Murong Qingcheng looked at the bottom of the ladder.

Half of the women under the ladder were Su Chen's women. The other women were either Su Chen's confidante or his subordinates.

Su Chen selected five women to advance to the third level of the Holy Realm.

The others What about women?

Aren't they angry and angry?

Su Chen smiled and replied,

"No, my other women will not have any objections to my selection of Yan Fei’s five daughters to advance to the third level of the Holy Realm, and I also believe that my other women will not have any objections."

Su Chen is very confident.

He has many women.

There is no need to consider the women in the fairy world. It is only a matter of time before they want to advance to the holy realm. The women in other worlds and the women in the Godfall Continent all have good cultivation. But except for Bibi Dong and Cai Lin, the other women are dedicated to cultivation and know nothing about managing the Xuantian Realm.

Xiaobai, Xiaoqing, Xiao Xun'er, Little Fox, etc., they are practicing in addition to practicing.

In Tianxuan Continent, everyone The strength of the women is basically the same.

The five commanders-in-chief,

Huang Rong, Li Xiuning, Shen Luoyan, Mu Guiying, and Zhao Min, are all Daluo Jinxian. Their strength is enough to command the army.

The other women,

Madam Ye Di, Hua Baifeng, Shi Guanyin and the girls, they have been practicing in the time barrier, and they will be able to advance to the holy realm in just a few decades. The girls who are not practicing and playing around,

Yan Lingji, Shi Qingxuan, Shang Xiufang, her Golden Immortal and Taiyi The Jinxian's strength is more than enough. They don't need to go into battle to kill the enemy, nor do they need to fight against powerful enemies. They don't need to advance to the third level of the Holy Realm immediately.

Su Chen chose Yan Fei and Jing Salamander, as well as Kesha and Bibi Dong. , Cai Lin, the five of them have been managing the Xuantian Realm, and they are needed for the operation of the Xuantian Realm.

Su Chen chose them to advance to the third level of the Holy Realm first, because they did not have much time to practice in the Time Barrier.

Murong Qingcheng shook his head Said,"As long as your woman doesn't have any conflicts, it'll be fine"

"Ha ha.....Don't worry about this, they won't have any conflicts."


【Trialist, are you sure it's the five girls, Concubine Yan, Jing Salamander, Bibi Dong, Cai Lin, and Kesha? 】

Su Chen nodded and replied,


Swish, swish, swish!

Suddenly, the five girls, Yan Fei, Jing Salamander, Bibi Dong, Cai Lin, and Kesha, all appeared on the 10,000th floor of the ladder.

"Husband, why do we appear on the 10,000th floor of the ladder?"

"Husband, did you move us over?"

"Little bastard, why did you only move the five of us? Why didn't the other women move over?"

"Yes, sister Nuwa, why didn't they move over?"

"Husband, is it okay if you move us?"

The five daughters of Concubine Yan asked Su Chen one after another.

Their cultivation realms were not the strongest. They also had sister Nuwa who was in the holy realm, and Yun Yun and Athena who were in the powerful quasi realm. The pinnacle of sainthood.

Su Chen hugged Concubine Yan and Kesha and replied,

"Concubine Yan, Jing Salamander, Kesha, Bibi Dong, Cai Lin, you are all ready. The Holy Soul of the Ladder will instill your cultivation realm in a while, and you will all advance to the cultivation realm of the third heaven of the Holy Realm in ten breaths.

Concubine Yan asked in surprise,"What?" Husband, will we reach the third level of the holy realm soon?"

"That’s right, don’t ask questions yet, get ready quickly, the Holy Soul of the Ladder will start instilling it soon."

Concubine Yan and the fifth daughter Kesha hurriedly adjusted their breathing and prepared.

Although they had many questions, Su Chen reminded them that they could only ask Su Chen later.

Boom boom boom......

The Holy Spirit of the Ladder of Heaven began to be instilled. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The auras of the five girls of Concubine Yan began to increase.

After a while, the five girls advanced to the early stage of the first level of the Holy Realm, and their auras continued. promotion.

Murong Qingcheng said quietly,

"Suchen, I'm leaving."

Su Chen hurriedly hugged Murong Qingcheng and asked,"Qingcheng, are you leaving so soon?"

Murong Qingcheng leaned into Su Chenhuai (abbi) and explained,

"Well, I escaped from the ladder. Some Hongmeng Supremes in the Hongmeng World are familiar with my aura. I am worried that they will find the coordinates of the Chaos World."

"Alas, I didn’t expect that we would be separated so soon."Su Chen touched Murong Qingcheng's hair and said helplessly.

He didn't think that Murong Qingcheng would leave just after Murong Qingcheng got out of trouble.

It was too short-lived.

Su Chen was reluctant to let Murong Qingcheng leave. Su Chen hugged Murong Qingcheng tightly..Murong

Qingcheng reminded,

"Su Chen, we are only separated temporarily. A thousand years. A thousand years is just a blink of an eye for us. We will meet again soon. As long as you come to Hongmeng World, we will never be separated again."

"makes sense"

"Goodbye, Su Chen, I will wait for you in Hongmeng World."

Murong Qingcheng kissed Su Chen, and she stood up from Su Chen's arms. She was about to leave.

If she didn't leave as soon as possible,

Murong Qingcheng was worried that she would be reluctant to leave.

Su Chen waved his hands with a wry smile and said,"Goodbye, my Mrs. Murong. , I will go to Hongmeng World soon"



Murong Qingcheng took a deep look at Su Chen. She turned around and disappeared on the ladder in an instant.

"Bye now."

Su Chen took out a bottle of wine and took a sip.


He hates separation the most.

Su Chen and his woman have been separated countless times. Every separation makes him feel unhappy and sad.

Su Chen exhaled. He whispered,

"Phew, there is one last reward, the ownership of the ladder. I will be the controller of the ladder in the future. Where is the holy soul of the ladder? Will the Holy Soul of the Ladder be under his control?"

Under the ladder to heaven,

Nuwa and her daughters were all very surprised when they saw the situation on the ladder to heaven.

"The five daughters of Concubine Yan have all been promoted to the Holy Realm, and they are still in the process of promotion."

"This must be a reward for the heavenly ladder. My husband has chosen the holy realm of Concubine Yan’s five sisters."

"Yes, Concubine Yan and the others should be promoted to the Holy Realm. They have been managing the Xuantian Realm and do not have time to practice in the Time Result Realm. If they are promoted to the Holy Realm, they will not have to worry about being pulled down from the realm of cultivation in the future."

"Yes, apart from practicing, even if we can help Su Chen kill enemies, we can't help with the management of Xuantian Realm."

"That's fine, we don't have to worry about the five daughters of Concubine Yan complaining that we don't help them. Haha, the five of them should continue to manage Xuantian Realm."

"That's right. After the five daughters of Concubine Yan are promoted to the Holy Realm, we don't have to be embarrassed. Concubine Yan and the others should continue to work hard."

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