Su Chen didn't know how to explain to Tian Yan that

Yue'er had nothing to do with Su Chen, and Tian Yan and Yue'er had nothing to do with him either.

But the damn ladder sent him to the world of Daqin, where he was tested on the road to refining his heart.

Su Chen guessed that his refining heart was either Tian Yan or Yue'er. The two of them might be the key. Of course, Concubine Yan and the girls should also be possible. ,

Damn it, the more Su Chen thought about it, the more irritated he became.


Tian Yan looked at Su Chen indifferently and turned to leave. She was going to meet her half-sister.

"Is Yue'er your daughter?"

Yue Shen looked at Su Chen in confusion.

How could Yue'er be Su Chen's daughter?

Yue'er was clearly the child of Concubine Yan and Yan Dan, so how could Su Chen say she was his daughter? Is there any hidden secret in the process

? Chen rubbed his forehead and replied,

"Luna, this matter is very complicated. I will explain it to you later."

"All right!"

"Luna, let's go to your room. I have something to talk to you about."


Sanghai City, the Confucian Little Sage Village,

Zhang Liang, Tian Ming and Xiang Shaoyu sneaked into the Little Saint Village.

Half a month ago, in the Mo family's organ city, the Mohist family and the anti-Qin righteous men were almost wiped out, if not for the last moment. Master Ban activated the mechanism Qinglong, and the Mohist mechanism city collapsed and was destroyed. It was impossible for people like 207 to take advantage of the chaos to escape from the Mohist mechanism city.

Zhang Liang opened his mouth and gave instructions,

"Tianming, Shaoyu, you hide your identities in Confucianism, and Renwan don’t let others know your identities."

Tian Ming replied carelessly,

"Got it, Third Master."

Xiang Shaoyu also nodded.

He was a little absent-minded at the moment.

Outside Songhai City, there was no trace of the remaining army of the Chu State. His men had not found the Xiang family's old troops in the past few days.

After Zhang Liang left at dawn, he He patted Xiang Shaoyu on the shoulder and asked,

"Shaoyu, do you think uncle will come to Songhai?"


"I think so. Confucianism is too dull. Let’s go look elsewhere."

"Okay, Tianming, we have to be careful, we are all wanted criminals in Da Qin, don’t let other people in Confucianism see it."

"Understand, our identity cannot be exposed."

There is an inn in Songhai City.

Several leaders of the Mohist family are sitting together with sullen expressions.

The Mohist family is doomed.

Thousands of Mohist disciples have all died in (abfc) the government city. They escaped from the government city. There were only a few of their leaders. If it weren't for some Mohist disciples in various places, the Mohist family would have been removed from the list of scholars.

Yan Dan was stabbed a thousand times and taken to Xianyang City.

He was dead.

Yan Dan might He would die before reaching Xianyang City.

Gao Jianli and Big Iron Hammer were killed by Su Chen, and Master Xu had an arm cut off. Only the leaders of the Mohist family, Tao Tuo, Xue Nu, Duan Murong, and Master Ban, were left intact. Master

Xu shouted He took a sip of wine and asked,

"What will we do next?"

Master Ban said sadly,

"I don’t know, we are all wanted by Da Qin, the world is so big, there may be no place for us."

Tiao Tuo looked at Xue Nu and Duan Murong and asked doubtfully,

"Why aren't Xue Nu and Duan Murong wanted? This doesn’t make sense!"

Master Xu and Master Ban also looked at Xue Nu and Duan Murong.

They couldn't understand.

Everyone in the Mo family was wanted, but as the leaders of the Mo family, why were Xue Nu and Duan Murong not wanted? (Watch it cool.) For novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xue Nu and Duan Murong frowned and said nothing. They had guessed together before that they were not wanted by the Great Qin Empire and should have something to do with Su Chen. Duan

Murong stroked Xiu Fa said,

"Su Chen and I knew each other before. I guess it was because of Su Chen that the Great Qin Empire did not want me."

Tiaotuo asked hurriedly,

"Duan Murong, do you know Su? Who is he? Duan

Murong shook her head and said,

"I only met Su Chen once and only said a few words. Su Chen was very powerful. The sword in his hand was a spiritual sword that could fly up and automatically protect its master."

After Tuo Tuo and the others heard Duan Murong's words, they were all very surprised.

They all knew that Su Chen was very powerful, but the sword in Su Chen's hand was a spiritual sword? It could also fly and automatically protect the master. Spirit sword?

Is this possible?

Xue Nu kept her head down.

She couldn't understand why Da Qin didn't want her.

Xue Nu had talked with Duan Murong, and she guessed it might be because of Su Chen, but why would Su Chen help her?

The agency In the city,

Xue Nu was almost killed by sword blades several times, but the blades that attacked her disappeared inexplicably. Why didn't Su Chen kill her?

Su Chen killed Gao Jianli.

Xue Nu would not let Su Chen go, but Su Chen Chen Chen's series of actions, she couldn't figure out why Su Chen did this. Xue Nu and Su Chen didn't know each other and had never talked to each other. Why would Su Chen treat her differently?

Master Xu thought for a while and said,

"Xue Nu, Duan Murong, you are not wanted by Da Qin. I want you to inquire about the current situation in Songhai City. And Su Chen, you also want to inquire about who Su Chen is. Duan

Murong nodded and agreed,"Okay, Xue Nu and I will go out to investigate the situation later.""

Xue Nu also nodded, asking about Su Chen?

She will inquire about Su Chen's whereabouts.

Gao Jianli's revenge must be avenged.

Xue Nu no matter why Su Chen doesn't kill her, she must kill Su Chen to avenge Gao Jianli.

At this time ,


Su Chen walked out of Luna's room refreshed, and the plump and sexy Luna was taken down by him. Ahem, Su Chen was half-forced and sweet-talked to get Luna.

A month of irritability Tangled up in his mood,

Su Chen had just vented his anger. I'm afraid Luna will take a rest for a day and a night.

"It’s time to see Concubine Yan."

Su Chen rubbed his forehead and walked like a mirage,

Concubine Yan!

Su Chen's queen in Tianxuan Continent,

Concubine Yan in this world is a little different. Concubine Yan in the world of Da Qin has been married and had children, and she is still married. Gave it to a despicable hypocrite.

Su Chen guessed that the road to heart refining was to break his mind. Although Concubine Yan was not Concubine Yan in Tianxuan Continent, she was still Concubine Yan after all. The ladder to heaven was really dirty. After a while ,

Su Chen appeared in Ying Prison, he looked at the Ten Thousand Years Xuan Ice Formation and shook his head.

Su Chen yelled tangledly at Ying Prison,

"Concubine Yan!"

"Who are you? Sakura Prison is not the place you should come to"

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