The sentient beings of the ancient world looked up at the Eye of Heaven above the nine heavens.

Some of the immortals showed angry expressions.

They couldn't understand that the world of the ancient immortal world was about to end.

Why did the heaven of the ancient world not allow the Emperor Su Chen to return? Why is Emperor Su Chen not allowed to save the prehistoric fairy world?

【punish! 】


After a cold and ruthless voice came out, a terrifying thunder punishment instantly wiped out the Daluo Jinxian who questioned the way of heaven.

When a golden immortal saw Da Luo Jinxian being killed by Heaven, he shouted angrily,

"Heaven is unfair, we want Emperor Su Chen to return"

【punish! 】


The Golden Immortal was also instantly wiped out by the terrifying thunder punishment.

"Heaven is unfair, we want Emperor Su Chen to return!"

"Heaven is unfair, we want Emperor Su Chen to return!"537""The way of heaven is unfair, we want Emperor Su Chen to return!""

"Heaven is unfair, we want Emperor Su Chen to return!"......

In the prehistoric immortal world, some immortals from various tribes and races shouted loudly.

The prehistoric heavenly way killed the prehistoric immortals. Some angry people could no longer bear it.

If Su Chen, the Emperor of Heaven, does not return, the prehistoric immortal world will be finished.

Their disciples and their tribes will all die.

They will die if they are killed by the prehistoric heaven. They will also die if they are killed by the ferocious beast realm and the demonic realm outside the realm three years later. Some immortals will not Concerned about life and death, resisting the prehistoric way of heaven

【punish! 】

Boom boom boom.....

In the prehistoric fairy world, terrifying thunder punishments fell everywhere for a while, and each immortal was wiped out by the terrifying thunder punishments.

The immortals and creatures in the prehistoric fairyland were all stunned.

In just a moment, the prehistoric heaven sent down thunder and punished millions of immortals. Is the prehistoric heaven crazy?

"how so? How could the prehistoric heaven be like this?"

"It’s over, it’s over, the prehistoric fairy world is really over"

"why is that? The return of the Emperor Su Chen can save the prehistoric immortal world. It is impossible for the prehistoric heaven to understand. Why would the prehistoric heaven refuse? Why are millions of immortals killed?"

"Damn it, God is unfair, we want Emperor Su Chen to return!"

"Heaven is unfair, we want Emperor Su Chen to return!"

【punish! 】

Boom boom boom.......

For more than half a month, the thunder punishments in the Great Desolate Immortal World have not stopped, and to this day, the Great Desolate Immortal World is still raining down thunder punishments.

The immortals in the ancient world were all desperate, and they would die sooner or later. Some immortals rebelled against the ancient ways of heaven.

In just over half a month, tens of millions of immortals were killed by the prehistoric heaven.

In the Six Paths of Reincarnation,

Empress Pingxin showed endless murderous intent in her eyes.

Is the prehistoric Heavenly Dao crazy?

The prehistoric Heavenly Way wantonly kills all creatures in the prehistoric times. What is the Prehistoric Heavenly Way doing?

"Jiuyou, ordered the underworld to extradite the souls of the immortals who were killed"

"Yes, empress!"

Empress Pingxin looked up at Jiutian and whispered,

"Primordial Heavenly Dao, you are seeking death. If Su Chen knew about this, he would definitely join hands with Luo Hu to destroy you first."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) In the prehistoric starry sky,

Luo Hu feels more and more unfamiliar with the prehistoric way of heaven.

The way of heaven is selfless, fair and just.

The sentient beings in the prehistoric fairy world let the emperor Su Chen return. The way of prehistoric heaven should allow it.

The ancient Heavenly Way not only refused, but also annihilated the ancient immortals who dared to question. Did the ancient Heavenly Way give birth to spiritual wisdom?

This is impossible, the Heavenly Way cannot give birth to spiritual wisdom, but what is going on?

Luo Hu thought about it and hurriedly ordered,

"The lazy devil immediately sent someone to contact the ruthless eldest princess. He must tell the ruthless eldest princess what happened in the prehistoric fairy world. He must let Su Chen know what happened in the prehistoric fairy world."

"Yes, Demon Ancestor"

"Su Chen, that damn bastard, big things have happened in the ancient world of immortality, why hasn't that bastard done anything yet?"

Luo Hu is getting more and more angry at Su Chen, but there is no way.

He can't defeat Su Chen's old bastard, and he can't find Su Chen's realm. Luo Hu is not only angry but angry at the moment.

Ladder Trial World,

Manor Here,

Su Chen became even more curious when he looked at the bound female zombie. She was a female zombie king, and she was also an agile and spiritual zombie king.

Although the female zombie king was injured and dirty, her human appearance had not changed at all..

"Su Chen, how do you deal with the Zombie King?"

Liu Rong was sitting next to Su Chen in a sexy dress. She was very dissatisfied with Su Chen checking on the Zombie King.

A sexy beauty was beside Su Chen, and

Su Chen was only checking on the Zombie King. Could a Zombie King be more powerful than her? Is it attractive?

Su Chen hugged the sexy and plump Liu Rong and said,

"I'll observe it for a few days first, Liu Rong, have you noticed that after the Psychic Female Zombie King evolved, except for her red eyes, nothing else changed about her. The Psychic Zombie King is completely different from other Zombie Kings."

Liu Rong leaned into Su Chen's arms and said doubtfully,

"It is different. Other zombie kings are very ugly and terrifying after evolution and mutation. The female zombie king has not changed at all and still has a human body. Is it because of different abilities and the direction of the evolution of the zombie king is also different?"

"I'll check it for a few days. If it doesn't work, wake up the Zombie King and check it again."

"No, Su Chen, the female zombie king is a spiritual zombie king. She can attack you even if she is tied up. You have no strength at all. You must not wake up the zombie king."

"Aren't you here?"

"Su Chen, even if we are by your side, we will not put you in danger."

"Forget it, let’s take a rest and talk about Zombie King 3.8 later."

Su Chen picked up the seductive and plump Liu Rong and walked towards the room.

A beautiful and seductive woman was beside him. He didn't bother to check the female zombie king.

Liu Rong lay in Su Chen's arms with a flushed face. She understood for a moment What will happen?

Among the eight girls, she is the fourth girl Su Chen gets.

Liu Rong did not expect that she would unknowingly fall into Su Chen's doubts and speculations for a year.

In the playground survivor base,

Cui Siying was annoyed. While drinking, she didn't expect Liu Rong to go to the manor. She was going to accompany Su Chen today. Is Liu Rong breaking the rules?

Xu Xuan patted Cui Siying on the shoulder and said,

"Sister Siying, you don’t have to be angry. Liu Rong suffered a lot tonight. She alone cannot be Su Chen’s opponent. We will have someone to tease tomorrow."

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