank. Integrate into the spirit sword?

"Su Chen, you don’t want to integrate the Hongmeng sword blank into your garbage spirit sword, do you?"

Su Chen touched the Luo Xue Sword and said with a smile,

"Rubbish? Girl, Luo Xue is the first sword I use. Luo Xue Sword is also very important to me. Even if I exchange a Hongmeng Lingbao for Luo Xue Sword, I won’t change it."

Buzz buzz.....

Luo Xue Jian responded to Su Chen in shock.

Su Chen stroked the Luoxue Sword and laughed,

"Ha ha....., little girl, help me to integrate the Hongmeng Sword blank into the Luoxue Sword."


The girl on the ladder was speechless to Su Chen.

The Hongmeng Sword blank was integrated into a scumbag's spiritual sword? This is like breaking a Chaos Spiritual Treasure into pieces and melting it into a rubbish magic weapon.

It's a waste, it's such a waste.

"Little bastard, have you thought this through?"


The Tiandai girl rubbed her forehead and agreed, (If you want to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Okay, little bastard, let me help you integrate the Hongmeng Sword blank into the Luoxue Sword."

"Thank you very much, little girl, I’ll reward you with a kiss!"

Su Chen said to the Tianti girl, he hugged the Tianti girl's soft waist and kissed her,

"You are so shameless!"

The girl from Tianlai pushed Su Chen away and cursed in shame, a shameless pervert, a reward?

Does she need a reward?

Is this a reward?

The little bastard obviously deliberately took advantage of her.

Su Chen hugged the girl from Tianren and said shamelessly ,

"Shameless fart! You will be my woman in the future. Isn’t it natural for me to kiss you?"

The Tiandai girl leaned in Su Chen's arms and laughed,

"woman? Little bastard, when will you be able to beat me? Besides, I am your woman! You are now an shameless bastard who can no longer be scumbag."

Let me get it done!

Beat the girl on the ladder?

Can he beat the girl on the ladder?

A Hongmeng Supreme, an existence that can destroy the chaotic world at will. If

Su Chen wants to defeat the girl on the ladder, how long does he need to practice? One million years! Eleven years! Ten thousand years? Hundreds of millions of years?

Su Chen suddenly said cunningly,

"`.Girl, I could beat you right now."

The ladder girl sneered disdainfully,

"laugh! Are you bluffing me?"

Su Chen defeated her?

Is this possible?

As long as the ladder girl escapes from the ladder, her cultivation level will be completely restored. It will be very difficult for Su Chen to even look at her. She just put away all her momentum. It is impossible for Su Chen to get close to her.

If the girl on the ladder casually glances at Su Chen, Su Chen will be wiped out into ashes, and no residue will be left.

Su Chen said awkwardly,

"Ahem, although my strength cannot defeat you, (Zhao) is another aspect of me that can defeat you."

"Um? Tell me, I want to know how you can defeat me."

"Ahem, little girl, let’s spend the first month together..." boom!

"Shameless pervert, little bastard, you....You are so shameless and shameless."

The girl on the ladder kicked Su Chen away in embarrassment, shamelessly,

What a shameless bastard, spending time before the moon?

Damn you little bastard, the ladder girl didn’t expect Su Chen to be so shameless. Is this another aspect of bullshit? Hua Qian Yuexia was so incompetent that she really wanted to beat up Su Chen.

Su Chen appeared beside him and asked with a smile,

"Girl, don’t you dare?"

The ladder girl yelled angrily,

"Little bastard, you are so shameless and shameless. How could I fall in love with you, such a shameless bastard?"

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