Three days later, Su Chen was walking casually in the mountains. He never thought of a way to deal with his fragile mind. Su Chen didn't dare to think about some things. He was afraid that he would fall into the aura riot again.

"Huh? Military camp! Qin army?"

Su Chen suddenly found a military camp in the mountains ahead, and there were tens of thousands of Qin troops wearing black armor.

In the mountains?

Qin troops?

Mohist government city?

Are these Qin troops going to attack the Mohist government city?

Su Chen touched his chin to check. After a while, he guessed that the Qin army came to overthrow the Mo family's organ city.


Su Chen disappeared instantly, and the Qin army appeared here.

He guessed that the Mohist organ city should be near -, and the yin and yang in the Mohist organ city The Phantom Sound Treasure Box is still in the forbidden area of ​​the Mo family. Su Chen wants to get the Phantom Sound Treasure Box first.

"Juzi, the Qin army and Liusha will attack Guancheng in the next few days. We need to rush back and arrange it."

"I understand, Zhang Liang, Xiaoyaozi, thank you for coming to help the Mo family"

"You are so polite, the Mo family are allHow could such a chivalrous person not help the Mohist family?"

"Yes, Juzi, the Qin army and Liusha are attacking Guancheng. We will help the Mo family stop the Qin army and Liusha's attack."

"Hahaha, we are all anti-Qin alliance, we will not stand idly by when dealing with the Qin army"

"You are right. Da Qin destroyed our six kingdoms. As long as we confront the Qin army, we will be obliged to do so."

"The Mohist family would like to thank all the martyrs for their help."

In the mountain forest, dozens of people gathered together to rest and talk. Some of these people were strong men from hundreds of schools of thought, and some were anti-Qin righteous men and nobles from the six countries. They all rushed to the Mohist government city to help the Mohist family resist Qin. The Mo family's attack.

The giant of the Mo family wore a cloak.

He looked at the dozens of people next to him and was a little happy. These people were all very powerful. With the help of these people, the Mo family, plus the agencies in the city, the Qin army wanted to break through the agencies. The city is impossible

"King Qin Yingzheng, I, Yan Dan, will definitely restore Yan State, and Qin State will also be destroyed."

Mojia City, the Mohist disciples in the city are ready to fight.

Tens of thousands of Qin troops appeared ten miles outside the city. The war in the city will break out in a few days. The leaders and disciples of the Mohist family are being careful these days. Be on guard.

In the meeting hall of Guan City, the Mohist leaders Gao Jianli, Xue Nu, Tuo Tuo, Xu Fuzi, Duan Murong, Master Ban, and Big Iron Hammer sat together to discuss preventing the Qin army from attacking Guan City.

"I don’t know when Juzi will come back. The Qin army and Liusha will attack Guancheng in the next two days."

"Tao Tuo, you go check it out later. The boss and the invited people should be arriving soon."

"Okay, I am very light and quick. As long as Juzi appears in the mountains, I will definitely tell him about the news about the machine city."

"We need to send more disciples to guard the agency city. All defense mechanisms in the agency city must be activated."

"Well, this will trouble Master Ben."

"This is a matter of duty. By the way, what should Gai Nie and the Xiang family do? Should we drive them away?"

"No, Gai Nie is powerful and he will help us deal with Liusha. The Xiang family is the backbone of the Chu State. In the future, the Xiang family will be a powerful helper in the fight against Qin."

Duan Murong didn't speak as she listened to the words of several people. She was still thinking about Su Chen.

Five days ago,

Brother Qilin came to Jing Lake again to look for Su Chen, and four powerful people also came. After learning that Su Chen had left, they left one after another. Duan Murong had been thinking about Su Chen's identity.

Whoosh, Su Chen appeared by the small lake in the agency city in an instant. He looked around and looked to one side. Go to the forbidden area of ​​the Mohist government city. Su Chen wants to arrest a Mohist disciple and find out where it is. A quarter of an hour later, Su Chen arrived at the entrance of the forbidden area of ​​the government city. He looked at the forbidden area and walked in directly. In the forbidden area, Tianming and Xiang Shaoyu and Yue'er appeared in the forbidden area. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) They encountered many dangers in the forbidden area, but fortunately they survived the crisis without any danger. Yue Yue'er followed Tianming and Xiang Shaoyu helplessly. She took Tianming and Xiang Shaoyu around the city, but she didn't expect Xiang Shaoyu and Tianming to enter the Mo family's forbidden area. When Yue'er wanted to stop them, it was too late. The entrance to the forbidden area of ​​the city can only be entered but not exited. If they want to go out, they can only break through the forbidden area. Tianming asked doubtfully,

"Shaoyu, are you sure there are some formation-breaking overlord spears and non-attack weapons in the forbidden area?"

0 Asking for flowers.

Xiang Shaoyu nodded and replied,

"Of course, what my uncle said is not wrong. We only need to find the formation-breaking Overlord Spear and the non-attack. I want the formation-breaking Overlord Spear, and you get the non-attack. After we become stronger in practice, we can kill that Su Chen together."


Tianming looked at his robot hand angrily,

Su Chen?

That bastard who chopped off one of his hands.

If it weren't for Su Chen, he wouldn't be able to use a robot hand now. After Tianming becomes stronger in cultivation, he will definitely go to Su Chen. Revenge. Su Chen arrived at the Dragon Throat location in the forbidden area. After searching for a while, he found a treasure box on the stone platform. The Phantom Sound Treasure Box? He walked over and put away the Phantom Sound Treasure Box. Su Chen discovered that Tianming and Yue'er, Xiang Shaoyu, the three of them still entered the forbidden area of ​​​​the Mo family as in the plot, and used the Overlord Spear to break the formation? Non-attack? Tianming and Xiang Shaoyu want to get it? Is it possible? Su Chen is not interested in those rubbish, but he will not let it go Tianming and Xiang Shaoyu got it. Half an hour later, Su Chen found the formation-breaking Overlord Spear and Fei Gong respectively. Suddenly, the sound of fighting came from the forbidden area passage. Su Chen thought of the Moon God of the Yin Yang family. The Moon God seemed to be in the forbidden area. After grabbing Yue'er, he quickly moved towards the place where the fight was taking place. At this moment, in the passage of the forbidden area, the Moon God of the Yin-Yang family caught Yue'er, and both Tianming and Xiang Shaoyu were beaten to the ground. Tianming fell to the ground and shouted. road,

"Bad woman, let go of Yue'er!"


The Moon God wore a gauze and looked at Tian Ming without making any move.

As a man of destiny, the Moon God cannot kill Tian Ming. Canglong Qisu still needs Yue'er and Tian Ming to solve it.


Su Chen appeared silently. Beside Luna, he patted Luna on the shoulder and said,

"Beauty Luna, let go of the moon!"

"Who are you?"

Yue Shen was suddenly tapped on the shoulder.

She quickly dodged and appeared on the other side. A person appeared silently. Yue Shen didn't notice it at all. She guessed that Su Chen might be stronger than her.

"Who am I? Moon God, you will know who I am in the future. Let Yue'er go. I don't want to do anything to you."

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