Su Chen nodded when he heard the words of the Holy Soul of the Ladder.

He knew all this.

Murong Qingcheng told him about the situation of Hongmeng World, a speck of dust?

The Chaos World is vast.

Su Chen wanted to travel around the Chaos World. He guessed that it would be impossible to do so in thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years.

The Chaos World was just a speck of dust facing the Hongmeng World. The Hongmeng World's It was so vast that

Su Chen couldn't believe it just thinking about it.

Concubine Yan asked Su Chen,

"Husband, has the Holy Spirit of the Ladder left?

Su Chen nodded and replied,"After leaving, the Holy Soul of the Ladder will return to all the worlds. There will be no more Holy Soul of the Ladder in the future.""

Bibi Dong reminded with a serious face,"Husband, the advice from the Holy Spirit of the Ladder to Heaven, we must be careful in the future, Hongmeng World is another starting point for us."

Bibi Dong, as well as Cai Lin and the girls, they heard from Su Chen about the Hongmeng World.

Murong Qingcheng came from the Hongmeng World. The Hongmeng World is much more powerful and terrifying than the Chaos World. The strong men in the Holy Realm are in the Hongmeng World. It’s just a bottom-level existence.

Cai Lin reminded Su Chen,

"Yes, husband, if you go to Hongmeng World in the future, you must not seek death and cause trouble again.

Kesha warned with a serious face,"Yes, husband, the world of Hongmeng is much more terrifying than the world of Chaos. You must not commit suicide willfully again.""890 Frightened Salamander held Su Chen's hand tightly. She knew Su Chen very well. She also knew exactly what kind of person Su Chen was.

Not seeking death?

Not causing trouble?

It's impossible for Su Chen to do that. ,

Jing Salamander did not believe that Su Chen could avoid seeking death or causing trouble.

Su Chen shook his head speechlessly and said,

"I see! I am fully aware of the horrors of Hongmeng World. How could I seek death in Hongmeng World?

Concubine Yan looked around and asked,"Husband, where is your beauty's holy soul?""

Su Chen replied with a sigh,

"After leaving, Murong Qingcheng escaped from the ladder, and her aura could not be hidden. If Murong Qingcheng stayed, other Hongmeng Supremes in the Hongmeng World would discover the Chaos World. She did not want to bring disaster to the Chaos World, so she had to leave."

Kesha said with a smile,

"Husband, you are now at the eighth level of the Holy Realm. When you advance to the 12th level of the Holy Realm, you can go to Hongmeng World, and you can also see Murong Qingcheng again."

"I see!"

Su Chen looked at the five daughters of Concubine Yan and nodded. He will definitely advance to the twelfth level of the Holy Realm within a thousand years. (abac) Hongmeng World. Su Chen will also go to see the Hongmeng World where strong men gather. World.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh......

Su Chen waved to the girls at the bottom of the ladder, and the girls at the bottom of the ladder appeared on the 10,000th floor one after another.


"little bastard!"

"Su Chen, you finally remembered us"

"Little bastard, you are such a bastard. It took half an hour before you brought us to the 10,000th floor of the ladder."

"Hum, husband, you have to make it up to us sisters"

"Yes, we have been waiting for you under the ladder for several years. You only thought of us after you climbed to the 10,000th floor of the ladder. Husband, you must make it up to us sisters."

After the Nuwa Empress and the girls appeared on the 10,000th floor of the ladder, they all denounced Su Chen.

Su Chen smiled and hugged the girls respectively. He understood that the complaints and denunciations of the Nuwa Empress and the other girls were false and they were intentional. She wanted to cause trouble for him because she deliberately wanted him to feel that he had neglected the girls.

Su Chen hugged the little fox beside him and said to the girls,

"Ladies, I have just gained full access to the ladder, please don’t accuse me unjustly."

Empress Nuwa asked,"You little bastard, does the ladder to heaven belong to us?"

"Yes, the ladder belongs to us from now on. You can climb the ladder whenever you want. Yan

Lingji hugged Su Chen and shouted,"Wow!" Husband, the ladder to heaven belongs to us, and we will not be able to climb it casually in the future."

Su Chen kissed Yan Lingji and replied, (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Yes, you can climb the ladder at any time, but the difficulty of climbing the ladder will not change. Baby Yan, don’t think too much. You can’t climb the ladder opportunistically."

Yan Lingji's face turned red instantly.

She didn't expect that Su Chen would guess her plan. With all the girls nearby, Yan Lingji felt a little embarrassed lying in Su Chen's arms.

"Ha ha....."

The girls laughed when they saw Yan Lingji blushing.

They understood Yan Lingji's plan.

Yan Lingji and Wanwan were the last ones to climb the ladder. Yan Lingji wanted to use Su Chen to control the ladder. She thought Let Su Chen help her climb to the 10,000th floor of the ladder in one fell swoop.

Wanwan laughed at Yan Lingji,

"Yan Lingji, you are shameful. Yan

Lingji glared at Wanwan and explained,

"Wanwan, am I not doing this for us? We are tied for last. If we climb to the 10,000th floor in one fell swoop, we will be the second and third people to climb to the 10,000th floor of the ladder."

"Yan Lingji, you can exploit loopholes, but others can't?"

"Idiot, Wanwan, we exploited the loophole in the first place and others were a step behind us. We will no longer be tied for last place in the future."

"Yan Lingji, you are so hopelessly lazy."

Su Chen shook his head when he heard Yan Lingji and Wanwan arguing. He took out the source of heaven and handed it to Nuwa Empress.

"Madam, this is the origin of the five heavenly ways. You and Yin Ji can share it with you."

Nuwa Empress smiled and said,"Husband, I will assign the source of heaven to the girls who are about to be promoted."

"Let’s go back to Xuantian Realm. I will open the ladder to all of you. You can climb it whenever you want."


In the chaos, in the Sky Blade battleship,

Su Yan's four sisters looked at the realm displayed on the monitoring screen. They were all very happy.

Su Yue asked Su Yan,

"Sister, this realm is a low-level realm, the heaven is the fifth level of the holy realm, and there are only two holy realms. Do we want to launch a realm war against this realm?"

Elena shouted excitedly,

"Sister, let’s start a realm war. There will be one heavenly realm in the fifth heaven of the holy realm, and two holy realms, one is the third heaven of the holy realm, and the other is the second heaven of the holy realm. We can destroy this realm. Su

Yao pulled Su Yan worriedly and said,"Sister, don't we inform our father and aunts first?""

"Need not!"

Su Yan touched his chin and thought.

In a low-level realm, the jade talisman in their sisters' hands can completely destroy the way of heaven. There are also two scum in the holy realm.

However, her black bird army is a trouble.

Su If Yan mobilized the Black Bird Army, their father, mother, and aunts would all find traces of their sisters.

Su Yan thought for a while and said with a serious face,

"I decided to destroy this low-level realm. If the two scumbags in the holy realm are willing to surrender, we can keep them first. Yue'er, let the butterfly-winged birds fly. I want to summon my black bird army."

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