Zhao Ya felt very uneasy.

Zhao Ya and the four Shangguan Yalan girls had previously discussed taking turns guarding the security door. They were worried that Su Chen would leave secretly. Zhao Ya turned pale when she saw Su Chen walking out of the building. Did Su Chen deceive them before? Was he going to leave secretly at night? Su Chen heard someone calling him in the building. He turned around and saw Zhao Ya appearing at the entrance of the building. What the hell, those women are still watching him? Are you worried that he will leave secretly? Su Chen asked with a dark face,

"Zhao Ya, why are you downstairs?"

Zhao Ya said with a pale face and didn't know what to say,"Sir, I....."

"Forget it, Zhao Ya, call four or five more women and ask them to come quickly with guns. I will take you to hunt zombies."

"Okay, okay, I'm going to call someone now."

Zhao Ya hurriedly ran back to the building after hearing what Su Chen said.

It turned out that Su Chen was not leaving secretly.

Su Chen was going to hunt zombies. No wonder he was fully armed. Zhao Ya had misunderstood Su Chen before.

"Damn it, all of thisWhat's the matter? Those women are so smart. How could they go back on what they promised?"

Su Chen watched speechlessly as Zhao Ya ran into the building.

It's okay.

He will hunt zombies later.

It's also good for some women to help collect the crystal cores of zombies. Su Chen will also save some time.

After a while,

Zhao Ya Five women came running over. They looked at Su Chen and bent down to salute.

Su Chen took out six daggers and handed them to the women and said,

"You all follow me for a while. After I kill the zombies, you are responsible for collecting the crystal nuclei from the zombies' heads. You all hold these daggers. You must also carefully observe the surroundings."


Zhao Ya, Shangguan Yalan and the other girls nodded and replied,

"Everyone, keep up and don't make any noise."

Su Chen waved to the women and walked towards a trail beside the road.

There were thousands of zombies in the trail, and they were very scattered. It would be safer for Su Chen to take the girls to hunt the zombies.

Choo Choo Choo......

On the trail,

Su Chen was shooting zombies with a pistol equipped with a silencer.

Zhao Ya and the girls saw Su Chen hitting the zombies in the head one by one. Their eyes were shining at Su Chen. It was so powerful.

It was already dark. ,

Su Chen's marksmanship was so good before he turned on the night vision goggles.

If Su Chen turned on the night vision goggles and shot zombies, there wouldn't be enough zombies around for Su Chen to kill.

Su Chen said to the woman behind him,

"Start collecting crystal nuclei from zombie heads. Two people are responsible for observing the surroundings, while the other people collect crystal nuclei.."

"Yes, sir!"

Zhao Ya and the other girls started collecting crystal cores with daggers. Shangguan Yalan and a woman were holding pistols and looking around vigilantly.

Su Chen saw that Zhao Ya and the four girls were not afraid of the corpse.

They started to cut the zombie's head with daggers. The faces of Zhao Ya and the girls were very pale, and they looked like they were about to vomit, but they all endured nausea and fear to collect the crystal nuclei.

Su Chen was very satisfied with the girls.

As long as Zhao Ya and the girls overcame their fear, Once they overcome their fear, they will grow up quickly in the future

"Xu Xuan, hold on, we can’t be afraid. In the last days, we will have to experience these sooner or later."

"I understand, I will hold on"

"Well, the gentleman is watching us from the side. He must be checking whether we have any value in cultivating. Everyone should hold on even if they are afraid."

"Sister Siying, we will all insist."

The four girls Zhao Ya and Xu Xuan encouraged each other to collect the crystal nuclei.

Each zombie had its head cut open, and the crystal nuclei were collected one by one by the four girls.

After the four girls understood where the crystal nuclei were on the zombies' heads, they collected them. The speed of the crystal nucleus is getting faster and faster.

Chirp, chirp, chirp.....(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Su Chen read for a while and then started shooting zombies.

Zhao Ya and Xu Xuan are both good girls, and they are worthy of Su Chen’s training.

Su Chen wants to form a girl Legion, and it is also the female legion of evolutionaries.

An hour later, the zombies on the trail were killed by Su Chen, and Xu Xuan and the other girls also quickly collected the crystal nuclei. bang bang bang....

Suddenly, gunshots were heard from the restaurant in the distance.

Shangguan Yalan hurriedly came over and said to Su Chen,

"Sir, it was gunfire in the hotel."

Su Chen nodded and replied,

"I know, let's go over there and take a look. Remember, don't shoot without my order."

"Yes, sir!"

In the hotel, a firefight broke out between more than a dozen soldiers and some thugs.

The soldiers all had guns in their hands, but there were only three soldiers with bullets left. They only had less than one magazine of bullets left. The thugs had six Seven guns, and plenty of ammunition.

It was just a casual exchange of fire, and the rioting thugs succeeded in a sneak attack.

Fourteen soldiers of the army were shot dead, and the remaining three soldiers hid behind pillars to avoid being shot. The gun inside was also out of bullets.

Li Hui shouted while holding a rifle,"`.Come on, follow me. The remaining three soldiers are out of bullets. Capture the female soldier alive and kill all the other soldiers."

Three or more civilians around them rushed over. They didn't care at all about the soldiers who only had guns and no bullets. With more than thirty people against three people, they had a sure victory.

Behind a pillar,

Lin Yun and Song Yuxi looked pale. Seeing all this, they originally left the hotel today, but Li Hui's thugs stopped them. Although the army soldiers rescued them, they could not leave the hotel.

In the evening,

Li Hui's thugs suddenly attacked the army taxi ( The king's soldiers, Lin Yun and Song Yuxi did not expect.

More than ten soldiers were killed, and the remaining three soldiers would be in trouble.

What about them?

Li Hui's thugs would not let them go,

Lin Yun and Song Yuxi thought of the scene of being humiliated, and their faces turned pale and they were at a loss.

"Come out or I will beat you to death."

A thug discovered Lin Yun and Song Yuxi.

The entire hotel was cordoned off and everyone was gathered in the lobby on the third floor. Lin Yun and Song Yuxi could not escape the thug's search.

After a while,

Lin Yun and Song Yuxi also There was a female soldier who was tied up by thugs. More than thirty thugs looked at Lin Yun and the three girls with evil expressions.

Li Hui looked at Lin Yun and the three girls and laughed and said,

"Hahaha, three top beauties, God has been kind to me, you will all become my women tonight"

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