Su Chen felt that big trouble was about to happen.

Well, it had only been more than a month. How could there be a zombie wave?

Only some zombies begin to evolve and mutate. Could it be that an advanced evolved zombie has appeared?

Su Chen thought about it and said hurriedly,

"Hanxi, notify everyone immediately that we have to leave the villa area. The zombie wave is not something we can handle."

"OK sir."

Su Chen saw Mu Hanxi going to inform others. He touched his chin and started thinking, where to escape?

No district in the magic city can be safe. There are millions or tens of millions of zombies. Su Chen thought about it. Everyone's scalp is numb.

He is a zombie.

He can blend into the zombie wave, but what about the girls in the villa? They will be dead if they encounter the zombie wave.

"How about going to sea?"

Su Chen thought about it and thought it was good. There can't be zombies on the sea. As long as he takes the girls to find a boat on the beach, they will be very safe when they sail to the sea.

In the living room of the villa, thirty-eight women gathered in full armor. In the living room, they got the news that the zombie wave was coming

"What are we going to do? Escape from the villa area?"

"Xu Xuan, we definitely can’t stay in the villa area. There are hundreds of thousands of zombies at the beginning. In a few days, there may be millions or even millions. It’s a dead end for us to stay in the villa area."

"Yes, we need to rush 270 to evacuate the villa area, but where should we evacuate?"

"Yes, the zombies in the Magic City may gather together, and the zombie wave will sweep across the entire Magic City. No matter where we escape, it will not be safe."

"That's right. Just wait for your husband's instructions. He will definitely think of a way."

After Shangguan Yalan and Lin Yun talked for a while, they all looked at the stairs. They must escape from the villa area, but wherever they want to escape, they will follow Su Chen's arrangements.

After a while ,

Su Chen came down and looked at the girls and said,

"Are you all ready? We need to leave the villa area and start our escape. Shangguan

Yalan asked worriedly.

"Sir, what should we do with the daily necessities here?"

The other girls also looked at Su Chen.

There were many supplies they had collected in the villa.

If they wanted to leave the villa area where they had been living, they would not be able to take away so many supplies.

Su Chen said with a smile,

"Don't worry about the daily necessities. I will find a way to take care of them. You should all bring your belongings. We will leave (abcc) in half an hour. Cui

Siying asked,

"Sir, where are we going?"

Su Chen walked to the wall and pointed at the map and said,

"We are going to the beach to find a boat to go to the sea. On the sea, we can not only avoid the tide of zombies, but there will also be no zombies threatening us on the sea."

"OK sir, we'll get ready right away."

The girls all nodded when they heard Su Chen's words.

The sea is indeed safer and there is no threat from zombies. As long as they have enough living materials, they can wait for the zombie tide to recede.

Su Chen came to the villa In the warehouse, he looked at the numerous living supplies and smiled.

The girls collected a lot of supplies in a month.

There were not only many kinds of food in the warehouse, but also a lot of luxury accessories, sexy dresses, There were also some colorful underwear. Su Chen's eyes were filled with tears just looking at them.


Su Chen waved his hand and put all the items away.

At the entrance of the villa,

Su Chen deployed armored vehicles and armed off-road vehicles. Four armored vehicles and five armed off-road vehicles. He was going to let the girls drive these vehicles to the beach.

"gentlemen? How did these armored vehicles and armed off-road vehicles appear?"

After a while, (to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) the women appeared outside the villa one after another.

After they saw the armored vehicles and armed off-road vehicles outside the villa, all the women were stunned. They were very familiar with the villa area. They had never seen armored vehicles or off-road vehicles in the villa area. Why did armored vehicles and armed off-road vehicles appear outside the villa all of a sudden?

Su Chen waved his hand with a smile and said,

"You will know this later, Shangguan Yalan, you arrange for women who can drive to drive these vehicles. Armored vehicles are almost the same as cars. You will be fine even if you hit the wall."

"OK sir!"

Half an hour later, the women in charge of driving were all familiar with the control of the armored vehicle. The cost was that a large part of the outer wall of the villa collapsed, and even the door of the villa was knocked out.

"Set off!"

Su Chen waved and got on an armed off-road vehicle. Xu Xuan and Zhao Ya were sitting in the same car with him.

The machine guns on the armed off-road vehicle, the controlled machine guns and small missiles on the armored vehicle were all used to deal with zombies. Big killer.

Da da da......

Boom boom boom.......

Along the way, the zombies encountered were blown up by machine guns, and the roadblocks were cleared by small missiles from armored vehicles.

"Car No. 3’s idea, there are hundreds of zombies on your right, don’t be surrounded."

"Command car, No. 3 car understands"

"Car No. 5, start the missile attack. The target has been marked with coordinates for you."

"Car No. 5 understands."

Su Chen heard the voice from the communicator in the car in the middle, and a smile appeared on his face.

There are really many talents among the girls. Some are good at driving, some are good at computers, and their command skills are getting better and better. Well, ahem, she also has good makeup skills, especially the girls wearing sexy pajamas at night. Su Chen can't get enough of it every time.

"Sir, the drone has spotted dozens of survivors ahead."

"survivor? Xiao He, are they on our only path?"

When Su Chen heard the reminder from the communicator, he was a little confused.

How could there be survivors on the road? Did the survivors also discover the zombie wave?

"Yes, sir!"

"Don't worry about them. If they dare to stop us from moving forward, just kill them."

"Yes, sir!"

At this moment, on the overpass, people like Bao Xiong and others are surrounded by zombies. There are only less than thirty people left out of hundreds. There are hundreds of zombies around, and everyone is desperate.

Bang bang bang.....

A younger brother shouted while shooting,

"Boss, what should I do? Can't we escape?"

The violent bear ordered loudly with a fierce look on his face,

"Hold on, as long as Wei Zi fixes the rope, we can slide down the overpass."

"Boss, look, a convoy of about ten vehicles is coming. Are we saved?".

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