After Su Chen quickly killed Gao Jianli, he looked at everyone around him indifferently. If there were still people desperate to save Yan Dan, Su Chen wouldn't mind sending them to hell.

"Xiao Gao!"

"Xiao Gao!"

"Gao Jianli!"

"High leader!"

When Xue Nu and Da Tie Hammer saw Gao Jianli being killed, they all became angry.


Big Iron Hammer raised a huge hammer and attacked Su Chen. Xue Nu, Xu Fuzi, and Tao Tuo also killed Su Chen one after another.

"Kill, take revenge for Gao Jianli!"

"kill! Revenge for the high leader"


The dozens of Mohist disciples around also rushed towards Su Chen.

The Mohist disciples did not want to avenge Yan Dan. After all, the death of the Six-fingered Black Man was related to Yan Dan.

But Gao Jianli was the leader of the Mohist family, and the Mohist disciples saw the big hammer. Leaders like Xue Nu and Xu Fuzi all rushed towards Su Chen.

Zhang Liang and Xiaoyaozi, the anti-Qin righteous men, did not take action. They looked at Su Chen with fear.

Yan Dan was a big man. Grandmaster,

Gao Jianli is the pinnacle of grandmasters.

The two of them had their arms disabled in Su Chen's hands in an instant, and were killed in two in an instant. Anti-Qin righteous men like Zhang Liang and Xiaoyaozi did not dare to act rashly.


Su Chen stood in the air and looked at the Mo family who were charging towards them. He raised the Snow Sword and quickly slashed at the Mo family disciples. Boom, boom, boom!

Su Chen slashed out sword blades one after another and attacked the Mo family disciples.


"my leg....."

"Save me, quickly..."

"Too powerful, we are no match!"

"Retreat, everyone, retreat quickly!"

The Mohist disciples were attacked and killed by sword blades one after another.

In just a moment, dozens of Mohist disciples were slaughtered and less than ten were left. The head of Master Xu was cut off by the sword blade with a big hammer, and one of Master Xu's legs was cut off. Several other people were injured and fell to the ground.

When Su Chen saw the remnants of the Mo family trying to retreat, he raised the Snow Falling Sword to kill them all.

"Want to quit? Now that you want to take action, none of you will survive.."

"Stop it, Su Chen, stop it!"

Duan Murong quickly came over with Qinggong and shouted to stop her.

She didn't expect that in just a moment, Su Chen and the Mo family would fight.

Almost all the disciples of the Mo family were dead. There were less than ten of the sixty or seventy disciples of the Moh family, and every one of them was dead. Missing arms and legs, another leader of the Mo family died, and others were seriously injured. The surrounding Qin soldiers and anti-Qin righteous men looked at Su Chen in fear one by one.

Attack with a sword?

Almost destroyed the Mo family in an instant?

Too It was incredible, it was like an immortal attacking.

Wei Zhuang and Gai Nie stopped fighting, and they both came quickly to check the situation.

Gai Nie was surprised when he saw Su Chen in the air,"Su Chen? How could it be him? Why did Su Chen come to the Mo family?

Wei Zhuang frowned and asked,"Brother, do you know that person in the sky?""

Gai Nie nodded and reminded with a serious face,

"Xiaozhuang, his name is Su Chen. Don't provoke him. Su Chen is very powerful. We may not be able to withstand his sword. Moreover, the sword in Su Chen's hand is still a spiritual sword."

Weizhuang was a little surprised when he heard Gai Nie's words.

He and Gai Nie couldn't withstand Su Chen's sword? Su Chen's sword or the spiritual sword? Who is Su Chen?

Wei Zhuang is interested in Su Chen in the sky.


Tian Yan was wearing a fishnet outfit and a mask. She appeared on the big tree next to the square.

Tian Yan looked at Su Chen in confusion and whispered,

"Sure enough, we are here, what is the situation now? Su Chen wants to kill people from the Mo family?"

At this moment, (to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Su Chen saw Duan Murong coming quickly, and he frowned.

Su Chen's previous attack could kill all the people of the Mo family.

Su Chen wants to If you are not worried about killing Xue Nu, none of these Mo family members will survive.

Su Chen shouted with a cold face,"Get out of here, if you dare to attack me again, none of you will survive."

Duan Murong looked at Su Chen unexpectedly.

She didn't expect that Su Chen really let go of the remaining members of the Mo family. Didn't Su Chen intend to kill the people of the Mo family?

"Snow girl, you....You are not injured?"

Duan Murong hurriedly checked on Xue Nv who fell to the ground.

She checked and found that Xue Nv was just a little embarrassed, but Xue Nv was not injured at all.

Duan Murong looked at Xue Nv in surprise.

Others in the Mo family were either seriously injured or missing arms and legs. , how could Xue Nu not have any injuries?

Xue Nu shook her head and replied,"I'm fine, Sister Rong, go and save the others.""


When Xue Nu saw Duan Murong going to save other people from the Mo family, she raised her head and looked at Su Chen in the air.


Why didn't Su Chen kill her?

When Xue Nu rushed towards Su Chen, she clearly saw several sword blades about to penetrate her. body, but how could those sword blades suddenly dissipate?

What's going on?

Su Chen appeared next to Yan Dan instantly. He clicked on Yan Dan's acupuncture points and sealed Yan Dan's cultivation.

Su Chen was right Meng Tian in the Qin army shouted,

"`.Meng Tian, ​​let the executioners in your army torture Yan Dan with a thousand cuts and cut off a thousand pieces of flesh. As long as Yan Dan can survive a thousand cuts, you can take Yan Dan to see Ying Zheng."

Su Chen discovered that Tian Yan appeared in the government city, and he was too lazy to deal with Yan Dan personally.

Tian Yan appeared in the government city.

Did she secretly come to the government city on her own? Or was she sent here by that dead eunuch Zhao Gao? Su Chen thought Go ask Tian Yan

"OK, I'll make arrangements right away!"

Meng Tian hurriedly agreed after hearing Su Chen's words.

He saw that Su Chen was a top strong man, a strong man who had a grudge against Yan Dan. Although Meng Tian controlled tens of thousands of troops, he was not willing to provoke Da Qin unless it was necessary. A powerful enemy. (Okay, Zhao)

Yan Dan had a look of horror on his face when he heard Su Chen's words.

A thousand knives?

Cut off a thousand pieces of his flesh?

This is a punishment of late death.

Yan Dan can't even commit suicide at this moment.

His acupuncture points were tapped by Su Chen, and his cultivation realm was sealed. Yan Dan wanted to speak and beg for mercy, but he couldn't.


Tian Yan quickly appeared next to Su Chen.

She saw that Su Chen noticed her arrival, but Tian Yan didn't It was necessary to hide around.

Su Chen took out a spiritual fruit and handed it to Tian Yan and said,"My dear daughter, why did you come to the Mo family's organ city?"

"I'm not your daughter!"

Tian Yan took the spirit fruit and glared at Su Chen,"

Good girl?

Damn it, is she still a child?

What kind of bullshit, good girl,"

Su Chen smiled and said,

"Yan'er, I will kill Zhao Gao for you. Zhan Ri is Wang Jian's son Wang Ben, and I will also kill him for you."

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