Xiao Meng stared at Su Chen expressionlessly.

She came into the room and sat down.

Su Chen kept looking at her legs from time to time. Xiao Meng thought at first that Su Chen was surprised by the Taoist robe she was wearing, but within half an hour,

Su Chen Chen's eyes never stopped. Xiaomeng was a little disgusted by Su Chen's disgusting eyes.

An immortal, an immortal would have such desires? And he also had feelings for her, a mortal woman.

Su Chen coughed awkwardly and said,

"Ahem, Xiaomeng, you and I are related, and our relationship is very close."

Su Chen didn't expect Xiaomeng to notice his peeking.


Xiaomeng is his woman, so it doesn't matter if Su Chen looks at it openly.

Xiaomeng said coldly,

"There are relationships? Close relationship? Do you think I will believe"370"?"

Su Chen rubbed his forehead and explained,

"I know you won't believe it. I have a way to make you believe it. But if I tell you something secretly, you may be unhappy. Xiaomeng, do you want me to say it?"

Xiaomeng said nonchalantly,"Say, I don't have anything to say whether I'm happy or not."

"Okay, Xiaomeng, you take a shower every day......"

At this time, while Su Chen and Xiaomeng were talking,

Wei Zhuang and Gai Nie, a hundred miles away, were in crisis.

A powerful old man caught up with Wei Zhuang and Gai Nie, and Wei Zhuang and Gai Nie fell to the ground seriously injured.

An old man in gray robe said with an expressionless expression,

"Gai Nie, Wei Zhuang, you should not investigate Liu Ji. Now that you have discovered the secret, I will not let you still live."

Gai Nie stood up with difficulty and asked, holding his wound.

"Are you a previous disciple of Guiguzi?"

Weizhuang stood up with his sword as support.

The old man was too powerful.

He and Gai Nie were both at the peak of Grand Masters.

However, facing the old man,

Wei Zhuang and Gai Nie were defeated without persisting for thirty moves. They were defeated in one and a half steps.

Even if they can't defeat them in the Heavenly Realm , they won't be defeated so quickly.

The old man knows their moves too well. Gui Gu's martial arts poses no threat to the old man at all.

The old man smiled sinisterly and said,

"Yes, your master is my senior brother. I should have been killed by your master, but for some reasons, I was not killed by your master. I have remained anonymous for more than thirty years."

"Your master and I are going to do something big, something very important to the Guigu sect. You are just pawns, but you will die if you want to jump out of the chessboard."

Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang looked at each other.

They didn't have any doubts about Su Chen's words. Wei Zhuang and Gai Nie originally didn't believe that Gui Guzi was dead.

What now?

Another disciple on Gui Guzi didn't die either. The so-called big event ?

Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang also knew that

Liu Ji, who had the luck of being an emperor, their master and this uncle wanted to overthrow the Qin Empire. Thirty years of preparation? The previous generations of the Guigu sect, Hengjian and Zongjian, were really plotting It’s been a long time.

The old man touched his beard and said coldly,

"Okay, I’ve said everything I need to say. You can die in peace. It’s time for you brothers to get on your way."



A woman in purple came quickly with Qinggong.

She saw that the old man was about to attack Wei Zhuang and Gai Nie. The woman in purple hurriedly shouted to stop him.

"Zi Nu, don’t come here, leave quickly"

"Zinu girl, leave quickly. You are no match for this old man. Run away quickly."

Weizhuang and Gai Nie saw the woman in purple dress coming quickly, and they shouted anxiously to stop them.

Wei Zhuang and Gai Nie didn't expect that Zi Nu would appear here.

They were in big trouble.

Zi Nu was only an early stage Grand Master. In the realm, the old man can kill Zi Nu with one move.

Wei Zhuang and Gai Nie can only hope that Zi Nu can escape quickly and don't care about their life or death.

The old man looked at Zi Nu who came quickly with light skills, with a look of disdain on his face, ( To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

A scumbag of a great master,

Zi Nu came to save Wei Zhuang and Gai Nie but also died. The old man didn’t mind killing the Zi Nu who was about to come.


Zi Nu appeared with quick Qinggong Beside Wei Zhuang and Gai Nie, she checked their injuries and breathed a sigh of relief.

The old man looked at Zi Nu coldly and shouted,

"Another one is here to die. Little girl, since you know Wei Zhuang and Gai Nie, you don’t have to leave alive."

"Old man, do you want to kill me?"

Zi Nu stood up and looked at the old man with cold eyes.

Fortunately, she met Wei Zhuang and Gai Nie this time, otherwise her brother and Gai Nie would have been killed by the old man..


"You can't kill me!"

"Hey, you are in the early stage of a grand master, and I can crush you to death with just one hand."

Zi Nu held a jade talisman in her hand and said coldly,

"Yeah? Old man, I'm right here, try killing me!"

"court death!"


The old man burst out with a powerful momentum and slapped Zi Nu with his palm.

"Zi Nu, get out of the way!"

"Purple Girl, run away quickly."

When Wei Zhuang and Gai Nie saw the old man taking action against Zi Nu, they all shouted with pale faces.

Zi Nu couldn't withstand a blow from the half-step Heavenly Realm.

If Zi Nu couldn't avoid it, the old man would kill Zi Nu with one palm.

Wei Zhuang and Gai Nie were seriously injured.

They couldn't even stand at this moment. Wei Zhuang and Gai Nie were unable to help Zi Nu.

Bang! Boom!

When the old man slapped Zi Nu with his palm, a light suddenly burst out from Zi Nu's body. The old man He was instantly blown away

"puff! Cough cough cough....."

The old man was knocked against a stone and vomited blood and coughed. He looked at Su Zinu with a horrified look, a white light?

A white halo enveloped Zi Nu.

What's going on? treasure?

Does Zi Nu need a protective treasure on her body?

Wei Zhuang 2.6 and Gai Nie stared at Zi Nu with their mouths open. They did not expect that such a change would happen to Zi Nu.

Bai Guang? aperture?

How is this going?

Zi Nu waved her hand and said coldly to the old man,

"Space blade, kill the old man?"

Zi Nu looked at the light curtain that protected her. She was already used to it. Zi Nu had experimented with a jade talisman before, and she was familiar with both the light curtain and the space blade. The three jade talismans were She wasted one, and Zi Nu used another jade talisman this time.


A white sharp blade instantly appeared from the light curtain.

In an instant, before the old man could react, his body was cut in half by the spatial sharp blade.

Wei Zhuang asked Zi Nu dumbfoundedly,"This......Zi Nu, what's going on?".

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