Tian Yan was a little excited when she came to Su Chen's side.

Although the terrifying thunder in the sky dissipated, she felt that she could still summon it.

This was incredible.

Tian Yan felt that it was because of Su Chen.

Su Chen was the Emperor of the Realm. He is a powerful immortal. Tian Yan can summon thunder and order thunder to attack. She guessed it must be because of Su Chen.

"System, what's going on?"

Su Chen communicated with the system in surprise.

The thunder of Divine Sword Controlling Thunder has dissipated. Tian Yan can still summon thunder?

How is this possible?

Tian Yan just advanced to the half-step heavenly realm a few days ago.

She is not a cultivator yet. He is not an immortal, so how could Tian Yan still summon thunder?

Tian Yan and Yue'er were able to order thunder to attack before, so

Su Chen felt strange, why did Tian Yan still summon thunder?

"Ding, host, the thunder you summoned is the thunder of the Xuantian realm, and the system clone is the heaven of the Xuantian realm. Some of the scum 01 thunder, the system's heaven clone did not take it away. The thunder was given to your two daughters by the system's heaven clone. Gift"

"Thanks, system!"

Su Chen didn't expect that it was really the thunder in the Xuantian realm. No wonder Tian Yan and Yue'er were able to order the thunder to attack.

This is good.

These scumbag thunders stay in the Great Qin world. Tian Yan and Yue'er have powerful bodyguards. They The sisters will not be in danger in the future.

Su Chen touched Tian Yan’s hair and said,

"Yan'er, you and Yue'er can both summon the thunder I summoned earlier. If you encounter danger in the future, you can summon the thunder to destroy your enemies. Tian

Yan asked in surprise,


Su Chen nodded and replied,

"Really, the thunder I summoned was the thunder in the Xuantian realm. Although these thunders were scum, in this world, the attack power of thunder was still good."

Tian Yan was speechless when he heard Su Chen's words,"

Zha Zha?"

The thunder that appeared earlier was very terrifying, and

Su Chen actually said"zha Zha"?

Tian Yan thought of Su Chen's identity as the Emperor of Heaven, and the previous thunder might really be"zha zha".

Su Chen looked around and said,

"Yan'er, let's leave. Confucianism has been ruined by us. Let's go back to the mirage."


Tian Yan nodded awkwardly.

She wanted to try to command the thunder before.

The back mountain of the Confucian family was razed to the ground by the thunder, and the small lake in the Confucian house was destroyed by the thunder. Tian Yan and Yue'er destroyed the Confucian house. Two-thirds of the Little Sage Village was destroyed.


Su Chen appeared next to Concubine Yan and Yue'er holding Tian Yan. He didn't say anything to Concubine Yan or the excited Yue'er. Su Chen hugged Yue'er again. Concubine Yan hugged her and disappeared into Confucianism.

"Suchen? Who are you? Immortal cultivator? Immortal?"

Xiaomeng saw Su Chen disappearing with Concubine Yan and the others in an instant. She held the sword tightly in her hand with a serious face.

Xiaomeng devoted herself to cultivating Taoism.

She wanted to become an immortal cultivator.

She wanted to become an immortal, but she knew that It is very far away to practice Taoism. There is no aura of heaven and earth in this world. Xiaomeng may have an unfulfilled dream in her life.

With the appearance of Su Chen,

Xiaomeng feels that her heart of cultivating Taoism is right. Su Chen can become a cultivator. She It must be possible. Xiaomeng's Taoism is no worse than Su Chen. The aura of heaven and earth?

Xiaomeng decided to go to Su Chen.

She wanted to know if Su Chen had a cave for immortal cultivators and whether there was aura of heaven and earth in the cave.

Confucianism ,

Fusu, Fu Nian and others returned to the Confucian small lake after the thunder dissipated.

These people looked at the dilapidated small lake and the back mountain was flattened by the thunder. Everyone was stunned. There were no words.

The four Alices looked at each other dumbfounded. They didn't expect that Su Chen had razed a big mountain to the ground. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) Did the mountain offend Su Chen?

Xiaohu offended Did you kill Su Chen?

Alice:"Is Su Chen crazy? Isn't it just killing someone? Why did he destroy both the small lake and the back mountain of Confucianism?"

Maximus:"I guess Su Chen should give Confucian a warning."

Brother Qilin:"It should be that Su Chen wants to help Fusu!

Alice:"That bastard ran away again. What a bastard.""

Mu Ningxue:"Alice, we will have a chance to see Su Chen in the future. There may be something wrong with his coming to this world."

Fusu and Zhang Han were trembling in their hearts at this moment.

A big mountain was gone.

In just over a quarter of an hour, a 100-meter-high mountain was razed to the ground.

It was so terrifying.

If Su Chen attacked a city, what city would there be? How many cities would there be? Can the army stop Su Chen?

Fu Su hurriedly ordered with a serious face,

"Zhang Han, urgently send what happened to Confucianism to Xianyang. My father must know about this matter as soon as possible."

"Yes, sir!"

Fu Nian of Confucianism and other people from various schools of thought have different thoughts at the moment.

These people think that Su Chen must be an immortal cultivator or a powerful immortal. Su Chen is on the side of the Qin Empire. All schools of thought have different ideas. Do you still dare to ignore the Qin Dynasty?

Two-thirds of Confucianism was destroyed, and a mountain was razed to the ground.

Su Chen should be warning the Confucianists, as well as other schools of thought.


Xunzi quickly arrived at the small lake in embarrassment , he looked at Fu Nian and everyone and nodded,

097 Su Chen's appearance,

Xunzi had seen clearly from a distance before, he didn't know if Su Chen had noticed him, but Su Chen looked in his direction before disappearing instantly. At a glance, Xunzi felt that Su Chen had discovered his presence early in the morning.

Fu Nian hurriedly saluted and said,

"teacher! Xunzi said seriously,

"Fu Nian, Confucianism surrendered to the Qin Dynasty, Zhang Liang must seize it and hand it over to Master Fusu."

"is teacher!"

Fusu saluted hurriedly after hearing Xunzi's words,

"Fusu thanks Senior Xunzi. The Confucian Little Sage Village was accidentally destroyed by Mr. Su Chen. I will order the Songhai County Sheriff to help the Confucian family repair the Little Saint Village. Xunzi stroked his beard and nodded in thanks,

"Thank you Mr. Fusu. Mr. Fusu, I would like to meet Mr. Su Chen. Can you recommend him to me?"

"Senior Xunzi, I'm going to see Mr. Su Chen in a moment. If nothing happens, senior Xunzi, you can go with me to see Mr. Su Chen."


At this time, a hundred miles away from Songhai City,

Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang were heading towards Songhai City with wounds all over their bodies.

They went to the farmhouse a month ago to see Liu Ji, but they did not expect that they would be discovered by strong men and hunted down..

An old man who is half a step into the heavenly realm, and uses Guiguzi skills and martial arts. Wei Zhuang and Gai Nie were hunted by the old man for more than half a month..

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