In the room, six disheveled women looked at Su Chen at the door with fear. They did not make any move when they heard Su Chen's words. After five or six days of inhuman torture, they did not believe in any man.

"You take care of yourself!"

Su Chen looked at the six people in the room and turned to leave.

The six women were tortured and numb.

It will be difficult for them to live in the future.

Su Chen is not a virgin bitch. He killed those villains because he couldn't stand them. inhumane practices

"Wait, sir, are you a soldier?"A woman in the room suddenly shouted to Su Chen.

Su Chen shook his head and replied,


A young woman in lingerie came out and begged,

"Sir, can you free us?"

"Do you want to die?"

The woman said with a look of despair in her eyes,

"Yes, the six of us have no intention of living anymore. Today, our husband saved us, but what about the future? After the zombie crisis breaks out, even if we are lucky enough not to be eaten by zombies, we will be caught and humiliated to death by other humans."

Su Chen took out a gun and put it on the table and said,

"It's better to die than to live. You'd better live 710. The end of the world may also be an opportunity. This gun is left for you to defend yourself. If you really don't want to live, just use this gun to commit suicide."

Su Chen waved to the woman and left. This was not the first time he had encountered such a situation.

In the past nine days,

Su Chen had rescued twenty or thirty women.

Basically, they all wanted to be freed.

They killed some weak women and others. Women who were humiliated and ruined, killed some women who wanted to die.

Su Chen couldn't do it, so he could only leave a pistol for those women to choose. It was up to them to decide whether to live or die.

"Zhao Ya, are we still committing suicide?"

"Is the end of the world also an opportunity? What does it mean?"

"Who is that man? He is wearing the black combat uniform of the army. Is he really not a soldier?"

"I don’t know, opportunity? What does it mean? Will the world ever change again?"

"Zhao Ya, how about we wait a few days and see, if not, we are committing suicide."

"Sister Zhao Ya, you decide. If you say suicide, we will all listen to you."

The women in the room helped each other and walked out. They were all wearing underwear, their bodies were covered with scars from torture, and they were full of disgusting smells.

Zhao Ya said to the other five women,

"Let’s wait a few days. That man should also live in this luxury community. Let’s pay attention in the past few days. If we see that man again, we will ask him what opportunity he is talking about."

"Okay, Sister Zhao Ya!"

In a luxurious room on the sixteenth floor,

Su Chen came in and sat on the sofa. He took off his combat helmet and leaned on the sofa and closed his eyes.

Biochemical apocalypse?

There are actually crystal nuclei in the zombies' heads?

A kind of thing that can make people The crystal core of human evolution.

Su Chen felt that there would be evolvers in this world in the future, and zombies might evolve into more advanced zombies.

Well, what should we do in the future?

The crystal core of zombies is useless to him.

In the future world, humans and If zombies evolve more and more advanced, firearms should be useless to evolvers.

Su Chen rubbed his forehead and whispered,

"My head hurts. It’s only been ten days. There are crystal nuclei in zombies’ heads. Humans will also discover crystal nuclei in zombies’ heads."

"Maybe within a month, powerful evolvers and zombies will appear among humans. Zombies may also have evolved zombies, or even zombie kings."

Three days later, more than thirty women in the residential building met one after another.

All the zombies in the building were killed by Su Chen. These women met each other while looking for food, and after they told each other, they understood that they were all zombies. They were rescued by the same person.

On the eleventh floor,

Zhao Ya and six other women met nine other women. Although these women were all very dirty, their spirits were almost restored and they were not as lifeless as they were a few days ago.

Zhao Ya asked,

"Xu Xuan, haven't you found the man to save us yet?"

A beautiful woman in her thirties shook her head and replied, (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"No, but it's coming soon. This residential building has a total of sixteen floors. We searched to the fourteenth floor and there are two more floors. If the person who rescued us is still in the residential building, we will definitely find him."

"Well, we will search together tomorrow, and inform Shangguan Yalan and Cui Siying that we will collect the last two layers together."


Xu Xuan, Zhao Ya, and the other two teams of women searched for Su Chen separately for three days.

Su Chen rescued all of them, and also killed all the zombies in the building without taking away the food.

More than thirty women were very grateful to Su Chen. They wanted to find Su Chen to survive in the apocalypse.

In the hotel opposite the residential building,

Lin Yun and Song Yuxi were dizzy from hunger.

They only ate some broken bread every day. All the food inside was plundered by others.

Song Yuxi touched her belly and asked,

"Sister Lin Yun, we won’t starve to death, right? Lin

Yun said helplessly while leaning on the bed.


"Those people are so abominable. Not only did they take away the food, they also took away all the water. We only had half a bottle of water left. Sister Lin Yun, what are we going to do in the future?"

"Yuxi, wait one more day, if that doesn’t work, we can only leave the hotel"

"Will Li Hui let us leave?"

Lin Yun showed a trace of panic on her face.

She didn't expect that some survivors started to abuse women with food.

Some women couldn't bear to starve, so they could only exchange their bodies for some food in humiliation.

Moreover, some people from Li Hui even labeled her and Song Yuxi. Note, if there weren't more than ten soldiers in the hotel, they would have been caught and humiliated by Li Hui and the others.

Lin Yun pretended to be calm and said,

"He didn't dare to stop us. Don't forget that there are more than ten soldiers in the hotel. They will not let Li Hui and others insult us. Song

Yuyuxi shook her head and said

"I am still worried that there are only a few soldiers in the army with guns and bullets. Li Hui gathered more than 30 people, and they also have some guns in their hands. If Li Hui and his men attack the soldiers, the soldiers in the army may not be their opponents."

"Yuxi, we will leave the hotel tomorrow"


In the residential building,

Su Chen stood at the window and looked at the city outside, especially at the hotel opposite. There were gunshots in the hotel a few days ago, but there have been no more gunshots these days.

Su Chen looked at the hotel opposite. thinking,

"Lin Yun and Song Yuxi didn't know if they were dead, and the gunshots in the hotel were no longer heard. Was it because all the zombies in the hotel were killed? Or are all the survivors dead?".

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