Kun Tian was kicked out by Qian Lan.

He was so angry that he wanted to question Qian Lan and curse him, but he was stunned when he heard Qian Lan's words.

Yes, how could a realm not have a holy realm?

Su Yan is the princess of the Xuantian Realm. How could she not be protected by a powerful person from the Holy Realm?


Kun Tian instantly appeared next to Qian Lan and said,

"Light blue, there must be a holy realm around the little girl. Let’s quickly return to the realm of heaven and earth. With the way of heaven and earth here, it is not easy for other realms to invade the realm of heaven and earth. Qian

Lanyao shook her head and reminded,

"Do you think you can leave? Don't you feel like we're all locked into battleships? If the hidden holy realm takes action against us, Kuntian, do you think we can return to the Qiankun Realm safely?"

"what should we do?"

"Just wait and see, I hope the hidden holy realm is not too powerful."

Qianlan felt that escaping from"290" was not feasible. She didn't see a trace of the hidden holy realm. This showed that the hidden holy realm was very powerful. The Sky Blade Battleship and the hidden holy realm took action at the same time. She and the hidden holy realm took action at the same time. It might not be easy for Kun Tian to escape. At this moment, Su Yan turned back to look at Kun Tian and Qianlan. She was very satisfied with the Black Bird Combat Legion, a powerful combat legion, a person who had been promoted step by step from the mortal world to become an immortal. Combat Legion, Su Yan will restore the Blackbird Combat Legion to its former glory. Su Yan said with a cold face,

"The light blue of the Qiankun Realm, Kuntian, this princess will give you ten days. Surrender in the Qiankun Realm and avoid death, and those who resist will be killed without mercy. After ten days, my princess’ Blackbird Combat Legion will attack the Qiankun Realm.

Qianlan replied coldly,"The Qiankun Realm will not surrender, otherwise we will surrender.""


Qinglan has never thought of surrendering.

If she chooses to surrender, her holy realm origin may be robbed, and her soul may be controlled and become cannon fodder. She will not surrender even if she dies in battle.

Su Yan aside He curled his lips and said,"Don't surrender? You just wait to be massacred by my princess' Black Bird Combat Legion. You can leave. In ten days, the Realm War will break out."


Qian Lan glanced at Su Yan coldly, then at the Black Bird Combat Legion, and instantly disappeared into the chaos.

Realm war is inevitable.

She will inform the immortals in the Qiankun Realm to prepare for the realm war.

In ten days,

In only ten short days,

Qianlan wanted to gather all the immortals in the Qiankun realm.

Kuntian also disappeared into the chaos and started a realm war ten days later.

He was still seriously injured at this moment. In ten days, Kun Tian must recover from his injuries as soon as possible.

In the Sky Blade Battleship,

Su Yue asked doubtfully,

"Sister, how can we keep Qian Lan and Kun Tian?"

Su Yan smiled and replied,

"Yue'er, Qianlan and Kuntian are not enough to rely on. I want them to summon the immortals from the Qiankun Realm. If all the immortals from the Qiankun Realm gather together, we can catch them all in one fell swoop."

"So this is ah!"

Su Yue understood Su Yan's thoughts.

One battle will determine victory or defeat.

The eldest sister prepared a war to destroy the living forces in the Qiankun Realm. The powerful immortals in the Qiankun Realm were destroyed, the strong men in the Holy Realm were captured, and the Heavenly Dao in the Qiankun Realm was destroyed. Destruction, it will be very easy for them to occupy the Qiankun Realm.

Su Yan looked at the three sisters and said,

"We wait for ten days in the starry sky of the Universe Realm. After ten days, we will launch the Realm War!"

"Ok sister!"

"We listen to my eldest sister!"

"Yes, eldest sister!"

Su Yue, Elena, and Su Yao all nodded in agreement, and they became excited.

In ten days, a boundary war will break out.

They will start the boundary war earlier than their father, and their sisters will also He occupied a realm earlier than his father. In the prehistoric starry sky,

Su Chen's figure appeared here. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He did not go to see the Demon Ancestor Luohu first, and the prehistoric heaven went crazy. Su Chen wanted to Check it out for yourself.


I'm going.

Just as Su Chen approached the Great Desolate Immortal World, a lightning strike from the Great Desolate Heaven struck him.

Damn, the Great Desolate Heaven really went crazy.

Su Chen stood on the edge of the prehistoric starry sky, and he looked towards the Prehistoric Fairy World. Zou raised his eyebrows.

Su Chen, who is in the eighth level of the Holy Realm, doesn't care about the ancient ways of heaven at all.

If the heavens were not easily destroyed, he could slowly kill the ancient ways of heaven by himself. Boom boom boom boom......

The terrifying thunder punishments bombarded Su Chen one after another.

Su Chen did not dodge or use his spiritual treasure to block them. Even if he stood still, ordinary thunder punishments could not hurt him at all. 0.Whoosh!

Luo Hu instantly appeared next to Su Chen. He saw the Great Heavenly Dao slashing at the corner of Su Chen's mouth and twitched.

Damn it,

Su Chen is really an old bastard.

He discovered that the realm Su Chen exposed was the eighth level of the holy realm.

Every time Luo Hui saw Su Chen, the realm of this bastard would change. He was an old man who was a hundred times more sinister than Hongjun. Dirty pussy.

Su Chen turned around and said,

"Rahu, you are here! Luo

Hu shouted to Su Chen with a dark face,"Nonsense, I have been paying attention to the ancient heaven. If there is any change in the ancient heaven, I will know about it.""

"Luo Hu, have you found out the changes in Huangtian Dao? Luo

Hu replied with a serious face,

"After checking it out, Su Chen, the Ancient Heavenly Way has consciousness and thinking. I guess that Pangu had a backup plan before his death. The Ancient Heavenly Way should be Pangu's means of recovery."

Su Chen asked in surprise,"Is the Primordial Heavenly Dao conscious? Did you check it correctly? Luo

Hu shook his head and reminded,"I can't be wrong, Su Chen, the ancient Tiandao has recently destroyed several affiliated small worlds. Tiandao seems to be looking for something.""

"What to look for?"

Su Chen looked at the prehistoric immortal world in confusion.

What is the prehistoric Heavenly Dao looking for?

Sanqing? Is the prehistoric Heavenly Dao looking for the Sanqing?

If the prehistoric Heavenly Dao is the recovery method of Pangu's plan, Pangu will definitely take back 1.3 of his soul, the Sanqing. It is the transformation of Pangu Yuanshen. It is possible that the prehistoric heaven is looking for Sanqing.

Luo Hu asked Su Chen,

"Su Chen, did you think of anything? Su

Chen curled his lips and asked,"Luo Hu, didn't you also guess it?""


"It should be Sanqing."

Luo Hu touched his chin and said,

"What’s interesting is that Sanqing abandoned his holy position and fled the Great Desolate Immortal Realm. They made the right choice to escape. If Sanqing continued to stay in the Great Desolate Immortal Realm, they would definitely be swallowed up by the Great Desolate Heaven."

Su Chen nodded,


They are no threat at all now.

If Su Chen encounters Sanqing and Lao Yinbi Hongjun, he can crush them to death with one hand.

"Rahu, in one month, we will destroy the prehistoric heaven first, and my powerful saint will arrive in one month."


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