Zhao Ya and Shangguan Yalan nodded.

Today is the first time to hunt zombies. Some of the girls may be panicked, but hunting zombies must be overcome.

The girls Zhao Ya experienced killing zombies yesterday, and they also shot and killed people anxiously.

The girls Zhao Ya were not too worried about hunting zombies, but they did not know whether other women would overcome their fear.

"Each team will check their weapons and equipment again. We will set off in ten minutes."


Lin Yun and Song Yuxi looked at each other helplessly.

They didn't have to hunt zombies, but Leng Qingxue also asked them to hunt zombies, saying that people who can't hunt zombies will not survive in the apocalypse.

Lin Yun and Song Yuxi think about it. That's right, they can't be protected by women like Zhao Ya all the time, and Su Chen can't"143" save them in time every time they are in danger.

Ten minutes later, thirty-nine women set out in full gear to hunt zombies , some of their faces were very pale, but these women were not timid, they held the guns tightly and showed firm eyes.

After being humiliated and tortured, the girls knew the cruelty of the end of the world, and with Su Chen's selfless help, they With Su Chen's way of making them stronger, the girls want to control their future destiny. They don't want to encounter nightmare-like humiliation and torture.

Su Chen stood in a corner.

He looked at the girls leaving without saying anything.

The end of the world There is no need for weak people in the world, and there is no need for tears in the apocalypse.

The girls don’t want to be subjected to nightmare humiliation and torture again. They must be strong, so strong that those who want to do evil to the girls will run away in fear when they see them.

"It’s almost half a month, damn, one day is still far away."

Su Chen leaned against the wall and rubbed his forehead, feeling very helpless.

A thousand days?

In a thousand days, many warriors and evolved zombies may appear. If he cannot absorb the zombie crystal core,

Su Chen's strength will remain the same. If he survives A thousand days? He felt that the world would become more and more dangerous in the future.

A month later, Su Chen and the girls moved here to a luxurious villa in the Magic City for more than half a month. Living in the residential building was very inconvenient, and Going upstairs and downstairs was a waste of time, so they decided to move to the luxurious villa area.

On the balcony of the third floor,

Su Chen was lying on a chair and basking in the sun.

He was getting lazier and lazier, but there was nothing that could be done about it. The physical quality and strength of the seven girls have been improved to seven times, and the physical quality and strength of the seven girls Zhao Ya have been improved to eight times. If Su Chen doesn't use some means, he will not be the opponent of the girls.

Cui Siying massaged Su Chen and asked,

"Sir, are we going to hunt zombies today?"

Su Chen shook his head and replied,

"No, you guys have a few days off"

"OK sir!"

Su Chen reminded me while taking a sip of tea.

"Siying, please ask Leng Qingxue to pay attention to the large supermarket on Jiangbei Road. The survivors in the supermarket also used crystal cores to improve their strength. Cui

Siying nodded quickly and replied,

"We know that Xu Xuan's team has been monitoring that side for the past few days."

Su Chen closed his eyes and rested after hearing this.

Leng Qingxue was very capable.

She led the women in the four teams vividly. After a month of hunting zombies, not one of the more than 30 women died.

Su Chen became more and more interested in Leng Qingxue. The more I appreciate it, but

Leng Qingxue has a very bad temper. What's wrong with the girls in the villa taking care of him? He can't use the zombie crystal core, why should Leng Qingxue let him hunt zombies?

Cui Siying saw Su Chen closed his eyes Eyes, she smiled and continued to massage Su Chen. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

For a month, these women took turns taking care of Su Chen.

Although Su Chen did not hunt zombies, he did not Help them again, but they have no dissatisfaction with Su Chen. It is Su Chen's help that all the girls have the strength today.

Without Su Chen, some of their women may have died, and some of them may have continued to be imprisoned and humiliated. Torture.

At noon,

Leng Qingxue came to the balcony in a hurry.

She saw Su Chen enjoying herself lying on the rocking chair. Cui Siying and Zhao Ya were whispering and talking next to them.

Leng Qingxue pinched her waist and shouted,

"Su Chen, wake up, can't you move? If you don't move around, won't you worry about getting rusty?"

Su Chen opened his eyes and laughed,

"Come on, I won’t rust even if I lie down for a hundred years. Leng Qingxue, do you think I’m an ironware?"

Leng Qingxue rubbed her forehead and said,

"Su Chen, it’s been more than a month. Although you can’t use the zombie crystal core, you can still exercise your body and shooting ability. Now you are like a dead pig who is just waiting to eat and drink."

I guess? I’m just eating and waiting. Drink?

Dead pig?

Why is Leng Qingxue so crazy? Su Chen doesn't need Leng Qingxue to take care of him, nor does he need Leng Qingxue to find food for him, nor does Leng Qingxue warm his bed. Does Leng Qingxue care too much about him? Su Chen doesn't need Leng Qingxue to take care of him.

Chen took off his sunglasses and asked,

"Leng Qingxue, what are you doing today?"

Su Chen took off his glasses and was not worried about the girls discovering that he was a zombie.

Half a month ago,

Su Chen's face returned to rosy. Although his eyes were still a little red, they were not as red as before. When the girls saw him His appearance would not guess that he was a zombie, and Lin Yun and Song Yuxi would not tell him that he was a zombie.

Leng Qingxue said seriously,

"Su Chen, I contacted the army today. Some troops are at the Jiangbei Police Station. There are more than 300 soldiers and police there. We people can go and meet with the army."

Su Chen shook his head and refused,

"Don’t go!"

"you....You don't want to go? Do you want to take Zhao Ya and the others to stay in the villa?"

"Leng Qingxue, do you want to take Zhao Ya and the others to the police station?"


Su Chen frowned and said,

"Leng Qingxue, if Zhao Ya and the others want to leave, you can take them away 4.3. I won’t stop you."

"You really don’t want to leave?"

Leng Qingxue asked seriously.

She was leaving the villa to go to the police station.

Leng Qingxue only contacted the army a month later. She is a soldier and she wants to protect civilians with the army.

"will not leave!"


Is he well fed? Does he go to the police station to meet with the army? Does a zombie dare to go?

Even if Su Chen is not a zombie, he cannot be with the army and police.

If he meets with the army Together,

Su Chen's weapons and equipment will be taken away, and it's not certain whether the army can protect him.

"Su Chen, forget it if you don’t leave. Zhao Ya, Cui Siying, you gather everyone, we will go to the police station to meet with the army."

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